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Topics - Elphie

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Clan Discussion / I be done.
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:39:36 PM »
Im done spammin all your guys topics, im deeply sorry. I decided to post this so people dont go crazy trying to find where i went. Goodnight all and have a wonder day :D

Games / Blockland, Garys mod, or World of Warcraft...
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:01:48 AM »
Ok, i have been stuck between Bl and wow or about a year. All my friends irl play wow, but i have alot of online friends who play bl. And then theres garys mod. I have never played gmod but ive heard alot of good things about it.
Now heres my question to you should i stop paying $15 a month for wow and play blockland? Or should i pay 10 bucks for garys mod (I have the game i need inorder to play it).

Help / I deleted my Addons folder
« on: May 05, 2010, 04:34:37 PM »
I deleted my addons folder after my rage of not having enough space on my laptop, and i was wondering if anyone has the default addons folder. I could re-download bl, but that seems like alot for just an addons folder

General Discussion / New MED Rp build Lore
« on: May 02, 2010, 03:27:48 AM »
Ok, Orthone, *Magick* Mage, and I were working on some lore for a new rp we will be making. (Name still pending) So feel free to comment and mabye sugest somethings to our brainstorm. Ty

People's Lore:
  For year's, the Kingdoms of Avaritia, Mare, Clax, Exspecto, and Slva lead peaceful lives, for a long while, they had been joyous together. While originally 1 Kingdom lead by a family, the family had broken the power fairly, so each may gain equal share.

  Mare, belonging to the Queen, had homed Clerics and Magicians for many years. Mare was a Sea Kingdom, and had a grand amount of access to other lands, as well as much food and a pass through the mountains. Calx, held by the eldest son, was the Kingdom of the Moutains, home to many ores and Fighters, as well as several "unwelcomed" visitors. It's defenses were grand, and natural at that.

  Silva, held by the eldest daughter, and the second eldest child, was a Forest Kingdom, withheld inside were many herbs and, said to be, spirits. Shaman's found there way here, as did several others.

  Exspecto, the most harmless of all, was lead by the youngest child, the youngest son. He lead the land as moreso a farmer rather than a king, and the Grassland Kingdom had many livestock and fresh waters. While weak, their hearts were strong, and it held a diverse amount of classes, though many were more humble, giving up the life of adventure to farm.

  And lastly, Avaritia. The King ruled this land, and many nights he spent worrying of trade and money. While blinded by greed, he still understood family, and never would he betray them, but certainly their populations he would make suffer(Quite :c). Often, he taxed trades and routes, sometimes even hiring bandits to steal from certain folk he had disliked. He, however, was not the center of all conflict, nay. Rather, their conflict would only be soon to be introduced.
  In the Moutains near Calx, a group, a clan of sorts, formed. They reffered to themselves as The Forns. Originally formed to study ancient rocks and magicks within the caverns of Olic Mountains, the group soon turned bitter at the King's deeds. Bitter at the pain he brought  to the villagers, they began a service of protection to each of the merchants, fighting off the King's tax collectors and bandits.

  Soon, however, they themselves began taxing the merchants. They began stumbling upon ancient magicks that intrigued their interests, they had discorved routes - secret ways - between the Kingdoms. Their initial purpose had been lost and, as result, they began to overthrow the King, and his family, one by one, with a purpose to rule on high, and destroy those whom may face agianst them. And sadly, just as their power grew, so did their hatred.

 So it began. Calx soon was overthrown, crumbling in the process. As The Forns marched through the land, the brought pain and turmoil along with them. The other Kingdoms, in heat of action, formed a Legion of Heros to fend off the Forns and restore peace to their civilization.

*This is where the player begins. All players start off in Avaritia by default,where they gain news of this. They may choose their path, and whether or not they wish to take part in this Legion is to their own choice. Each town provides new oppurtunities for the players, including skills, subquests, careers, and even building*

  As the players are enabled to enter the Council Chamber, they find the castle was destroyed, guards dead, and the manor ransacked. They quickly call for an assemble in a secret location, near Exspecto. The player, now ready, may go there and find there task. With either other players and or bots, they march to Calx in order to fight The Forns.

*This battle takes skill and ability, as you must navigate through ruins, fend off creatures, and rest in multiple locations in order to reach the Ceremonial grounds of the mountain. There, you find the youngest son of The King, The King, and The Forns on the grounds. The Forns circled around the shackled King, with the youngest son wearing a robe similiar to The Forns. He admits, in a short rant, to leading the Forns, jealous of the little power he had been given. He, too, confesses to comitting incest with his sister, her now pregnant, as he plans to rule on high with them both. (We find that his sister's pregnancy had lead him into insanity, he instictually trying to gain more power, as he felt himself a shame to the family, his sister, his son, and himself)*

  The Player, now with this new information, engages in battle. After a long fight, if victorious, The King is freed. The Kingdom begans return to peace, as the player goes off to find more subplots and to add meaning into his withering life, as his days draw to a close, finding dead end after dead end, dying an unsatisfying, lonely, miserable death.

*This would work on a strictly, first-come first-serve basis. The players should work co-dependently to level up, and after the RP is won, then the main story is made only by the player's stories. While difficult, it would enable a fun RP all around. Once the main plot is finished, it is done, simply*

Modification Help / Modeling with cheetah 3d
« on: April 24, 2010, 10:41:32 PM »
Ok, i've seen alot of modeling software but recently ive found a modeling thing called Cheetah3D and i really like the way its set up and i have been messing with it alot. But i was wondering if you could use Cheetah3D for blockland, if you can how would i set up mount points, or whatever there called, or maby what scale i should make things. Any help would be appreciated, ty.

General Discussion / Is there an addon...
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:43:01 PM »
Sorry i dont know if this is the right section  but.... idc
Also i didnt use search so...

Is there some sort of addon or feature that can allow you to enter code you found on the forums into the game events?
Im not trying to be lazy by not just copying the code but if this is out there, it would make it easyer.

Forum Games / What happens to the rape?
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:50:29 PM »
Ill start:

One day a rape walks into school but IT forgot its homework, what happens next?

Drama / Coraline Why dose she insist on spamming the add-on section
« on: March 26, 2010, 04:04:57 PM »
Please look at these. They are pointless. And is Coraline the new Forum Bull-stuffer?

Creativity / Another Doodle Pad
« on: March 25, 2010, 01:09:27 PM »
I made a new Doodlepad because Jellypuddle dosent like my mad skills

Ok, what you have to do, is edit the picture that the person above you made, maybe add a small edit or a bigger edit
THere is only a few rules
1. Please do not host your picture on a website it ruins the size, so just attach the picture here.
2. Dont change the canvas untill i say so.
3. And the most important rule, Have fun

Give credit to me for making the canvas.

Ill start us off

Clan Discussion / [MED] Bye...
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:23:42 PM »

Check out our forum! You can find it right Here!

Table of contents;
   Applications Go!
     -What we need
     -Application Guidelines
     -Section Info    
     -Black List
     -The Legend of the Block


What we Need
The Medieval Doers are currently recruiting Eventers, Modelers and Scripters. While we are still accepting applications for builders, we have enough for now.

Application Guidelines
[Green=Needed][Red=Currently Enough Members]

  • Minimum of 1,000 Bricks, dont be afraid to use more though.
  • Must be medieval themed, no modern or futuristic builds.
  • Must look nice
  • You may not have help with your application, we want to see your skill.
Post your build applications in the gallery.

  • Must use v5 VCE, and/or bot events.
  • No brick requirement.
  • You may not have help with the EVENT part of the application*
PM Your event application to SeventhSandwitch.
*You may apply with an evented build. The build doesn't have to be by you.


  • Must be flatshaded
  • Major cookies if it is compatible with blockland.
  • Scripts must be creative, a lot of people could make a gun that shoots one bullet.

Elphie: Clan Leader
SeventhSandwich: Head Eventer/Co-Leader
Leftus: Co-Leader
*Magick* Mage: Head Builder

*Magick* Mage: Head Builder

SeventhSandwich: Head Eventer

Placid: Head Scripter

Dedicated Hoster

None, lets keep it this way.

The Legend of the Block
Our current project, this is still a WIP
[Note; Click on the picture to go to the topic.]



Off Topic / I got hit in the head with a baseball...
« on: March 05, 2010, 09:34:17 AM »
It hurts

Modification Help / Editing models
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:15:47 PM »
Ok i was wondering how i would Edit The sword model, Im not trying to steal anything but maby change color for a new metal in an rp.

Suggestions & Requests / on mouse scroll over
« on: February 19, 2010, 03:11:42 PM »
I know this has been Requested before but i dont know if someone made it but anyway.

Ok i was thinking of an event that when your mouse Scrolls over A brick/Bot something happens. Example, You scroll over a bot, the bot says, "Hey welcome to town!" Something like that

Suggestions & Requests / AutoWalk Keybind
« on: February 16, 2010, 08:00:33 PM »
I was thinking of a keybind that allows your Blockhead to walk forward with out you pressing "W"

General Discussion / What should i do???
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:03:32 PM »
Ok well ive been rlly bored with alot of the things ive been doing on my server, Is there any ideas on what i should do? I was thinking like maby a contest of some sort, But what ever will get people to come.

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