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Off Topic / Forum clock is slow
« on: January 01, 2018, 09:28:27 PM »
Has anyone noticed that the time at the top of pages and on posts is slowly drifting behind? It used to be 3 minutes slow, now it's around 5 minutes. Hopefully it doesn't fall back into 2017.

Add-Ons / Client_Greenlight
« on: December 30, 2017, 05:56:36 PM »
Really simple client mod that lets you use /greenlight now that the game is on steam and it's impossible to vote.

Drama / [PSA] Font Exploit
« on: December 05, 2017, 08:20:07 PM »
This is to anyone actively playing on public Blockland servers, as one or more hosts (or a backdoor) has been spamming client commands to create thousands upon thousands of meaningless cached font files. I discovered this by chance after seeing my base/client/ui/cache folder is a quarter of a gigabyte in size. It could be happening without you noticing. And this is recent, just over 3 days old, so it's likely still happening.

Your first guess was probably the same as mine. "Doesn't that accumulate over time, like cache.db?"
These are all from December 2, between 1:49PM and 1:55PM.

(notice the scrollbar)

3,849 files with random numbered names, 217 MB in size.
217MB in only 6 minutes. That's around 2.2 gigs an hour if you stay on an affected server for that long.

Unfortunately I don't remember what I was playing this exact time on Saturday so I can't point fingers, but I really doubt it's just one person.

Right now, my suggestions are:
  • Check your cache folder to see if it's already happened
  • Keep an eye on the folder until this gets patched
  • Post in this thread for any updates and tell your friends to make sure their hard drives aren't filled with this trash

If you notice it's happening, please type trace(1); in your console, close Blockland, and upload the end of your console.log.

Add-Ons / [Player] Carl "CJ" Johnson
« on: November 27, 2017, 02:54:44 AM »
Carl Johnson Playermodel   

Advanced Features:
  • Default player animations
  • Same relative size as a Blockhead
  • Custom SFX
  • Fully textured
  • Probably works with hat mod
Download (364kb)

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