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Topics - Doctor Disco

Pages: [1] 2 3
Help / Alt-Tab Freezing Game
« on: November 25, 2018, 01:24:43 PM »
This issue does not affect me directly, but my friend (does not have a forum account) has been experiencing this ever since he got a new mouse and keyboard.

He says that when tabbing back into Blockland, whether using Alt or just Esc-clicking back in, it freezes up the game (and only this game) for a good three minutes. He's tried clean-installing to Windows 10 from 7 and it has not fixed it.

His specs:
Windows 10 pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8CPUs), ~3.4GHz
12288MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Add-Ons / [Bricks] More No-Collides (New Thread due to error)
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:38:36 AM »
(Original thread was deemed 'Too-old' to post in or edit)

I've taken the original addons listed below and modified them to now include a no-collide variety alongside the regulars.
A simple thumbnail for the no-collides was added, as-well as a separate category.
Please read the download instructions before using.

Included Packs Converted:

Leaves the Originals Unmoved

New Category / Icon


In case you are worried, back up the listed add-ons. (If you already have them.)
Replace the add-ons in your folder with the ones you downloaded, or they might conflict with each-other.

Dropbox Download
Google Drive Download

If you have any problems with the pack please tell me, I'll address them when able. Even take it into your own hands if you want.

Credit for the originals/bricks themselves go to their respective owners:
Masterlegodude, siba, Demian, Tophius, Pass, Kris, and Emil.
(If I missed someone, please notify me.)

Add-Ons / [Bricks] More No-Collides
« on: April 02, 2018, 12:38:04 PM »
These are some extra no-collides that reorganize the current ones for small-bricks into a category, add a print, and include other addons as water bricks.

Included Packs turned No-Collide:

New Category / Icon

Leaves the originals unmoved

If you already own the original addons, replace them with these or experience errors! No-Collide pack includes them for convenience!

Extract addons from the Zip.

Dropbox Download
Google Drive Download

If you have any problems with the pack please tell me, I'll address them when able. Even take it into your own hands if you want.
Credit for the originals/bricks themselves go to their respective owners:
Masterlegodude, siba, Demian, Tophius, Pass, Kris, and Emil.

Help / Blockland wont launch
« on: January 14, 2018, 05:41:27 PM »
I recently installed new hard-ware / a fresh hard-drive and OS, and after solving a bunch of unrelated problems, tried to load up Blockland. It says I'm playing for a few seconds, then stops. Nothing opens. I looked in task manager, and Blockland does show up for a bit, then disappears.
I have a Ryzen 3 - 1200 CPU, and an AMD RX 550 GPU. I've installed all necessary drivers from their sites (to my knowledge).

Modification Help / Edit properties of the default tools
« on: December 26, 2017, 03:33:14 PM »
Is there any tutorial or list of things to know regarding how to edit properties of all the default tools? Specifically the wrench, and it's menus/toggle boxes. I'm looking to set permissions for certain things regarding the tools (like disabling events and tool-spawning for some people or making the hammer unable to delete bricks unless given permission). I'd like to know how to do these more-so than just have someone else do it, so I could learn a little more.

I tried to jump into this on my own, figuring I got enough knowledge in to do really basic things. But absolutely none of the things I've tried to implement work.

Some of the code is already in the RP-Chat mod.
Keep in mind I'm very very new to doing this, so a lot of it might look odd. If anyone could help fix these issues and explain how to do so/why these fixes do what, that will be awesome.

   function serverCmdwarn(%client, %target, %msg) //To warn players of their wrongdoing. Is the only command that worked. I planned to notify the person warning that their warn went through. (And I know how to do so.)
      if (!%client.isAdmin)
      %target = findClientByName(%target);
      messageClient(%target, '', "\c3[You have been warned by \c6" @ @ "\c3 for ''\c6" @ %msg @ "\c3''\c3]");
      %timeswarned[%target] += 1;

   function serverCmdtimeswarned(%client, %target, %timeswarned) //for admins to see how many times a player was warned.
      if (!%client.isAdmin)
      %target = findClientByName(%target);
      messageClient("\c3" @ %target @ "\c6 has been warned \c3" @ %timeswarned[%target] @ "\c6 times.");
   function serverCmdclearwarns(%client, %target, %timeswarned) //to clear the warnings a player has
      if (!%client.isAdmin)
      %target = findClientByName(%target);
      %timeswarden[%target] = 0;
   function serverCmdtoggleOOC(%client) //To turn off the OOC
      if (!%client.isAdmin)
         if (%oocmute = 1)
            %oocmute = 0;
            announce("\c6The \c3OOC \c6has been disabled!");
         else if (%oocmute = 0)
            %oocmute = 1;
            announce("\c6The \c3OOC \c6has been enabled!");
   function serverCmdMute(%client, %target) //To mute players from using the OOC
      if (!%client.isAdmin)

      %target = findClientByName(%target);
      $isMuted[%target.bl_id] = true;
      messageClient(%target, '', "\c6You have been OOC muted by \c3" @;
      echo( SPC "muted" SPC;
      messageClient(%client, '', "\c6You muted \c3" @;
   function serverCmdTeamMessageSent(%this, %msg) //Using the mute and toggle commands
      if (%oocmute = 1)
         messageClient("\c3The OOC is disabled!");
         if (!%isMuted[%target.bl_id] = true)
            messageClient("\c3You are muted!");
            serverCmdOOC(%this, %msg);

   function serverCmdMessageSent(%this, %msg) //again using the mute&toggle commands
      if(!%this.hasSpawnedOnce || !isObject(%this.player))
         //If they haven't spawned, OOC.
         if (%oocmute = 1)
            messageClient("\c3The OOC is disabled!");
            if (!%isMuted[%target.bl_id] = true)
               messageClient("\c3You are muted!");
               serverCmdOOC(%this, %msg);
      //code continues here but with it's original purposes
   function ItemData::onPickup(%this, %obj, %user, %amount) //Trying to notify admins when people pickup items
      Parent::onPickup(%this, %obj, %user, %amount);
      serverCmdAdminChat(%user @ "picked up an item!");

   function Weapon::onPickup(%this, %obj, %player, %amount)
      Parent::onPickup(%this, %obj, %player, %amount);
      serverCmdAdminChat(%user @ "picked up a weapon!");

Put it in quotes for the //

Modification Help / A clock.
« on: December 10, 2017, 12:30:36 PM »
I'm just looking for a code that will add a day every so many seconds/minutes/hours. That's really it.
I've jumped from CityRPG codes to little documentation things but I haven't found it, and I'm sure it's simple (And I could just be blind). If anyone could drop it here that'd be nice.

Suggestions & Requests / Free Teleport link is completely broken
« on: October 10, 2017, 04:27:30 PM »

Anybody have an alternative download source?

General Discussion / [Resolved]
« on: September 19, 2017, 06:48:44 PM »
The last time I was unable to connect to a friend in the sense of it just doing this:

and nothing else, it was because the "matchmaking server" was down (as I found after posting a Help thread). The issue is back, and I've found three servers failing due to it.
(Other evidence)

(Old thread)

I sent a PM, I guess this can be a notification until Badspot gets on and fixes it.

Suggestions & Requests / Sinking in water instead of floating.
« on: September 01, 2017, 07:58:04 PM »
Self explanatory for the most. Could anybody spare a couple minutes to throw together a player-type, or maybe little script that will make the player sink instead of float in environment/brick water? I have no clue how to do it. And I'm not sure if it already exists.

Off Topic / Toy Story - Andy's Dad ~ Origins Confirmed.
« on: June 23, 2017, 07:36:12 PM »
Yesturday one of my favourite channels on film theories and such released a video regarding Toy Story. I originally skipped over it out of carelessness, and then went back to it a few hours later. Watching the video brought a very shocking discovery. Not a theory, or anything like that. A story detailing everything regarding Andy's father from Toy Story, brought to us by a very close friend (Mike Mozart) of the late Pixar writer Joe Ranft. This story reveals why Woody doesn't know how special he is in TS2, why Andy's mother knows Al, and where the hell Andy's dad went in TS1.

[Video] Super Carlin Brothers - Andy's Dad

I should forewarn, this video is nineteen minutes long. But if you're super into this kind of thing, I definitely recommend it. For the time being I will assume the video details a true story, considering the sources. But who knows? Nobody yet, since Ranft died in a car accident. Unless Pixar speaks up and denies it all.

I also typed out the story, in case you don't want to listen to J speak.

Andy's Dad's Origins Text Documented.
Excuse my grammatical/spelling errors, if you can. I try my best not to make them.

You'll notice in Toy Story 1 the family is moving.. Which is one of the main points. The house they are leaving is not theirs, but in fact belongs to the parents of Andy's Dad. Most theories regarding Andy's father state there must have been some rough divorce, since there are no photos on the wall of his dad. That is entirely false. The photos in the house that you see are actually Andy's dad as a kid. Jump back to 1957, (I know it's the late 1950s but the last number could be wrong, correct me if so.) Andy's father (Also named Andy. Meaning if I say Andy from here on out, I refer to the father as a child.) is poor and very sickly. He's made fun of in school by his peers. One who happens to be Al from Toy Story 2. Not really important, so, anyways. Andy is a big fan of Woody's Roundup. A show produced by a cereal company at the time. The company decided to promote all of this with a boxtop contest. Collect 30 boxtops, send them in, and you could receive a Woody's Roundup toy. One prototype was made for Woody so far. Andy tries and tries but, only managed to get seven at the end of the deadline with his financial situation. He decides to send in a letter begging for a toy, despite not making the time, and decorates it very nicely. Meanwhile, Sputnik happens, and suddenly nobody wants cowboy stuff anymore. It's all about space! The cereal company looses a ton of money from this. They decide to toss the prototype out and give all of the kids who won some random space toy. One secretary, with all of the letters at her desk, thought the kids would be upset with this. So she took the prototype out of the garbage and sent it to who she thought was most deserving. Aka.. Andy. Unfortunately, on receiving this, his sickness grows worse. Andy suffers from Polio. At the time, vaccines existed, but weren't widely used (or something of those lines.); So Andy has to go to a facility to heal while his possessions are lined up on his front yard to be burned. Andy doesn't want this to happen, so he crawls out of his bed without the use of his legs, all the way to his yard. He grabs three very important toys..
Slinky (The dog), Mr. Potato Head, and Woody.
Obviously, Andy recovers. He goes on to have his named after son, Andy, with the wife (Mom) we see in 1997 and all other movies. (When I say Andy from now on, I refer to the current, child one.) They move to Seattle, and are now expecting Molly (Mollie?). Unfortunately, again, something strikes. Andy's father gets "Post-Polio Syndrome", which is detailed as much much worse than Polio, and effects other parts of the body. (I got lost, so it is unclear to me whether or not they moved to Andy's Father's Parents now or later. Not important.)
Andy's father called him over to his bedside, and gave Andy a key from his wallet. He told Andy to go into the attic and retrieve a chest. Andy went up. But.. by the time he came back down with the chest.. Andy's father had passed away. Andy forgets about the chest and the key, only to open it after the funeral.
The toys, having been asleep for all of this time, have no idea their owner died. They don't even know the Andy we see in Toy Story, isn't the Andy they knew. They believe him to be their original owner.
And after that, que all Toy Story events.

This explains many things, and adds some explanation:

Woody has no gun in his holster, most likely from being a prototype.

Al seems to know Andy's mother for no reason in TS2.

The handwriting of "Andy" on Woody's foot is different than Buzz's~ since Andy's father wrote Woody's, and his son wrote Buzz's.

The pictures in the house they leave have an Andy with glasses, but the Andy in 1997 Toy Story does not seem to have any.

Why Woody is super valuable to Al's Toy Barn in TS2, and why he's regarded as rare by them.

There's probably more, but that's all I remember.
My intention was not to directly copy the words of The Super Carlin Brothers or Mike. I watched the video once and described the situation from memory. (Which is why I put (?) for some scenarios. If anything needs to be corrected that you notice, please tell me. I'll fix it as to not confuse others who actually care to read it.) If any of the phrases I used sound similar, it's probably because I was thinking of how it was said and didn't change it.

Help / "You can't join a game because you haven't authenticated..."
« on: June 21, 2017, 08:09:27 PM »

I'd put this in my other topic but I wasn't sure if it was relevant. I did search before posting, but the only topic I discovered was not very helpful. This just now happened, (Steam), and I'm not really sure why.

Help / Connection issues on a server I was able to get on before.
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:19:50 PM »
I've been assisting my friend in a project for a few days, no issues whatsoever. Today, while I'm out somewhere, I open up a Surface tablet and try to connect to his WIP. Instead of connecting, it just sits idle with this "Connecting to IP ADDRESS with password." prompt. I tell him the internet is probably different, and wait until I get home. There, I go on my desktop computer (The Surface is now at someone else's house), and try to connect, believing it will have no issues.
But then, I'm presented with the same thing.

I have had this issue before on his other servers, many times in the past. It wouldn't go away sometimes, either. It'd be a week, or a few days before I try again out of curiosity, and it actually works. But right now, I'd really like to be there.
His location compared to mine is pretty far, if that effects anything. Alaska & Pennsylvania.

Off Topic / Official LazyTown Channel made a We Are Number One edit.
« on: December 09, 2016, 03:05:13 PM »

Off Topic / Should I be talking to my parents about this?
« on: November 23, 2016, 07:16:22 PM »
[Obligatory edit out due to issues.]

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