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Topics - Warzone

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General Discussion / My thoughts on current Blockland
« on: August 19, 2016, 05:02:29 PM »
      Hello everyone, this isn't a rant, just me giving my current feelings on Blockland. So where do we begin? Well, as of now, I'm felling kinda nostalgic and melancholy. See, I'm fairly new to the forums but not to the game, and I kinda wish I hadn't known the forums existed. And no its not because of the "cancerous community" or whatever, it's just that seeing the profiles of Mocheeze, Thorfin, etc and seeing all these outdated posts that had hope that they would return depresses me. To me, Blockland is dying. I know you're probably like "we've heard this a thousand times already" or whatever, it's just that we don't seem to be getting much updates for the game anymore. It's almost as if the developers are tired of Blockland, which doesn't surprise me. Blockand is an old game, and I get why they're tired. Im not yelling at Badspot or Rotondo or whoever to get their ass up and update it, I'm just saying that if they're tired of developing Blockland, than why don't they find new people to do it? I mean there are tons of experienced coders on the forums. Viso, Greek2Me, etc. I think at least one of them would be willing to work on Blockland more. I remember when I was younger playing on maps. It was so much fun, with all those secrets on Kitchen and Bedroom. That showed me that the developers cared for Blockland. When I found out about addons and how easy it is to install and make, again, that showed me that the devs care. Even when they removed maps it shows that they care, because they we're trying something new. But not anymore. I don't really know what it is, but I feel really depressed about the current state of Blockland. Thanks for reading this, sorry if its too long.

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General Discussion / GBFL Pics thread (NOT OFFICIAL)
« on: August 18, 2016, 07:08:58 AM »
Just wanted to show off a few pics of the EULA Opening I snapped last night:

Probably gonna snap more as it progresses. I was unable to get more pics of the opening and any pics of the game because i had to go. I came back around the time the game ended :/

Help / In game GUI addon?
« on: August 16, 2016, 05:48:10 PM »
I am trying to find an addon, if it even is an addon, that lets you do commands like OnActivate/Player(or Self I forget which)/showGui or something like that. You can add custom words so it would be like "Enter this room?" and you can select Yes or No. I've also seen Cancel and Ok as options. Is this an addon or what? Any and all help is appreciated

Suggestions & Requests / GUI/Timer request/Hunger and thirst addon
« on: August 15, 2016, 08:15:59 AM »
I would like to have a timer very similar to the ZAPT one except when it ends, it chat messages everyone in the minigame, instead of reseting it. I would also like the addon where a GUI pops up on your screen and you can select No, Ok, Yes, etc. Finally, does anyone know where a good Hunger and Thirst addon is? I have the new RPGx except H+T hasn't been added yet.

Off Topic / Really awesome pic tbh
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:33:23 PM »

Off Topic / I found a song
« on: August 14, 2016, 06:36:34 PM »
I found a song that made me stuff bricks (not literally):

Suggestions & Requests / CityRPG
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:46:49 PM »
anyone have a working CityRPG addon? The ones I got off of Swollow's RTB archive don't seem to be working

Off Topic / Newbie to programming
« on: August 09, 2016, 03:46:32 PM »
       I want to get into programming, and start to make mods for Blockland. What engine is recommended to start programming? I'm looking for something both simple to learn and good for newbies

Help / Need help with Client/CenterPrint
« on: August 08, 2016, 12:46:07 PM »
     I'm trying to give directions for new players on my server, but I don't have enough space to fit the first part of the tutorial. How do you make it where events will show some text for a certain amount of time and then another thing of text for a certain amount of time?

Suggestions & Requests / Player Edit Only
« on: August 08, 2016, 11:31:40 AM »
I need a script or something that will allow a player to only build in a certain area. I'm making a RP where the players can choose a house, and I want them building in and on the house and not on the street in front of them. As always, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.

General Discussion / FMRP or Isla de Bloque RP
« on: August 07, 2016, 08:50:28 AM »
Should I continue on making a Futuristic Military Roleplay or should I create an Isla de Bloque RP. I'll elaborate more on what I mean for Isla de Bloque RP. There'd be two factions, the Rebellion and the Communist Party of Isla de Bloque. (CPIB) You play as the CPIB in trying to wipe out the rebels and continue the Communist dictatorship. I'll try to make this less horrid than my Military RP. The FMRP I'm making currently has three worlds, and only two buildings. The premise for the FMRP is that you are the Versakans, a force allied with a powerful being called the Corruption. They are stationed in a secret underground bunker on a faraway ice planet. You have to fight alongside your brothers and take down the USSC. So which sounds better? You decide.

Off Topic / Pink Floyd thread
« on: August 05, 2016, 11:57:46 AM »
Post your favorite Pink Floyd songs here

Here's mine:

Help / How to Make Bots Respawn
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:31:11 AM »
I'm trying to make a thing where when you click this brick, bots will spawn. But I want these bots to not respawn once killed. So I did that, but I want that brick I used the bots to spawn in the first place to respawn the dead bots. How do you do that?


Also a Space Weapons pack would be nice, thinking about hosting a Future Army RP or something. Thanks

Help / Is There any way to Fix the Addon bug with Mac/Steam users?
« on: July 31, 2016, 01:06:43 PM »

Is there like a script or something I can inject somewhere to fix the bug where addons won't load with Mac/Steam users?

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