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Topics - Sapient

Pages: [1]
Clan Discussion / [9K] The 90's Kids - The Other Blue meat
« on: July 14, 2010, 05:41:33 AM »
Welcome to the new 90's Kids Clan Page!
No we aren't dead, not yet! And this one is actually made by me, what a shock! Ok, I would just like to clarify one thing that the last two pages didn't quite grasp:
90's Kids is just a name. We dont care when you were born.

-7/14: Sapient remade the clan page!
-7/18: Twig joined the clan.

The 90's Kids clan is a group founded by Sapient (kinda) after Block_Cop and DoctorPwn noticed his clan tags, and asked if he was part of a clan. Yes this clan was founded by accident... Kinda obvious, huh?

     -The build must be at least 2,000 bricks.
     -Cannot be spammy.
     -Must show effort.

     -Must have a save on the gallery post or load in a member's server.
     -Shows effort (not just having a bot dressed like you that says Hi!)

All Applications must have a link posted in this topic.

     - Sapient (Leader)(BL_ID:4646)
     - Block_Cop (Co-Co-Leader)(BL_ID:20677)
     - DoctorPwn (Co-Co-Leader)(BL_ID:20678)
     - KNIGHTMARE (Builder)(BL_ID:11617)
     - Cheesecubez (Apprentice builder)(BL_ID:14470)
     - MrPieThumbs (Apprentice builder)(BL_ID:17255)
     - Thermite Johnson (unknown)(BL_ID:19435)
     - Twig (Builder)(BL_ID:13655)
     - Inventor2 (Eventer/Builder)(BL_ID:13616)

20 Members at a time!

Please no flaming.

Help / Cant see nams anymore.
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:20:47 PM »
I can no longer see names on my server at any range. It's not F5, so please dont mention that. Help plz.

Gallery / Zeesk Underwater Prison Facility
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:41:33 PM »

On the headline of the thirtieth century, colonies were sent to the far reaches of space in an effort to strengthen the Human empire. The harbinger of this project was Kol, an entire ship that could anchor itself underwater and act as a city. An influx in crime for Kol forced the council of the city to construct a state of the art prison under the sea. Zeesk has since become the leading prison facility in the universe, despite the limit of prisoners the facility can hold at one time.

The Entire station is able to hold 16 extremely dangerous and unpredictable "patients". A guards barrack is included for the night watches, along with a control tower, medical facility, and hyper-train for easy movement of prisoners. (Sapient's Note: I will add an updated picture of this later, that will look a lot better.)

------Hyper-Train Track------
Discovered in the late twentieth century, Russian scientists discovered how to harness the pure energy of movement. Harnessing this, they built vehicles that could withstand all kinds of force. Hyper-trains provide easy acces for guards to the prison and easy handling and movement of prisoners.

-------Check-in Station-------
Every prisoner, guard, and civilian that enters Zeesk gets logged into the Zeesk memory files. This way, no one passes through Zeesk without Sapient knowing.

-----------Cryo Labs-----------
Zeesk is also the leading developer in cryo-tech. Using state-of-the-art procedures, Zeesk scientists freeze inmates with incurable diseases, using them as test subjects for cures. 67.9% of the time the cures work.

-------Cell Blocks A & B-------
Both Cell Blocks A & B follow a identical design that was modeled after an architect's work. However, the architect wasn't in the right state of mind and made eight of the cells larger then the others.

Nothing to say here.

Operating with leading technology, Zeesk's hospital is a place that rarely sees action for, at most, an hour. "Patients" are cured or healed in seconds and then sent back to their cells wearing a "Happy Patch" (a patch that feeds them pacification drugs)

--------Control Tower--------
At the Control Tower, or Info Hub, everything that is cataloged in Zeesk is stored. Ships that are entering Zeesk waterspace are given warning if that approach too close, Hyper-train schedules are organized, and a crew of office workers toil endlessly to get out of the Prison.

---Sapient's Control Room---
The place in Zeesk where Sapient oversees and controls Zeesk Prison. Nobody at the prison is sure exactly how Sapient got up there, or still survives, due to that fact he never sends for food or water. (Sapient's Note: This will become a staple of my builds. Anything I build will have a control center for me.)

-Main Builder: Sapient
-Helper Monkey: Twig (not A Twig. Twig)

Feel free to Rate
I have updated two of the pictures that I thought weren't as good or included props. I know in the image of the Hyper-train track you can see a prop through the window, but I don't want to replace that image.

Help / Authentication FAILED: ID not found
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:10:48 PM »
Yesterday my younger brother, known as Caboose in Blockland, was unable to get into his account and play Blockland. The message "Authentication FAILED: ID not found" appeared where his name was. If anyone knows of a solution, please help.

Suggestions & Requests / Destroyed/Decayed Doors
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:36:09 PM »
I was wondering if anyone could make about three doors that have holes in them and pieces missing. Me and a few other Blocklanders are working on a post-apocalyptic wasteland server and it would be extremely helpful. Please and thank you.

Gallery / Sapient's Build Gallery (WIP and Dead builds)
« on: February 19, 2010, 11:04:30 PM »
These are all my WIP builds and dead builds. It's very unlikely I'll finish most of these. If anyone wants me to release more pictures of them, ask.

1. Tree Village
This was my first build on my new computer. It was just supposed to be something interesting to play on with DM's or Zombie DM's

2. Onto New Lands RPG
This was going to be my first successful Medieval RPG. I built it while I was running Trench TDM's and it never got anywhere.

3. The End World RPG
This was a post-apocalyptic world that I modeled after Fallout. You would start in the "Crypt" which is the lower area then escape to the surface which was never finished, due to school.

4. Skylands
During last summer I got the Skylands map and decided to make a world full of floating pieces of rock. I got as far as 2 "islands" and a floating mechanical city (halfway done)

5. Sapient's Wasteland World.2
I felt that my first Wasteland Build ( was too small and decided to start building a lot larger one focused on vehicles and less cities.

6. Alrick Space Station
This was originally a follow-up to my In The Void RPG ( I planned it as a crime filled Space station where everyone docks.

7. The Station.
This was my actual follow up to the story of In the Void. Eventually, the story would say, that the station collided with a planet, and the survivors rebuilt and made this base.

8. Poseidon Prison
This is actually what I'm working on currently. I'll release all the information and story of it when it's given it's own section.

Games / Parallel Lines Reveiw: Assassin's Creed 2
« on: January 24, 2010, 07:44:56 PM »
The first and most recent review blog, Parallel Lines, entry Assassin's Creed 2.

Help / Weapon Damage in RP Core?
« on: January 09, 2010, 08:32:22 PM »
I don't know if this has already been asked but I'm trying to make it so I can murder people in my RP Server, and no weapons work at all. Also on an unrelated topic i can't place bouties.

Any help is welcomed.

Help / Retrieving Authentication Key
« on: December 30, 2009, 03:17:49 AM »
Here's the deal: 3 years ago I bought my first copy of Blockland. I added the key and named my blockhead: Caboose. I played for 2 years then got tired and deleted it. Then a few months later I downloaded and bought a new copy of Blockland for my last computer. I named this one Caboose v.2, and deleted it 2 months later. Now I'm playing my current profile (Sapient) and I want to bring back Caboose so my little brother can play him.

I completely lost all but the first receipt code, and I was wondering how I could retrieve the old key.

(There is no old email with the code left)

Please offer your suggestions on how to retrieve it. (And Badspot if you can still send it back to me, I would very much like it.)

Gallery / The One Clan-build: "In The Void"
« on: December 21, 2009, 07:23:39 PM »
In The Void

The One's first successful build. Rate and Comment

The Story

In the year 2053 The United Nations constructed Station 0, a deep space exploration station, to be sent far away from Earth. For 24 years the station drifted away, until it stopped in a sector nicknamed "The Void". Now ,100 years later, Station 0's remaining inhabitants struggle with their life in The Void. The original 100 descendants have dwindled down to 32, the original 15 levels have dropped to 4 as the reactors go nuclear, and something appears to be stirring in the Void. Life in the Void is hard, and none will survive.
Station 0
The Outside of Station 0

Level 1's Entrance

Men and Women Barracks



Waste Disposal



The (Empty) Hangar

Level 4 (Storage)

Maintenance Walkways

Energy Cores (Color changes on each floor)

Teleports (each floor has one)

Clan Discussion / The One Clan
« on: November 14, 2009, 05:54:48 PM »
The One believes that every builder of Blockland are 1 together, but building/scripting,modeling skills are spread out so... I've lost my point... Sadly few actually accept that and join other clans that mention Star Wars, big time add-on creators, or Dr. Who.

Head Builder:
 - Sapient
Second Builder
 - Xan
Head Eventer:
 - pyro kiler
Head Spammer
 - Lt.Smithly
Head Minigamer:
 - Pvt.Ryan2

How to Enter:
1. Post an app in the gallery. It is unlikely any of us will ever look at it, so keep trying.
2. Must be 2000 bricks or above.
3. Use your imagination.
4. Appear to have spent at least 10 hours playing since you bought the game.
5. This isn't a rule, I'm trying to take up space.

Current Projects:

Finished Projects:
- In The Void RPG (15357 bricks, started: 11-14, finished: 12-21)

-Love, Sapient

Gallery / Sapient's Wasteland world (WIP)
« on: September 19, 2009, 03:59:22 PM »
This is an RPG I've been working on for a while.

Wasteland Sector: 1

Raider Camp

The city of scrap, Virdes

Steelmed Supplies and Shadow Powder(shops) in Virdes.

Food-To-Go, Blood Cellar, and restroom.

Spawn shack.

Desert Sector: 2

Entrance to Rega, the cave city.

Rega's Restrooms

Womens room in Rega

Mens room in Rega

Rega's water purifiers.

The Gun Pot and Radiated Springs bar.

Metro Utility Entrance.

Metro tunnel p.1

Metro tunnel p.2

Metro tunnel p.3

Pathway to Zeeback.

The Watershed store, outside of Zeeback.

The city of Zeeback, suspended over acid pools. (still WIP)

The city of Veon, situated outside the Metro,inside the pre-war city. (still WIP)

There are 14718 bricks so far.
Please rate and comment.

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