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Topics - OrangeMan²

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Requests / Reupload of Swollow's Scavenge mod?
« on: September 20, 2017, 05:57:47 PM »
Does anyone have a copy of swollow's scavenge mod they can reupload?

Drama / Monte, Block King 124 and Blu2Scout - Cyberbullying
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:30:07 PM »
I am a christian man, and so I don't like to insult the disabled, but I feel this behavior crosses the line. As we all know, this game is infested with boring "rp"s where hosts use "just roleplay" as an excuse for every problem in the game. Common features of these servers are: only 1/5th of the server doing anything, being banned for killing people as part of a roleplay, power-tripping admins, not being banned for rdm as long as you do it with cronies, a butthurt playerbase that worship the server like it's divine, absolutely no game mechanics, the "roleplay" ending up being entirely controlled by admins/the higher ups in the server, gimmicky custom add-ons etc.

The following events happened in "Tekari's [AG] Town Roleplay"

Note that I didn't say anything before that, that was the only thing I said to incite this reponse.
this is a common response to criticism of the god-server. Every time the fact that a server is garbage is brought up, it is immidiately met with one of two responses
1 "just go to another server"
2 "its a roleplay so there cant be any flaws its just you"
There are, of course, no roleplays happening in the server. It's just people building. I could have built too, but I would have had to wait almost 2 days (no, that is literally not an exxageration) to do so, because everyone gets money at an extremely slow rate. Apparently there was some way to "play" the server that I didn't know about. Unfortunately, he never told me what it was.

As you can see, they love the prospect of people who hurt their feelings leaving, but are terrified at the prospect of ignoring a 20 pixel line of chat. This is because they were raised in a household without consequences, so the concept of personal responsibility has not yet developed in them. I hope that one day they will find Jesus and learn to stop using such foul, and hurtful, language, but that day has not yet come.
A super-admin on the server ,Monte, refers to "clearing mexicans bricks", this is a white supremacist phrase referring to the building of the border wall. Are we really suprised by this kind of tribal behavior on this server? You should also note that Monte is enraged by someone criticizing the server, but doesn't care about people trying to RDM players. This is because he is part of the roleplayers of Blockland, which need censorship to keep their servers alive.

Here, Block King124 calls me mentally handicapped. This is very offensive and mean-spirited. Also the admin Monte threatens me to leave the server "or else". I have a moral duty to make sure that this kind of behavior is not exposed to our youth, and so I carried on anyways.

Apparently next time I spoke out against him, it would be a perma.

Anyways, I have to go attend my habitat for humanity meeting to help orphans in Haiti. I hope you all now know to avoid these people at all costs!

Add-Ons / OrangeWeps - V0.3 - Kill Icons Added + Other Changes
« on: September 10, 2017, 11:51:32 AM »

WARNING: This pack is in early development, and is not yet polished. You have been warned.

This pack is a skin of Gravity Cat's special weapons pack made by me and a friend (who asked not to be named). Calling it a skin isn't very realistic, because it contains new weapons, new types of weapons, new emitters, new balancing and new sounds. In fact, almost all of it is unique except for the base code.


Gear and Gravity Cat - Base code and features from GCat's Special Weps
OrangeMan and Friend - New models, weapons, and changes to the code

If you find an issue with the mod, please report it to me via this thread.

-As with the original pack this was based on, I can't guarantee this won't mess with stuff, but it hasn't been shown to do that
-Some unimportant files still in the folder
-Discrepancies in sound level between some guns
-Some small issues with the models (namely flipped normals) that I will get around to later

This mod is fully compatible with GCat'sSpecialWeps (to the extent of my knowledge)

M202 (in development)
Super Shorty
Assault Rifles:

I want to add some more unique weapons to this pack, so I you know of some, please name them here.


Code: [Select]
-Added kill icons (will make them better looking later, but they work for now).
-Changed weapon prefixes to represent the class of weapon that an item belongs to:
OR: rifle
OE: explosive
OL: light machine gun
OA: assault rifle
OSM: submachine gun
OS: shotgun
OP: pistol
-Added firing animations for the Super Shorty, G-19 and some other weapons. Also added the plant animation to shotguns to make them "jump" when firing.
-Made the M249 model actually look like an M249, rather than an M4 skin.
-Added the SPAS-12 shotgun, with custom firing animations
-Changed RTB preferance category names, so it won't conflict with GCat'sSpecialWeps addon
-Fixed RPK sound (or lack thereof)
-Fixed the messed up galil sound (apparently torquescript doesn't like stereo sound)
-Added the following weapons:
          93R - Burst fire pistol with blowback animations
          Makarov - 8 round Soviet pistol
          Gyrojet - A semi-automatic carbine that shoots explosive round (basically a joke gun, but still cool.)
          M202 FLASH - Napalm rocket launcher. this weapon is not really finished, so its not turned on right now. If you want to enable it, add this line to the end of the server.cs file
-Slowed down the Uzi's rate of fire, and improved its sound to make it less earrape-y
-Fixed some other sounds
-Made magazine color for most weapons darker
-Corrected some improper normals
-Changed colors and added some details to models, mostly the M21 (Now named the SR-25)
-Made placeholder kill icons

V0.3 -
Older Versions:
V0.2 -
V0.1.1 -

It is highly recommended that you turn particle and texture settings to "best" before using this mod. It is also recommended that you use limited ammo (in the blockland glass/rtb settings tab) to ensure balanced play.

Right now there is an exploit in this pack, in that you can drop a weapon and pick it back up to replenish its ammo without reloading. To avoid this, please use one of the following add-ons to prevent non-admin or in-minigame item dropping (they're also generally important things to have in a polished DM or TDM)

Off Topic / an open proposal to badspot
« on: September 09, 2017, 10:31:45 PM »
as we all know, blocklanders spend lots of time and money to exact revenge upon people they feel have wronged them. They also spend tons of money on alts to rape the forums with. Usually, this costs badspot money and effort, but why not profit from it? That is why I propose this genius solution to the problem: Badspot will charge people to officially exact revenge on their enemies. I am used to thinking of genius ideas, but this one really took the cake. It'll be something like this:

$100 revoke key revoke-tion/ban on sight
$40 shut down a server you dont like for 2 days
$100 buy any id of your choice (user who owns that id gets new one)
$30 ban a user you dont like from the forums for a month
$65 perma enemy user from the forums
$75 revoke enemy user's key
$65 shut down server for a week
$20 revoke shutting down of your server
$20 add a prefix to your own name that will appear on every server you join
$30 add a permanent prefix to another person's name
$40 change a forum and in-game user's name
$1000 baddy reveals enemy user's email
$5000 baddy reveals enemy user's credit card info
$30000 baddy moves to enemy user's town, runs for mayor, and demolishes enemy user's house to build a highway
$50000 baddy becomes a hitman to kill enemy user

Off Topic / friendly reminder that hurricane irma
« on: September 09, 2017, 09:51:19 PM »
doesnt exist

it is a proven fact that the hurricane would have gone to the gulf coast if unobstructed. What actually happened was that it died out after it hit the virgin islands; florida is pretending to be hit by it for the welfare and insurance money from the fed. :iceCream:

General Discussion / OrangeMan's City RPG
« on: June 28, 2017, 08:48:09 AM »

Welcome to OrangeMan's City RPG, citizen. This server aims to change many of the long-standing problems with City RPGs, and help introduce new elements that give the game a longer lifespan. I am currently working on the code and finding a place to host from, but many features (and the map itself) are already finished.

The Old City RPG
the typical city rpg, regardless of its flavour (iban, ty, etc.) still has many critical flaws that prevent it from realizing its potential such as:
     •Salesman jobs are basically useless since someone will always set up a store selling everything at $1 profit. Furthermore, they dont get money from sales if they aren't there.
     •Since almost all jobs in the same education block pay the same, everybody becomes cops or criminals, since those jobs have weapons and added abilities.
     •Nobody actually does their job. It's mostly just a game of sitting around waiting for your paycheck.
     •There is basically no way to do poorly at the game, as you have no real expenses or problems besides providing food for yourself.
     •The game's difficulty is essentially just based on your tolerance for doing boring tasks like mining or chopping woods for hours on end. In addition, it's generally very easy to reach the top level of education and jobs, and after that point there is pretty much nothing else to do.

Updates and Plans
What I want to implement
     •A court system where people can judge social and financial crimes that the game itself will not punish
     •A fully functional business system where people can create jobs for employees, track their sales profits and sell stocks
     •A career-specific education system
     •A vehicle-specific pricing system
     •A system where salesman jobs have specific caps to the amount of money they can earn when not on the server
What has been implemented
     •A one-stock market where people can buy and sell, and admins can determine times of recession or boom
     •A lottery system with pooled winnings
     •Bond packages from an investment bank that you can put money in to so you can recieve higher interest rates, but they have a chance of failing each tick
     •Other general pref changes
     •Put a minimum amount that salesmen have to recieve for profits on items


I am in need of moderators and admins, so if you want to be one, just pm me and tell me your experience with moderating, and why you want to do it on this server.

General Discussion / So about Iban's city RPG...
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:12:07 PM »
I have like 5 different copies of it sitting around and none of them work, what gives? Is there a command to start it or required add-ons?

Off Topic / Turry Megathread v2 - Turry Things Here(?)
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:28:30 PM »

What's turry?
The turry fandom, not to be confused with their autistic cousins named furries, is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic train and automobile characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Turry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions.

The turry genre (sometimes referred to as a meta-genre) is based on the idea of fantasy train and automobile characters, rather than any one type of fiction. Any title in any form of media can be considered relative to the furry genre simply by having a fantasy animal character in it. Such characters are most often seen in cartoons, comics, science fiction, allegorical novels, Gothic horror movies, commercials and video games.

Outside the fandom, the most common term used to describe such characters is anthropomorphic (a word derived from the Greek; Anthropos Morphe, literally meaning Human Form). Those within the fandom prefer the term turry - hence the name turry fandom. Other terms for these types of characters are funny train, talking train, or kung pao chicken in Japan, although each of these has subtle differences in meaning SO DONT loving USE THEM INTERCHANGEABLY friendS

Art - Now with proper credit! (highlight to view)

The art posted here is an example for what can be posted and how. Just include credits for said art and so forth. I suppose all artists want their art credited, so if you're posting something, please include a source.

If you don't want your art piece shown in the OP or thread, please email me here or if you want something changed for your credit please let me know.


  • OrangeMan - making everything and having a 2 foot richard and 180 IQ
  • Chris-chan - Moral Support
  • Adolf Riddler - Moral Support

Off Topic / Tiger woods arrested for DUI
« on: May 30, 2017, 08:22:42 AM »

This is a step backwards for our country. If he gets sent to prison, black men will be afraid to drive without being arrested and brutalized by the police

Off Topic / [POLL] Should this forum follow shariah law?
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:51:38 AM »

There has been too much islamaphobia in this forum as of late. I think we should work with badspot to turn this into an islamic website to keep national socialists out. How many of you agree?

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