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Topics - General Zackinlego

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / Block Builder
« on: July 05, 2009, 05:18:04 PM »
He keeps flaming me

He thinks I'm gay

I'm sorry, allow me to post something more recent:

Still gay.


More coming soon...

Off Topic / Grant then Ruin a wish! (Fun forum game)
« on: July 05, 2009, 02:33:31 PM »
This will be fun guys!


Me:I wish I had every add-on

Next person: Your wish is granted, but you will be permabanned from the forums! I wish I was BLID 15000

Other person: Your wish is granted, but you will be called Noob for Life! I wish I had a mapping expert next to me


I'll start,
I wish I had every add-on

I just did but it's REALLY HARD. HARDER THAN IT LOOKS and I got 87% That was so hard.

Suggestions & Requests / Playertypes
« on: July 05, 2009, 12:54:08 PM »
I think a cat playertype would be a good idea. Also a dog. Any other suggestions on playertypes?

Off Topic / Finally I'm Back!
« on: July 05, 2009, 12:52:25 PM »
Yep, I'm back online!

Drama / Talk about bad users here.
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:58:23 PM »
Talk about me and I will lock this topic.

Off Topic / Random Polls added here...
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:54:35 PM »
It will be so funny!

Drama / Azimuth- The Biggest Noob of Blockland!
« on: June 25, 2009, 10:26:50 PM »
He said I was the handicapped extrodinare! The real handicapped extrordinare is Not Mustachio (BLID 206)

Ban this noob Badspot!

Off Topic / 35 rules about the internet.
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:37:18 PM »
2. Always follow these rules.
3. Always be prepared.
4. Don't spam
5. No trap links
6. Don't post bad words, you will lose a lot of respect
7. Don't be tribal. You will lose all your respect
8. Don't talk 1337.
9. Don't talk about $3><. You will lose a lot of respect
10. Don't post real information about yourself>what school you go to, what city you
      live in and when your birthday is.
11. Do no call people a noob, you may get hacked.
12. Log off when you are done with the website.
13. Do not cause glitches.
14. Remember it is the internet and not real life.
15. Try not to get mad at mean players, just report them.
16. Try not to get banned from any websites.
17. Do not make fun of new players, they need practice to get good at the game.
18. Do not make fun of people under 16.
19. Do not ban or kick players off the game for no reason.
20. Before you join a website read all of the rules.
21. No shooting your computer screen because you are angry at a player.
22. Do not talk about your personal life, unless you have to.
23. Just because a user hasn't been playing for one month, it doesn't mean
      they're not good at the game.
24. Do not get mad a people with bad grammar.
25. If someone is calling you a bad user, and your not, just ignore them.
26. If nobody cares, do not post anything.
27. When you beg to be an admin, it could get you banned.
28. Don't hack.
29. If nobody know what your talking about, stop talking.
30. Always obey the admins on the website.
31. In the forums if it says do not post certain stuff, then don't.
32. You shouldn't post pictures that will give away information about yourself.
33. If don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
34. If your computer explodes, when you get a new one, do not say anything about
35. If you aren't having fun, don't play. That is the last rule.

Off Topic / What The Heck was this for?
« on: June 25, 2009, 08:45:16 PM »
I was in Mr. Blue Man =)'s server, when this happened:

Welcome to Blockland General Zackinlego!
<Kj>General Zackinlego<Gn>: Why did you kick me?
(LM)Lab Man 77Clan: You are not in my clan!
General Zackinlego has left the game.
Welcome to Blockland General Zackinlego!
(LM)General ZackinlegoClan: Now I am
(LM) Lab Man 77Clan: No you aren't
Lab Man 77permanently bannedGeneral Zackinlego"YOU CAN'T JOIN MY CLAN UNLESS YOU TELL ME YOU ARE DUCHE BAG!"
General Zackinlego has left the game.

I say what the heck was this for? because we met in a different server. This later happened.
Lab Man 77 connected
Lab Man 77 has become Super Admin (Auto)
<Kj>General Zackinlego<Cn>: Lab, remember me? I am a little mad, but not a lot.
(LM)Lab Man 77Clan Yep.
<Kj>General Zackinlego<Cn> Why did you ban me from Mr. Blue Man =) 's server?
(LM)Lab Man 77Clan: You have to ask before you join my clan. It's easy.
<Kj>General Zackinlego<Cn>: Can I?
(LM)Lab Man 77Clan: Yes. You may join.
<Kj>General Zackinlego<Cn>: Ok. Will you unban me?
(LM)Lab Man 77Clan: Yes. I will.

And the server hasn't been up for a week!

EDIT: I was un-banned.

Drama / Stop arguing!
« on: June 21, 2009, 11:11:50 AM »
Everyone is making this war on who's better? Roblox or Blockland? I say neither is better, they're equally awesome.

Drama / the most stupid reasons to get banned.
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:48:52 PM »
I have 1: brickybob: banned me for Ok, Leave. That's what it said IT WAS A FREEBUILD YOU NOOB!

Clan Discussion / Clan Allience: <Kj> and (Lm)
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:30:36 PM »
I have met Lab Man 77 again, he promised to un-ban us from Mr. Blue Man =) 's server, and we're now friends.

Drama / Some n00b stole my name!
« on: June 19, 2009, 11:08:34 PM »
I have had many names. I used to be TOXICITY, but at the time, some noob renamed himseft T0XICITY.

General Discussion / Badspot, Thanks.
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:59:12 PM »
Thanks for moving my topic, but now I can't unlock it.

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