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Topics - Jokey365

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Gallery / The HellMOO Project
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:08:14 PM »
The HellMOO Project
A community build


"HellMOO is a post-apocalyptic role-playing moo. It is set at an unknown time after an atomic conflict brought down the great civilizations of the 21st century. Enough time has passed that some towns and vestiges of society have returned... but not nearly enough to curb the inherent violence and conflict of a life lived without comfort or salvation. Corporations both ancient and new sit astride the few surviving cities like obscene, glittering spiders, wielding their power over their desert domains without question and without mercy. The fake smile, the furtive stare are the weapons of the city-dweller, forever dependent on their corporate masters for protection against the raiders and radioactive sands. Yet a few wander the wastes, living off the bones of the old world and whatever justice they can find at the end of their gun. Only time will tell which is the stronger.

HellMOO is a place of extremes. The first person you meet may be a caring street preacher, a rad-crazed knife fighter, or a mutant disguised as a man. It is up to you to decide which skills and allies will see you safe to the promised land, wherever and whatever that may be.

But all choices must be carefully made, as HellMOO does not forgive mistakes."


tl;dr, HellMOO is a text-based RPG set in a wacky apocalyptic world with cities lead by the corporations of old, deserts full of chainsaw-wielding rednecks, underground labs full of deadly robots, and a lot of hobos. It has a lot of grind, but wacky stuff and awesome writing to keep you entertained.


I intend to bring (some) of the world of HellMOO to life in Blockland, and I need the help of the community. I've already given the first zone (Freedom City) a shot, however, I've rapidly come to realize that the build would net the charm and quality I'd like if I spread out the efforts. What if instead of one person taking the time to build the entire city, a bunch of people take the same amount of time all building one building?
If the community is willing to help me make my dream come true, the build, when finished to a certain standard, will be pieced together into the entire map and released to the public who helped make it possible.

I'll be running on a 'dibs' system. Builders will post what they want to build in the thread first, and wait to be listed as the builder in the OP.  With this, efforts are less likely to be wasted, so when one person submits a build, four other people who were all building it suddenly realize they wasted their time and could've been building something else. I will allow up to three people to claim a build at once, and when one person finishes, if it is accepted, the other builders will have a limited time (not yet decided) to finish and post their builds to be compared and judged.


No buildings are completed as of now, however, if there WERE pictures here, you'd get the impression that the map is a cramped, dirty city, like Fallout NV's Freeside yet with much less space to move around and a bit more charm and bright lights.

As of posting this, 3/19/2016, I would like to know how many people I'd have who would be willing to lend a hand, and what brick packs and colorsets they recommend. Once the final set of add-ons and initial builders are decided, I'll post some building names and suggestions and we can get to work.
You can take a look at the HellWIKI for some information on the world.

Games / For Those of You Buying The Humble Weekly Bundle...
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:16:00 AM »
Yeah, for those of you that don't like horror games, do me a favor and pass your copies of Damned my way.

the bundle, forget'ead;

I should also mention I'm willing to trade a Hammerwatch key for your Damned key.

Games / Dark Souls 1 Will Not Launch
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:54:21 PM »
The process opens but hangs around 3,000k memory usage in the task manager.
Steam says I'm playing it, but the game never actually opens.
I've tried;
Reinstalling, twice.
Uninstalling GFWL related things.
Turned the new steamworks beta on and off.
Removed all mods and then reinstalled.
Verifying about seven times so far.
I'm on a quad core with an ATI Radeon HD graphics card. I've been able to launch the game fine before steamworks was integrated.
Assist, please.

Off Topic / It Is My Birthday. Please Me.
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:46:39 AM »
Yes hello, it is my birthday and I have acquired a very large nuclear weapon. You will post various images of birthday related objects and dancing individuals until I am pleased. Once I am pleased, I will disarm the nuclear weapon. A gift on Steam will result in instantaneous pleasing. You have twelve hours.
Good luck, forums.

Forum Games / Apocalypse, Wow
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:57:54 PM »
Meanwhile in a freezer...
It looks like somebody already set themselves up in here, stuff. I saw nobody on the way here, could they be dead? What's the risk of taking a little peek, I don't have to take all of it. But if he's dead, there's no need in leaving this here, unless he's not dead.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Everything we do will cause something else to happen, be it good or bad. The thought patterns of our protagonist will change as actions are made. Every action counts, death is a possibility.
Think about what it is you're doing.

Behind the Mask
"We're not manipulated! We're vigilantes!"

Backstory: Narrative

Whilst sitting in your bleak, disgusting apartment, you scan over your bank account on your barely-functioning laptop. Negatives. Nothing but red numbers. You flip your laptop up off your lap and onto the floor, the landing producing an audible *SNAP*. With head in hands, you ask yourself, where did everything go wrong? As you ponder Self Delete, three raps on a wooden surface echo from about twenty feet away. A knock at the door? Probably your neighbor asking about the- *CRUNCH*... that. You throw your arms down, pissed that you're simply causing further damage, and walk to the door. Opening it, you see a short figure in a long, seemingly leather jacket, standing before you. In his left hand is a suitcase, and upon his face is a full-head mask. A pure white mask, showing no facial features whatsoever. "You. You need help, do you not?" he sates, his voice, while muffled by the mask, sounds shaky and old. "What do y-" you begin to ask, but you are cut off by the man entering your apartment. "Look around you, do you not need help with bringing yourself back to the top?" he asks. It clicks. He's here to get you out of the negatives, to get you out of this stuffty apartment. Out of this stuffty district. "How do you know about me?" you ask, stepping towards him, eying his suitcase before looking back up at his lifeless mask. "I suppose you could call me an old friend... no matter." he says, moving towards your uneven kitchen table and placing his suitcase upon it. He pops it open, what seems like smoke quickly leaks out. Was it air-tight? Inside, a mask. Unlike his, the one in the suitcase only covers the face. "This mask. With this mask, your identity will not be known. Using this, you will become a fighter of all the evil in this world. By supporting the people, the harmless civilians, who have been cursed with the disease of living here, I will provide you with financial support." he explains, picking up the mask with both hands and turning to face you. You look at the mask. It resembles an animal... your favorite animal. You are drawn to it, and before you know it, you are extending your hands out to take it. The man places it in your hands, so gently, as if the mask was made from glass. You remember the red numbers in your bank account... the debt... the muggings... You get sick to your stomach. "Put this mask on, and stop the others. Become a hero. Become... a vigilante..." he says, his voice trailing off. Before you can react, the mask is on your face and buckled on. Thoughts of being the one mask out of all the masks that will do something good for this world. This man, relying on you, freeing you of financial debt for being a hero. For once in your life, you feel as though true change is ahead of you. You and the many others that this man has talked to. The same speech given to you, given to them.

In a Nutshell/TL;DR/What's actually happening

An old man, seemingly with no identity or past at all, has gone around manipulating the poor. He gives each masks, telling them to fight crime and help the world. The result is a bunch of masked fools running around the city punching the fecal matter out of seemingly innocent people and each other, causing more chaos then they feel as though they are stopping. The resulting chases and brawls end up destroying the city, and forcing the local police force to take action. Masks, as the public calls them, simply feel as though the police mistake them for evil-doers. The city is then forced into further chaos, with the police chasing the Masks as the Masks chase criminals around. The old man is nowhere to be found in the midst of the chaos.

How to take part

Take the role of an easily-manipulated civilian in a mask and patrol the city (I'll talk about it eventually) fighting petty crimes. You're a vigilante, not a sociopath. You are allowed to remove your mask to go back into civilian mode, and no other Masks will know that you're a Mask without a mask.

If you feel like this would be something entertaining, make a character;

REAL NAME: (Also a secret identity)
MASK ANIMAL: (First come, first serve)
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: (Clothes included)
GENDER: (One or the other, this isn't Facebook)
AGE: (eh)
EQUIPMENT: (Anything up to small firearms)
OTHER: (Anything else)

Depending on the number of participants, a few can PM me and ask to be police. One at the start, and I'll add more later.

The City

"FINALLY!" I can hear you all cheer. The most important part! The sunny city of 'New Topia' isn't actually always sunny, and has the following districts;
SOUTHWARD SHOALS: The filthiest landmass in city limits. Abandoned homes, rusty cars, cheap pawn shops, corner convenience stores. Probably the most suburban place out of any, considering it has the most - if not all - of the locations for living. Many small crimes take place here, like muggings and car-jackings. Police activity is alright, not high enough that you'll see a cop every hour. Maybe one patrol every hour and thirty minutes. Fake gangs hang out here, so be prepared to be stabbed if you stand within twenty feet of a graffiti tag.
DOWNTOWN TOPIA: Skyscrapers and taxis. Business and large-scale apartments and shopping centers and clubs. Most movement is off of one of the two transit systems, either topside or below the surface. Crime here is lower, but larger scale. Car-jackings all the same, but the kicker is that murder begins here. Assassinations of big-time businessmen or hit-and-runs, police activity is much higher here. Expect to be breathed on a lot of the time here.
CARGO: Unnamed otherwise, it's a small area with warehouses and docks for shipping and handling. While technically not a part of it, the New Topia airport is right across the bridge, and is considered a part of Cargo. Authorized access is required to cross the bridge to enter. Might be a good place to lose the police.
NEW TOPIAN TOPIARY: It doesn't actually have anything to do with topiary. The mayor thought it sounded catchy. Woods and cabins, small rural towns with one or two eateries and gun shops placed seemingly strategically among the dirt roads. Home to street races and hunting grounds, it's the ultimate tourist and retirement attraction. Be sure to climb Mount Topia. Some claim to have seen a large hairy beast somewhere in the woods...

Rules (I'm almost done)

1. At no point are you to kill another player. (Without permission)
2. At no point are you to UNMASK another player. (Without permission)
2.5. If you DO unmask a player, you are more than likely NOT going to recognize them.
3. Players without their masks on are to be seen as OTHER CIVILIANS, and are to be left alone.
4. ~no longer a thing~
5. At no point are you to CONTROL another player.
6. In combat, do not lead the ENTIRE FIGHT in one post.
6.5. If you have a firearm, SHOOT TO MISS. I will NOT allow 'I shoot your legs and you can't move' NO. Guns are NOT disabling tools! They are WEAPONS.
7. You are not a God. Keep things within human bounds if not slightly out of reach, BUT, considering your possible blood-lust when looking at criminals, feel free to get a little crazy. I know I will.
8. Don't pull stuff out of your ass. I DO NOT mean this literally.
9. Don't powergame. EX: 'I run into the room and scream at everyone to get down' is NOT, but 'My voice is so scary everyone cowers in fear and gets on the floor' IS.
10. If I missed something, LET ME KNOW.
11. Enjoy yourself.

Games / I won a free game on Steam, what should it be?
« on: January 30, 2014, 01:32:51 PM »
This is probably a big mistake, but I need some recommendations for a game on Steam that Criken now has to buy for me. Every game that isn't a $5 DLC has failed to catch my eye, but I'd rather not go cheap and waste the opportunity for a free game. Any ideas?

Forum Games / The Seal - Crime Fighting Fool [Adventureohman]
« on: January 05, 2014, 02:09:36 AM »
In the city of Pan Saro, revolution arrives. Trying to reshape the city after the death of the main man. Half of the population, psychopaths, criminals, at war, vandalizing, destroying, murdering to create a new city in their own twisted image. One fourth of the city, civilians, caught in the crossfire, murdered and robbed, all for the sake of 'fixing the city' and for the pleasure of the psychopaths walking among us. The remaining fourth, a shining light among the chaos. Faces to turn to when things go wrong. The finest Pan Saro has to offer those living in it. An attempt to retain the bright image that was the city before. Volunteer and licensed crime fighters, arresting the criminals walking the streets, undoing the chaos that has been done. Some of the best men and women in the city, and some of the best men and women within nearby cities to assist in ceasing the madness.
And then there's The Seal.


Seal: Where the christ are those new recruits. I'm bored as the richardens.

This is the part where I deploy a generic template and ask people to fill them out for me so I don't have to!

Off Topic / Need Opinions for a new Antivirus Program
« on: December 26, 2013, 12:49:02 PM »
I'm sick of using McAfee due to it's horrendously tedious firewall.
Does anyone use any good antivirus programs that can take McAfee's place?
Free and cheap is nice.

Games / Steam Crashes Often, Crashes my Games with it.
« on: December 13, 2013, 08:28:53 PM »
Steam has begun to crash often. Often as in multiple times per day. It does it with every game I play, and when Steam crashes, my game crashes. I've tried reinstalling Steam and checking in other places on the internet. I can not find any solution. Help me.

Forum Games / Playing God [Under one's roof] (An rp)
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:08:26 PM »

In the year 20XX or something, give or take a couple years, some urinal cake decided that he was bored as all hell and decided "I'm going to entertain myself in the most convoluted and overly-complex way possible." before doing just that. He made a giant UFO lookin' thing, ripped New York out of the ground, shook it clean so there was no life remaining on it, and dropped it in the middle of the ocean, probably on top of a boat. He then issues a sign up session online where people could volunteer to live on his new island for his entertainment. He didn't actually tell them that until they gave him all their information. After he picked them off of the Earth and dropped them all onto his island, he hid his UFO up above the clouds and began shouting things at the people below. He watched as they tried to survive all the lions, tigers and bears he obtained from other parts of the world and dropped onto them, before eventually they just died. Now with a seemingly infinite supply of crap to drop on the island after going on a picking party, he summoned a new group of individuals to entertain him. Little did he know, this new group actually had a chance of reaching his UFO and taking control.

What is this
It's an RP set in the disembodied New York void of life where somebody plays God from inside a UFO above the clouds, and that somebody is usually me. You RP how you normally would, however while this one isn't completely serious, I don't want people going insane and pulling psychopathic poop either. The person playing God barks orders at the people down below, weather they obey or not being up to them. He also can drop things onto the island and pull things off too, but hopefully not too much. The RP people down on the island try to set aside their differences to survive. Eventually, somebody can get into the UFO to take the God role. Eventually. If I need to explain more ask me.

How do I do it
RP without being a fool. Not being as serious as usual isn't being a fool, despite what anybody says. Keep actions within human bounds, and try not to kill each other. Try to not pull a "i dodge your attack and stab you" or a "i shoot both ur legs u cant move now" please. Don't declare what the UFO drops or removes, 'God' is in control of that. Just don't be stupid.

Who am I
Make a character with this;

Hello, my name is: (Name)
I am this many: (Age)
I am from: (Primary living location before being moved to disembodied New York)
My gender is: (Man or woman)
I look like: (Description of character, clothing optional)
I have: (Starting equipment)
Other stuff: (Other stuff, optional)

What are the rules
1. Don't be an idiot, self explanatory.
2. Don't declare everything that happens, and if you do, keep it calm. If 'God' drops a tiger, you can say it rips a mailbox open, but keep declarations to that level.
3. You're only God if specified. Don't say what is dropped and what is retrieved, and don't assume at any moment you can build a plane and fly into the UFO. I'll give other people a chance eventually, and probably.
4. You're not invincible. Self explanatory.
5. You're not good at everything you do. Self explanatory.
6. Don't control other players.
7. Don't kill other players.
8. Don't severely cripple other players, which means don't stab/shoot/slap both their legs so they can't walk or chop off/explode/fart on both their arms so they can't fight back if you're fighting.
9. OP is final word most of the time.
10. If I missed a rule and you do something stupid, I'll let you know without being a jerk because I missed the rule in the first place.

Hello, my name is: Swain
I am this many years old: 25
I am from: Boulder, Colorado
My gender is: Male
I look like: A (bald) yellow(Really. He's yellow. You don't remember where you got him.) dude in a red shirt and navy blue jeans.
I have: A backpack and a couple of C4 charges and dynamite sticks.
Other stuff: Swains sense of humor is rather Explosive, especially for a guy who carries dispensable TNT sticks around.
Hello, my name is: Rakesh
I am this many years old: 27
I am from: Jacksonville, FL
My gender is: Male
I look like: Long hair, goatee, glasses, dark-skinned. Indian.Wears a lot of band shirts.
I have: A guitar that could be used as a weapon, and a pistol in my house.
Other stuff: Good at flying planes.
Cool concept

Hello, my name is: Felix Medrano
I am this many: 14
I am from: Belmont, California
My gender is: Man
I look like: Short brown hair, glasses, a modern-ish green coat, gray trousers, and white/red shoes
I have: A short axe, and 2 bars of chocolate
Other stuff: Has OCPD, which causes him to always want to be clean
Hello, my name is: Sam Hilm
I am this many years old: 63
I am from: Dayton, Nevada
My gender is: Male
I look like: Grey hair and mustache, glasses, old button-up sweater, worn blue jeans, black shoes
I have: A fire axe and some scrap food
Other stuff: Dull and boring, usually really serious
Hello, my name is: Gilbert
I am this many: 6
I am from: A farm in Arizona
My gender is: A male
I look like: A young goat with white and brown fur and gold-ish colored eyes and a pair of average sized horns, he wears a red Plaid Sweater
I have: My Plaid Sweater and uh... Well forget there's not much else a goat can have.
Other stuff: He can talk to other animals and stuff.

It begins.
Hello, my name is: Bob McCoin
I am this many: 70
I am from: Senior Living Center, FL
My gender is: Interlove
I look like: A hot old sweaty man with orfaces with white hair, dentures, and blue eyes.
I have: A cane, water, prune juice, and 70 years of knowledge.

Forum Games / The Life and Death of Mr. Nappy [Wally World]
« on: September 13, 2013, 06:04:50 PM »
Because making something original was too hard.

Nappy went and locked himself in his Panic Locker again. His house is probably being invaded again. That's great. He's going to have to develop a plan to both get himself out of a locker and to get the intruder out of his home. After he finishes, he can go get some pizza. Or some doughnuts. Or a soda.

Off Topic / Guys help my chest is on fire.
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:41:07 PM »
Woke up with intense pain in my chest.
It won't go away.
Nobody is home.
What do I do.

EDIT: Pain started to calm with time and a really hot shower.
Help no longer needed.

So I'm bored, but I don't have hot sauce to perform a hot sauce challenge.
I need something to do in real life every time I go down/die in game.
Something not life threatening or a huge waste of food stuff would be appreciated.

gimme suggestions.

Forum Games / The Life and Death of Mr. Nappy - Feels like yesterday
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:24:54 PM »
Everything faded in from black, slowly going from a big mess of color to a clear view of the room. I was upside down, hanging from a wooden beam on the ceiling. My hands were tied together, and I was hanging by my tied ankles. There was a small puddle of blood on the concrete floor below me, which means I must have been violently pulled down here. By the looks of things I was in a basement, and the only light was coming from a small window with some newspaper over it. There was a table in the side of the room with what looked like a radio on it. A note was stuck to the top, but I couldn't read it from my current position. A staircase in the corner lead up to what I assumed was a door. Other than the table, the room seemed empty.
What the hell was I going to do?

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