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Topics - Evan5626

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Advice: Social Issues
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:41:18 PM »
No, this isn't a "help, I'm scared of people" thread.

Recently I've noticed that I have some sort of social problem. I have no problem with talking to people at all, but it seems like only when they bring up a topic do I respond to it. Of course there are exceptions, but still.

My mind seems to go blank as well when I'm in a conversation with someone. I can't think of anything else to talk to them about, and there is just an awkward silence for a little.

Do you guys have any advice on how to be the one to start interesting conversations and how to keep them going?

Gallery / [Cohort Application] Fantasy Steampunk DM
« on: August 11, 2013, 07:04:38 PM »
Fantasy Steampunk Deathmatch

This is a deathmatch that I've been building recently that doubles as a Cohort application.

If I can get a dedicated server, I'll be able to host it.

The main weapons are spears, but there is also a bow in the center (Of the propeller) if you're able to get it. This deathmatch was created with steampunk and fantasy ideas in mind. There are various gears and clocks placed around the map that are either for show or to be utilized to get to higher/lower areas of the map. Islands are spread across the map for the same reasons.

The map is meant to give off an enchanting and majestic look, explaining the golden and cloudy skybox. It's very fun to play on and looks amazing in person.

Promotional Video (Please watch in 1080p):


Gallery / [Cohort Application] Archipelago of Islode
« on: July 02, 2013, 05:14:30 PM »
I'm very excited to present my newest Cohort application.

The application consists of:

Seven Islands
Two Beaches
A Cave
A Market

The build takes up 30 64x64 baseplates.

To avoid a huge thread (24 photos), I just compiled all of the photos into an album. Please take the time to look through each of them.
Hope you enjoy.

You may rate 1-10/10.



Gallery / [H] Small Terrain Project; The Pond
« on: April 21, 2013, 01:37:46 PM »
Because I love brick terrain so much, I decided to try making some. (This is my first time making actual terrain.)

This build has steep hills and a shallow pond with plant life growing and rocks surrounding it.
If you're wondering why the outsides are various shades of gray, it's because they're supposed to make up a mountainous/rocky environment, but since that wasn't the focal point of the build, I decided not to build it entirely.

I do enjoy making terrain however, especially grassy/rocky terrain.
You may rate if you wish.


If this terrain gets good responses, I'll start a bigger project, but this was just a test.

Gallery / [HEIGHT] Appplication (Lots of pictures, may pagestretch.)
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:22:11 PM »
I'm not going to talk a lot about it, but the basic idea is a home with a traditional interior.
It has around 14-15 fully functional events including 11 working lights.
8,275 bricks.

Front facade



Bar connected to the kitchen.

Dining Room

Dining Room from outside.


Yes, the refrigerator opens.

Second floor


Relaxation/Game corner


Ladder leading up to attic

Attic Room

The Home

Looking over the pictures, there are some subtle problems and places where bricks could have been better placed, which will be fixed later, but since they're so minuscule I don't think that the pictures need to be retaken.
You may rate the exterior and interior, and I would love any constructive criticism.
This took about 8-9 hours spread over about 4 days.


Gallery / Application for [HEIGHT]
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:07:06 PM »
Take 3.
This build I was really pleased with, and I realized how bad my others were. It's my first time building an airship of any kind, or anything with a boat-like figure.
Of course this isn't supposed to represent real airships, it's more like one that could go in a fantasy.

I still don't have the name yet, so any suggestions would be nice. Also, any suggestions on what to add to the back and inside of the ship would be nice.

The front is inspired by the antlers of an elk.



Inside the ship.

To get a better guess on how big the inside is.

Extra Pictures

You can rate x/10.

Gallery / [H] Application
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:01:50 PM »
Yo, I've made a build that I believe has potential. I'm using the build as an application to clan Height.
I'm making this topic short and sweet, no long descriptions, just the build itself.


The inside view of the staircase leading up to the top.

Who is this mysterious blue man with the mustache?
Anyways, Discuss.

Help / Update and Bricks.
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:41:40 PM »
Well, ever since the update with shadows and shaders, when I load one of my builds, it's not fully loaded, and the events are messed up.

It looks like this, .

I haven't seen another person with this problem so far.
Do I have to delete and redownload all of the add-ons or something?

Off Topic / Question about update and bricks.
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:07:30 PM »
Well, ever since the update with shadows and shaders, when I load one of my builds, it's not fully loaded, and the events are messed up.

It looks like this, .

I haven't seen another person with this problem so far.
Do I have to delete and redownload all of the add-ons or something?

Gallery / [H] Application Consisting of 3 Separate Builds.
« on: August 04, 2012, 07:29:29 PM »
-taken off-

Off Topic / What do you believe happens after you're deceased?
« on: July 31, 2012, 03:05:22 AM »
Not to make a religion war, just share your beliefs on what do you think will occur after you pass away.
Do you believe in going to Heaven, being reborn, nothing, etc.
Just curious, not to make people upset.

Try to respect other's opinions if possible, because I'm curious as to what you guys believe in.


Off Topic / Make your own Blockland movie covers.
« on: November 11, 2010, 11:12:12 AM »
Take picture in Blockland.

Made this out of boredom :3:

Creativity / The Plan. (Script-Story)
« on: September 19, 2010, 02:05:49 PM »

In a small cafe in the middle of Ho Ming, Jonathan and Patrick converse on they're latest plan...

Jonathan: Patrick, what have you gathered.

Patrick: Honestly, not much, although I have found out where they keep the riches.

Jonathan: *Sigh* Well where are they?

Patrick: The abandoned lab on the far end of the town...

Jonathan: ...*Voice stuttering because of sudden flashback* Y-Y-You mean where we lost our...our...teammate?

Patrick: *Casually* Pretty much, yes, and I've heard they have a better security system, so if we're going to get in, we'll need to be sneaky.

Jonathan: *Still unrecovered from the flashback* I can't go.

Patrick: Well why not?

Jonathan: It was my fault that Anna (The other teammate) was killed.

Patrick: No it wasn't.

Jonathan: Yes it was, if I wouldn't have been so stupid as to not have checked the air tanks before we went on our underwater quest, she wouldn't have died.

Patrick: Don't get yourself so down.

Jonathan: Why shouldn't I? I can never forget her tear stained face as she slowly drifted into the heavens. *Wipes a tear from his eye and stands up* I'll be right back. (Sprints toward the restroom)

Worker at cafe: *Scratchy voice* Hey, hey you! In the tweed suit! Stop that running this instant!

Jonathan: *Ignores and pushes open the door*

Patrick: *Eats lunch completely unaware of what was happening in the room beyond him*

Anonymous: *Puts a gun to Jonathan's head* Follow me or you'll be sorry.

Jonathan: *Gets out of his train of fire and kicks him in the chest*

Jonathan: *Running out of restroom* PATRICK!

Patrick: *In an irritated voice* WHAT.


Worker at the cafe: *Whispers* Sure do.

Jonathan shot a deadly look at the worker and grabbed Patrick's arm, just as the anonymous person opened the restroom door and ran after them.

Anonymous: YOU'LL PAY!

How was it? I'll make more of them, most likely in about an hour or 2.

Modification Help / My gun is in the game but it's not the right size.
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:56:44 PM »
It also can't appear in third person.
Here it is, Lol.

I'm happy I got it into the game though :p

General Discussion / Need a scripter.
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:52:34 PM »
Hey I've been modeling and have made the .dts files with the exporter in blender.
I was wondering if any of you forumers would be so kind as to script it and send it to me for testing.

You'll also need to tell me your steam for communicating.
Any takers?

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