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Topics - kyle222

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i really cannot believe how one-sided and simple minded many of you can be at times
times are changing and it should not be difficult for people to come out with their feelings
just because you do not understand doesnt mean you should automatically hate people who feel this way
dont get me wrong, there are many good people within the topic who were supportive and understanding

but the people that werent

i dont get why people want to be rebellious and choose/make their own ''gender'' you were born with a gender, and you need to stick with it

if you're a guy, you're a guy
Haha, hooooo boy, the attention whoring is real.
Born a man stay a man. Born a woman stay a woman. What's so hard about that?
Why would someone post this topic just to talk about how they're different. It sounds like a plee for attention. How would other people know if you didn't talk about it. Also publicly saying that you are won't really change much. It would just feed some hungry trolls looking for these types of things.

there is probably much more but i dont want to type a whole bunch

im not trying to be a tumblrite or social justice warrior or any stuff like that, its just that anyone who does this sort of stuff makes me wonder if any progress is really being made in the world realizing that people are people no matter what they think of themselves

these are people, people
just because you dont understand their views about themselves doesnt mean you cant understand their feelings when you kick them down or say stuff like "why cant ya just be what god made'ya boy"
cause youve all been stuff on in one point in your life, and i know that if you were put into the same situation that they are in, you wouldnt want someone else talking to you that way

all persons deserve respect and thats a lot to ask of you big boys out there on the forums
even though it shouldnt be

Off Topic / its fine
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:56:32 PM »

Off Topic / "heartbleed"
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:57:25 PM »

why dont you guys just read up
and tell me what you think
/ other people who read this

Off Topic / anyone need someone to talk to
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:51:31 PM »
if any of you out there need someone to talk to about stuff then i can be your guy
just pop me a message and ill do my best to help you feel better / anything you'd like
i see topics of tragedies and things going on here sometimes
so if you need help dealing with stuff then yeah i can try my absolute best

i dont really know what you'd post here so
hows the weather
how was your day
get any new video games

EDIT: my steam accounts KYLE KYLESON if youre wondering
and i got a skype, kyle.bojangles
thats all folks

Off Topic / oh man i actually wanted to go to school
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:12:16 PM »
loving -35 degrees and we already had two snowdays
i mean i thought i was gonna have it yesterday too but hell no
now theyre gonna add time to our day and i dont think im getting a spring break dfhosafda

Creativity / Xauric: Alphamatic Replacement [Piano / Guitar cover]
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:33:06 AM »
alright before i post this link, i didn't play this, but one of my friends did
and i feel as if it should get a few more views because it's awesome and all that
his name is Makogeddon, and he played this

it's a cover of this song

Drama / BDX777 - revelations
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:15:10 AM »
Recently, BDX777 had been stirring up a bunch of stuff.  Unnecessary topics, etc, acting like an idiot in general.
For the forum users who constantly go to the drama section, they should know what I'm talking about.

And why acting negatively to a user who has been here for less than a week doesn't exactly solve anything.
Which is why I had intervened.  I sent him a private message telling him to clean up his act.
In a nice way.

I do hope you can forgive him for his actions.  By now, he should've apologized for his actions.
I know that once you forget up on the blockland forums, especially on the drama section, then
the stuff that's on your shoulders does not roll off for a while.  Deciding to intervene was something
that surprised me.  What surprised me even more is that he considered the advice I had given him,
and most likely will not do it again.

If he does, he'll be on his own.  Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone.

Off Topic / oh my god
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:36:45 PM »
my old posts
why are they so bad.

Drama / Glass, please grab some common sense.
« on: March 09, 2013, 12:18:03 PM »

I think he's set the world record for number of alts, as I am sure that there are many more.

I've been watching by this Glass scenario for a very, very long time.
Let's start with his recent post; Dear Badspot - Go forget yourself.
I'm going to start with the quote in the post.

If anything you are still more stupid then anyone here. Don't act like you got it bad, I have to deal with your stupid bullstuff all the time.

User was banned for this post

Quite frankly, flaming has many definitions to you.  In your mind, you simply stated what you thought.
You directly insulted him.
People don't like to be insulted.  To put it in basic terms, you're a bully, mate.  That's enough.

Now, the post:

I'm tired of this now, Badspot. If you want to keep banning my forum accounts, feel free, but stop banning my loving Keys that I am buying. I bought that key directly from your site, and you revoked it, again. Seriously, stop.

Just because you want a Happy Meal from McDonalds doesn't mean you can go revoking all my keys. You are now just doing it for fun. I did nothing.

 If this is your loving logic, then you might as well ban half the community. This isn't flaming, all I did was say something. Sorry if I hurt your little feelings.

You should seriously stop sitting on your ass doing nothing but looking for reasons to ban me just so you can pay for your loving crack. I'm tired of your stupid stuff and you should stop being a stupid cunt for once and learn to maybe respect your community. Because from what I see, you are a piece of loving stuff that sits on his ass all day.

You have now been revoking my keys for no reason, and just because I have the money, time, and loving fun of it, I am going to take legal action next time you unfairly ban me. Why? Because I loving can. Because you are a piece of loving stuff that thinks he can do whatever the forget he wants to people.

Just watch the forget out you old piece of stuff, because now i'm finished with you and your BS.

Legal action
There are many reasons why you cannot attempt to take legal action.
You have broken the forum rules purposefully and took many things to the extreme, including posting
research, which is forbidden for a good reason.

He's banning you over and over because the first one was supposed to be permanent.
You just kept coming back, which is NOT ALLOWED.  Sorry, but he's just going to keep
deactivating your keys as you are not supposed to exist.

I'm not with or against you.  I'd just like you to realize that your behavior is not acceptable in
any form of modern society.

Thank you.

Off Topic / Silk - interactive generative art
« on: November 17, 2012, 06:00:29 PM »

make the pretty pictures

Drama / Freeze
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:41:30 PM »
Before you say anything, yes, I know I made mistakes in my topic. Sorry about that.
Two posts clearly define him.

Hey you complete idiot. Just because someone else made it doesn't mean people can't say it's bad. It's like me posting a badly drawn face that I didn't draw and when people say it's not very good I go ballistic saying 'WELL JEEZ I DIDNIT MAKE IT SO STOP SAYING THAT'.

By the way you dumbo, nobody was being an starfish. People simply pointed out what was wrong with it then you started calling everyone a moron. Saying stuff like they should learn to read. Well maybe you should learn to be less of an anti-social twat. Calling someone a moron because they found an error isn't smart, and then on top of that calling them illiterate AND then going on to make a topic to lengthen out the argument even more (but all it's really done is alert everyone how stupid you are, it would have been easier just to wear a cap saying 'I'm Dumb' on the front)

After a long argument to that, he completely disregards everything I say and pulls another thing out of his ass:

Being an starfish = Pointing out it's to big/it doesn't work for him

Also apparently you don't know what ignorance is: It means not knowing basically. He said it was to big. How is that ignorance?

Please link me to where the meaningless insults were in that topic (BEFORE you called everyone a moron).

BY THE WAY: If a weapon sucks and you can't make it better, don't loving post it and expect good results you idiot.


Question: Did we drama him before? I remember the name.

It seems we have an internet tough guy on our hands. And it says you have to be 13 to join the forums, right?
Check the age.

The topic above shows a plea to stop and read things before you post. The entire addon topic of Stratofortress's
(not entire but mostly) thompson that was never released (the model was not the original code).  I thought it would be kind of cool to show the forums a weapon that started scripted reloads. Actual reloads.
But no.

This starfishry had to happen when I tried to give it to them, and they requested to add things. I said that
I could not (aggressively, that was a mistake). Many people complained of it being a fake, copied, or stolen.
I responded with a picture of him in my inbox giving me the addon.  We were friends.

Main idea:
Freeze.  Honestly.

Insulting me for a topic that states that I just want people to read things before posting. All of his insults, to me,
are completely unneeded.  He is probably going to come here and do the exact same thing.

I made mistakes, but the general idea is clear.

Drama / My M1A1 Thompson addon topic.
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:36:51 PM »
Before you report this, this is a drama of the ignorant morons who dont pay attention to anything that I loving
say there.  I'm not saying that I am taking power of a simple topic, they just wont pay attention and go off
posting something stupid.

I agree, I may have made some mistakes there.  No excuses.

Honestly, you know who you are. Read the stuff instead of the extremely annoying:

tl;dr kyle is still stupid.

Just knock it off, people.

Games / Old classics
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:56:49 AM »
Ah, the good old days of sprites and 2D sidescrollers.
Anyone play these anymore?
Wolfenstien 3D is one of my favorites.

Post any games that you used to like here!
(also, if you want to play them again, you probably can with

Seriously, stop it.

Didn't he steal someone's avatar?

>Walk to get juice
>Warning - while you were typing 4 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Warning - while you were typing 3 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

All of you. It's not needed.

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