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Topics - dom0

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Is there many people playing blockland still?
« on: June 30, 2019, 12:16:56 AM »
I've been away from blockland due to: you know what, and I was wondering if the small amount of people still play the game. If it grew that would be awsome news! If so are there any really good games on dedicated servers or is it still something really good but on a normal server so it reappears at some points? I will come back to blockland eventually I just got some really nice games on my xbox and switch. Anyways thank you for being one of the coolest forums for one of the best games on pc.

Mine was good. I had gamily and friends over and we had a huge plate ok chips and dips. My resolution, not to exhaust myself again and start stuffposting like last yars august,july. Anyway hope you're all well, and I hope to see what everyones going to do for this years time span. =)

General Discussion / is there a link hat for hatmod?
« on: August 06, 2018, 12:36:22 AM »
i cant find one anywhere and i dont know how to make one. if there isnt one it would be cool if someone made one. ill try to make one though. im...... pretty bad at modeling.

Game Modes / endless zombies issue. always find player not working
« on: July 19, 2018, 04:11:00 PM »
i have slayer v4 but i know the update came out. is there any mod im missing because i had to download something to fic the score but what about always find player setting. pls help.

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