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Topics - Herrerarausaure

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / I Can't Sleep
« on: September 05, 2011, 05:16:06 PM »
I just can't. Please help.

Games / The size of the Minecraft Planet
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:46:13 AM »
Well, I was playing Minecraft yesterday and I thought about something: "If all the minecrafters ruled one of their worlds and were living on the same planet, what would its size be?". Well it's humongous.

Let's review what we know:
- Notch claims that a minecraft world is pretty much 8 times the size of the earth.
- Our good old planet has a surface area of 510,072,000 km2.

So, a minecraft world has an area of 510,072,000 x 8, which is equal to 4,080,576,000 km2.

Now, recently the minecraft community has hit the ten million players mark recently, and is still growing.
That means the minecraft planet is 10 million 4,080,576,000 km2 worlds, so that is:
4.080576 x 1016

In usual form, that is 40,805,760,000,000,000km2
To give you an idea, that's the surface area of 80 million earths or 6,703 suns.

Gigantic. Huh?

Off Topic / WAMP problem
« on: July 24, 2011, 11:25:20 AM »
Whoever created a dynamic website using anything similar to notepad and a browser should know about WAMP. All the others, I don't think you'll be of much help.

Anyways, I recently installed WAMP on my new laptop and it worked fine one day and the day after, it didn't work at all. My icon is orange, and whether it says "Services Offline" or "Services Online", when I type localhost in my browser I see a nice, blank page. If I type localhost/phpmyadmin/, same thing.

Anybody knows why?

Title sums it up pretty nicely. I don't think I stayed away from the forums a long time, but...


Gallery / VOID Space Cruise Starship
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:12:05 AM »
VOID Starship
Progress Report

Current Stage: Bottom deck under construction, finished the "Helpers' Altar".

I noticed that most spaceships in the Gallery were designed to destroy, kill, exterminate people, participate in genocides, obliterate planets, assassinate cookie-eating aliens and so on. There was only a few civilian spaceships like a very cute cargo ship. So I decided to start building a ginormous space tourism ship. In short, it's like the Queen Mary II with a bunch of plasma engines powered with a nuclear generator and equipped with a couple of EMP cannon. It will have a giant dome in which a mini-town will be built, just to put the passengers at ease and make them forget that they are in a cold, dangerous and unforgiving environment. Also, it doesn't do a transatlantic ride but a trans-milky-way ride. You can't make a picture of that in your mind? I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. Anyways, that's the reason I also took some screenies.

I know you're impatient, so I'm not going to put the equipment list first. You like screenies? Well here they are:

Teaser, so you click the link below...

You can see, in order of appearance in the full gallery:
1 The front of the bottom deck
2 The ugly teleporter room
3 Electrical generators: they send the energy from the nuclear generator to part of the ship.
4&5 The plasma and the nuclear generators
6 Engine status terminal
7 Full engine room
8-14 Small Restaurant
15 A scale model of the finished ship
16&17The Helpers' Altar

Helpers (ones in red will help)
- Ray 15976: Engine Room
- Jimbob
- Azur

Help is still wanted.

Some info
Total brickount: I have no loving idea
Current brickcount: 2885
Total width: 3*32 studs
Current Width: 32 studs
Total Length: a bit more than 512 studs
Current Length: 480 studs
Total Height: something like 140 bricks
Current Height: 10.666666etc... bricks (10 bricks and two plates if you prefer it this way...)

Required Addons
Really? I have no idea yet.

I will probably host a server with this once in a while.
It's my first spaceship. So I want tips, constructive criticism and so on.
You may not rate x/10, because it's not finished.


What's that?
The finished ship concept-art?
I don't have any, now go away.

Help / Error opening
« on: February 13, 2011, 12:51:12 PM »
When I start blockland, the Console displays "Error opening, need to handle this better" for about 2 minutes and then continues the loading process.

I took a look at and it turns out it's corrupted. The zip file exists but it takes 0 bytes of memory...

Anyone can give me a link to a non-corrupted version of the colorset?

Help / I can't start a server and join one on the same blockland instance
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:52:39 PM »
I have a slight problem with blockland:
I join a server, I play, I disconnect and I start my own server... BOOM. The game crashes.
So I have to start another blockland in order to start my server.

Is it normal (probably not)? How can that happen? Solution?

Off Topic / 10 billion app downloads?!
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:24:11 PM »
10 Billion Apps Downloads

I really like the animation... but I wonder if it's actually in real time... coz it goes damn fast... very impressive.

And when I think about it... 10000$  worth of music, videos and apps... that's a lot...

Suggestions & Requests / Realistic Projectile Behavior
« on: January 14, 2011, 08:07:10 PM »
I've had a problem with projectiles for long:
They don't behave as you think they would. Just a real life example:

You are in a moving train. You are so bored you took a tennis ball bounced it up
and down. Now, does it really only moves vertically? No. if someone was watching you from the side, he'd see the ball making long jumps in the same direction as the train. There we go. The tennis ball, before being thrown on the ground, goes at the same speed as the train. You too, actually. Wait. You, me, us humans, animals, all the objects around you are moving very, very, very fast compared to a still observer in space. Your computer is going, right now at a speed above millions billions of kilometers per hour. This dear blocklanders, is called relativity.

Let's get back to our guns and miniguns and let's get to the point: if you shoot your gun from a moving helicopter, it should go straight ahead from your point of view. It doesn't. Instead, it goes somewhat diagonally, and not where your crosshair is pointing.That's pretty much it. It should be more realistic.

So, I'd like either a mod or a new version that would fix this problem.

If you find this topic confusing or missing something, that's because I'm not a good writer and I'll add more stuff to it later (like diagrams and formulas :D)

Maps / Deep Ocean
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:51:18 AM »
Deep Ocean

So it all started with a small idea: Submarines. Submarines in Blockland.


Yes, submarines. You can see cars, planes, boats, space ships (I am talking about builds) in blockland. But did you ever see a submarine? I never saw one.

Anyway, back to the point: This map makes it easier to make aquatic builds. Submarines, Sea RPs (you haven't seen these either huh?!), etc. Why easier? Because... you don't float. Very important: not to be used with oxygen mod

I won't say I took hours to make it, because I didn't. Feel free to flame me tell me why/how this map isn't the best.

me bored + small idea =


The map will appear as "Ocean Floor" on the start game screen

Help / I can't see blockland-generated files!
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:19:40 PM »
Ok, it's actually a general problem, but it also affects blockland.

So, here's the thing:
In my blockland directory (C:\Program Files\Blockland) any files created by an application does not appear in the explorer.

For example:
I take a screenshot, and I want to check how it looks. I go in C:\Program Files\Blockland\screenshots\ and surprise! it is not displayed, it cannot be found by the 'search' system, but it's actually here!

Proof (as another example):
I save my build, and when I look in the saves directory, no save, no screenshot. BUT in blockland, I can load the save with no problems...

Does anyone knows why it happens? And most of all, How to fix it?

Computer Info:
OS: Windows Vista SP1
Computer: Asus Notebook F50SV Series

Mapping Help / creating .ter Files
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:18:55 AM »
Hello, I got a small problem:
I'm trying to make an update of my map "Lost Isles" (you've maybe read about it), but I can't make a new .ter file. I tried changing the name but it didn't work either

Suggestions & Requests / Event_OnPlayerSpawn
« on: September 11, 2010, 06:59:20 AM »
I am doing a VCE RPG but I'd really need a 'OnPlayerSpawn' event. Could someone make one?

Modification Help / string problem
« on: August 09, 2010, 03:28:42 AM »
Hello, I just started to script, and to start, I tried to make a small, useless script: In the chat, type /I *put in message*.
What should happen is that all players on the server will receive a chat message saying your name followed by your message, for example:

/I is making a strawberry cake. = Herrerarausaure is making a strawberry cake.

Teal = Chat command
Blue = Chat message (to all players)

I know that script was already done, (Bot's ui script), but I promise never publishing it. Now my problem is, with this code:
Code: [Select]
function servercmdI(%client, %message)
messageAll('', "<color:FFFF00>"@ %client.getPlayerName() @ " "@ %message);
Everything worked properly, except that only the first word after "/I" was displayed, the other words were ignored.

I know that my code is probably a bit weird with some beginner's errors, but I started from almost nothing (only basics from C coding)

My question is: How do you add more words?

Clan Discussion / FR Blockland [FR]
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:18:11 AM »
Actually I'd like this topic to be deleted if possible due to a misunderstanding

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