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Topics - Anti-matter master

Pages: [1] 2 3
Add-Ons / Non-hacked Air drop mod
« on: May 18, 2010, 04:08:43 PM »
The Air drop mod

Ahhh... A great mod, but hacks were spotted, but now, those hacks are gone!

I am lazy, so don't even say "Clix da Pix"


Help / Should I release the non-hacked Air drop mod?
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:23:37 PM »
I'll test it first, but I need to find out if you guys approve.

Suggestions & Requests / I need songs
« on: May 02, 2010, 11:13:32 AM »
Fire Field (0:00-1:07)
Final Destnation (0:00-1:06)
Encounter (0:00-0:55)
Cavern (0:00-1:05)
SHOOP DA WHOOP! (0:00-0:17)

I am only posting these because BOBSEVENSEVENS WON'T loving MAKE THESE >:(

Gallery / A youtube video...
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:02:07 PM »
...That I made quite a while ago.


Suggestions & Requests / Grapple hook
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:58:28 PM »
I know there was a item in blockland that was a grapple rope, but it was more like a rope to swing over things.  If you have played Just Cause 2, that is the grapple hook I am talking about.

It should:
  • Enable people to hang of any vehicles that fly.

  • Attach a vehicle to a person or vehicle.

  • And also hang off of ceilings.

Sorry for the page stretch


Help / Console Crash
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:56:52 PM »
I was on Mes's servers and for some reason I got this error:

ProjectileData::onAdd: Invalid packet, bad datablockId(explosion): 1819
*** Phase 2: Download Ghost Objects
*** Phase 3: Mission Lighting
Mission lighting done
Bullet Error/Warning: Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation
Bullet Error/Warning: If you can reproduce this, please email

Bullet Error/Warning: Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.

Bullet Error/Warning: Thanks.

Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
Disabling Physics!
Disabling Physics!
Disabling Physics!
Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
Disabling Physics!

What happened?

Help / I am having problems with some of the players...
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:36:52 PM »
Everytime I run a server, it crashes while loading even if I only have default add-ons enabled.

From console: Loading Add-On: Player_Quake (CRC:2125972395)
Executing Add-Ons/Player_Quake/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Player_Quake/Player_Quake.cs.
Add-Ons/Player_Quake/Player_Quake.cs (0): Unable to find parent object PlayerStandardArmor for PlayerData.

What does that mean?

Help / Blockland emmiters
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:12:20 PM »
Everytime someone joins my server, or when they leave, or when I change my player type via mission editor or with bricks, All the emmiters disappear.

This only happened when I got V14.

Drama / adelthesuper - total idiot
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:03:20 PM »
I mean seriously this guy is addicted more to nukes and halo more then i am addicted to research.  Plus he isn't banned yet, which means more spam to come...

Drama / Kota Westbridge ID: 17751
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:15:21 PM »
This guys a A class moron.

This is what happened in one of my servers.

Kota was building a space ship...out of 64x64's

Kota Westbridge: it's supposed to be a alien ray.

Super novi: uh...

Kota Westbridge: what?

Super novi: thats a spammy alien ray...

Kota Westbridge: it's just two blocks

Super novi: Thats spam.

Kota Westbridge: no its not!!

Super novi: yes it is.

Super novi: epic fail.

Kota Westbridge: how is it spam!?!?!?!?!

Super novi: It's crap for one.

Then he threatens me by telling everyone that i'am a bad host and then leaves.


General Discussion / Some mods i just want back...
« on: December 01, 2009, 02:52:30 PM »
The penetrator was a kickass weapon

Vehicle events is awesome too.

Also the Humvee is awesome :D

Good for army RP's

Help / mini-game problems
« on: November 20, 2009, 03:17:47 PM »
ok now i have this ONE problem with the mini-games and that is people can't die from normal guns.

say if you shoot someone they wouldn't get hurt.

is there a way to fix this?

also i DID download the last version of the TDM mod.

Gallery / Mah epic house
« on: November 17, 2009, 06:27:20 PM »
Mostly it was spam when it started out but then i improved it like three months later, and here it is.

Dl link :

Add-Ons / Old Vehicle: Arwing
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:55:25 PM »
The Arwing

DO A BARREL ROLL!!! Need i say more?
Yes appearntly i have to say moar.
And teh pics all i can provide so STFU about teh pix.

Tips for teh noobs: DON'T Spawn alot of them then crash a jeep into them.  you WILL be a complete loving noob if you do.


(Pix Are Fixed.)


Credit: Stratofortress - leting me port this
Uxie: Inspiring me

Help / My BL keeps crashing...
« on: November 08, 2009, 04:27:59 PM »
every time i connect with someone and when the datablocks are almost done loading... it crashes.

when i went to A Twigs serv this is what it said on the console

ProjectileData::onAdd: Invaild packet, bad datablockId<explosion>: 2247
ParticleData<<null>> times[3] < times[2]
ParticleData<<null>> times[3] < times[2]

what the hell does this mean?

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