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Topics - Shad0wyone

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / Check if player holding an item and other Q's
« on: December 16, 2009, 08:24:31 PM »
I'll make this short and simple, is there some way to check if a player is holding an item, or if they have an item in their inventory?

Second, is it possible to make a GUI partially click through, as in one part does something in the GUI, but another part goes through to the game, and while we're on the subject, is it possible to make a part of a GUI invisible?

Third, how do I check what brick a player has selected in the 1234567890 bar?

Fourth, how do I trigger something off of a click of the mouse without an item being held?

Basically what I want is something like the Minecraft-thing, where when you click while a certain brick is selected, something happens.

Help / Keyboard troubles, several keys not working
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:02:11 PM »
Just as the title says, various keys in blockland aren't working, they never have, back to when I first got blockland in v12.
These keys are (including shifted version):
' (apostrophe)
~ (no console in game, have to alt-tab to other thingy)
[ key
my ] key acts like my [ key
my \ key acts like my ] key (means no \)
= key
/ key on numpad
All of these keys work while loading the server, but as soon as I'm done loading and I spawn, these keys stop working. For now, I have nothing to blame, so I blame Vista.

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