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Off Topic / Gift card swap: $25 iTunes card for $20 Steam card
« on: March 10, 2014, 03:40:29 PM »

Pardon the stuffty quality but I got a hold of an iTunes card and I don't have any real use for it so I'm giving one of you lucky ladies the opportunity to get a whopping net gain of +$5.00 (25% INCREASE WOOOOO) if you want to trade one of those fancy Steam wallet cards.

The picture's there to prove it's mine as well as it's not used so if any of you crazy people want to get some of that hot profit/generosity action post/pm me and we'll sort out this trade. Also I'm a totally trustworthy guy just ask Tiki for proof I'm not a con artist.
P.S. don't actually ask him whether or not I'm a con artist.
Fun fact: The forums didn't account for daylight savings on the clock, the more you know. This doesn't seem like a crazy outlandish request either so I'm pretty sure this is legit enough to post on the forums anyway.

Games / Age of Mythology HD Confirmed for Steam
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:40:55 PM »

Teased on this stream.
Can you prepare for the levels of hype?

Basically the greatest RTS ever is getting rebooted and I for one can't wait to pick it up again.

Games / Hearthstone Megathread: Murloc Edition
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:11:03 PM »

What is Hearthstone?

     Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is an upcoming free-to-play digital card game by Blizzard, based on the Warcraft series. Players battle each-other with their custom decks, each consisting of 30 cards. Whoever defeats the enemy hero first wins, which can be done many ways depending on how you construct your deck, and which cards you choose. New cards are earned through leveling up you heroes, and unlocking card packs through in-game currency purchases, micro-transaction purchases, or in-game Arena rewards. It is currently in closed beta, with plans of being released on both Windows and Mac, as well as on Android and iPhone systems.

Heroes and Decks

     In Hearthstone, the core of each deck is the hero. The heroes are based off classes from the Warcraft series, and are represented by corresponding figureheads of each class from their universe. Heroes each have 30 health, and a unique hero power that costs 2 mana crystals. Ranging from damage, healing, and summoning, each ability caters to the general play-style of that hero.

     Along with the hero, the deck is constructed of 30 cards. No more than 2 of any card can be added to a deck, unless building one in the Arena. A player starts the game with 3 cards if going first, or 4 cards and the coin (a 1 turn bonus mana crystal) and they draw one card per turn. Players can use other methods to draw more cards to their hard through minion powers and spells. If a player is out of cards, their hero will take damage equal to the amount of turns they have gone without drawing, starting from 1 damage.

     There are currently 9 heroes in game: Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Paladin, Rogue, Warlock and Druid.

Cards and Mana

     Cards are the backbone of Hearthstone. In general, a card is usually a minion, spell, or weapon card. All cards cost mana crystals in order to be played. Mana costs for cards are displayed in the top left corner of a card. Every turn, you gain a mana crystal that is refilled each turn. Mana gain and costs can be affected by various cards, but is always capped at 10 mana crystals per game. If cards are used to overflow your mana pool, you will be able to draw a free card in order to compensate.

     Minions each have an attack and health counter, displayed at the bottom left and right corner respectively. Card descriptions and bonus effects are displayed in the bottom half, and along the bottom edge certain minion types are displayed, which can be used to gain special bonuses for those cards. Spells only require mana to cast, and can be used mostly to damage minions or heroes, buff other minions up, and summon extra minions. Weapons also have an attack counter, but instead of health, they have durability and are equipped directly to your hero, allowing them to attack as well. Being attacked will lower a card's health, and the card will die when it reaches 0 or less. A gem in the center of the card represents its rarity: white for common, blue for rare, purple for epic, gold for legendary. Cards without a gem are default cards you start the game with, and are bound to your character.

     Any card other than default cards can be disenchanted into crafting dust, which can be used to craft any card in the game for a price. The rarer the card, the more dust gained. Cards also come in a golden quality, which are worth significantly more dust, but other than that serve only as a foil-like collector's card. Cards are also earned through booster packs, which each contain 5 cards, guaranteeing at least 1 rare quality card.

Gamemodes and Quests

     Currently in Hearthstone, there are 3 game modes: Regular matchmaking, Ranked matchmaking, and the Arena. Regular and Ranked matchmaking are both played using decks built ahead of time, custom tuned to the player's preference. The Arena is a mode where you buy-in for 150 gold, and are given 3 random heroes to choose from. After selecting a hero, you are shown 3 cards which you must pick one of to be added to your deck. Every card in the game is available in the Arena, and this process is repeated 30 times until your deck is complete. You then can play games with other Arena contestants using your deck in attempts to reach the goal of 12 wins. You keep playing until you either hit the win cap, or lose 3 times. Once you finish your Arena run, you can use your key to unlock your reward, getting bigger and bigger depending on your performance. Potential prizes include gold, crafting dust and booster packs. Winning at least 7 games guarantees your entry fee back in gold.

     Quests are also available daily, allowing players ways of earning more gold. These usually have requirements like win games as a certain class, or kill/summon X amount of minions. On top of that, every 3 games you win will reward you with 10 gold.




Closing Remarks

     It's a really addictive card game with simple mechanics, but lots of room for depth and strategy. I recommend you sign up for the beta if you haven't already, since apparently spots are pretty tight. It's definitely worth the weight and there are some really nice guides and streamers out there to offer lots of help + commentary. While micro-transactions are a thing you don't really need to pay unless you want to buy an ass load of booster packs in attempts to get rare cards fast. Also apparently it's a lot like Magic: The Gathering but I've never played it so I wouldn't know.

Open beta is officially out for North America, get your free access at the official site!

Off Topic / Happy birthday to snot/me/dracpot
« on: June 07, 2013, 09:16:24 AM »
Wombo combo birthday extravaganza thread commence :iceCream:

Games / Age of Empires 2: HD Megathread
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:56:47 PM »

What is Age of Empires?

     Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a real-time strategy computer game set in the Middle Ages. It was released in 1999, and is the second main title of the Age of Empires series developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft. Due to its commercial success, an expansion pack was released; Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, followed by a Gold Edition, which bundled together the two games along with a bonus map and game matches recorded by Microsoft strategy experts.

     Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion (sometimes abbreviated to AoC or AoK: TC) is the expansion pack to the 1999 real-time strategy game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. The Conquerors is the fourth installment in the Age of Empires series by Microsoft Game Studios and Ensemble Studios. It features five new civilizations (the Aztecs, Mayans, Spanish, Koreans, and Huns), four new campaigns, eleven new units, twenty-six new technologies, new gameplay modes, new maps and different minor tweaks to the gameplay.

     In 2013, Age of Empires II HD was announced and given a release date of 9 April 2013 on the Steam digital distribution platform for Windows operating systems only. The HD Edition includes both the original game and the expansion The Conquerors, as well as updated graphics for high-resolution displays. It also supports user-generated content through the Steam Workshop and multiplayer games provided through the Steam servers.

*shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia/Age of Empires Wiki


In Age of Empires, players start off in the Dark Age, and can advance through 4 different ages: the Dark Age, Feudal Age, Castle Age, and Imperial Age. Players must gather resources, build structures, research upgrades and train military units to advance and compete against the other empires in the game. There are 3 different ways to win a game: Conquest, Relics, and Wonder victories. Conquest is achieved by eliminating all other civilizations on the map, by leaving them with no buildings or units left, or having them resign. Relic victories are when you have all 5 relics that spawn on a map in your possession for a certain amount of time. Wonder victories are similar, except you must advance to the Imperial Age and build a wonder costing 1000 of each resource. If a player destroys your wonder before the countdown expires, you must rebuild it and start over. The 4 resources in the game are food, wood, gold, and stone. Each has it's own use and is more important/abundant in certain stages of the game, requiring players to maintain a proper balance for their strategy or personal use. Players can choose to play against the AI, or against other people online in one big free for all, or a team game.


     There are a total of 18 civilizations between AoK and AoC. Each civilization has it's own unique unit (sometimes 2) and a varying tech tree depending on the civilization's historical background. The text is small for convenience, I didn't want to stretch out this post forever with normal sized text and spaces.

The Aztecs are one of two Mesoamerican Civilizations. As such they lack any access to Cavalry technology, including all stable units and cavalry archers. They possess some of the strongest infantry coupled by indisputably the best Monks in the game. Every Monastery technology is available to them and each one grants an additonal 5 HP, allowing the normally fragile monk to be more durable. They are one of only two civilisations (the other being Mayans) that starts a standard game with an Eagle Warrior, not Scout Cavalry.
The Britons main advantages are in their ranged units as they arguably have the finest foot archers. Their many innate advantages allow their archers to be built faster and have a further range than most and their unique unit, the Longbowman, is the only foot archer that can outrange a castle. They also have access to all infantry technologies which can provide protection for their archers against enemy units that get too close. However they have weaker cavalry and siege weapons as they are missing several upgrades for both units.
The Byzantines are the only civilization to have access to all standard technologies available, except for the Blast Furnace. This makes them unpredictable to play against in multiplayer. Their bonuses grant them advantages for Camels, Spearmen/Pikemen/Halberdiers, and a team bonus for Monks. In addition, their unique unit is a heavy cavalry unit which deals bonus damage towards infantry. Thus, Byzantines are likely to go for cavalry and anti-cavalry, but, again, their access to the full tech tree make them unpredictable to play as and against.
The Celts possess the fastest infantry in the game, allowing their Pikemen to be a much greater threat towards Knights and allows their other infantry to stage fast raids on settlements. They also possess full heavy cavalry tech (except for camels) although they do not have any unique bonuses for them. The Celts' unique unit is the Woad Raider, the fastest infantry in the game which excels at killing other infantry.
The Chinese civilization is one of the East Asian civilizations in Age of Empires II, along with the Japanese, Mongols, and in The Conquerors Expansion, the Koreans. Their bonuses are economic, Chinese teams on Random Maps start with six villagers, instead of the usual three, which enables quicker Resource collection. They also have cheaper technologies- every technology's cost is decreased by 10% in the Feudal Age, 15% in the Castle Age and 20% in the Imperial Age. Chinese Demolition Ships also have 50% extra hitpoints. The Chinese unique unit is the Chu Ko Nu, which is a Crossbowman that fires three arrows in succession, but at a shorter range in comparison to normal Archers.
The Franks are a Western European civilization and inhabit modern day France which was previously known as Gaul. They are primarily a defensive civilization, but can also be an effective offensive civilization as well. Frankish Knights have a 20% gain in hit points, making their heavy cavalry one of (if not the) best in the game. The Franks can also build cheaper castles. French farms also automatically upgrade the amount of Food each farm produces, saving resources for more important technologies. Their Throwing Axemen are powerful against other infantry, though without other units support, are vulnerable to heavily armored units.
The Goths' advantages predominantly focus on Infantry. Gothic infantry are cheaper than that of other civilizations. Their unique unit is the Huskarl, which is usually created from the Castle; however in The Conquerors expansion pack, they can research their Unique Technology Anarchy, which allows Huskarls to be created from the Barracks. In the Imperial Age, they can research another unique technology called Perfusion, which allows all Barracks units to be created 50% faster. With both of these technologies, Huskarls can be created very quickly.
The Huns are noted for their strong cavalry. Their Tarkans are excellent for sacking bases and both their cavalry and cavalry archers have access to all standard technologies available. One of their greatest advantages is that they do not need to build houses to sustain population. This is especially important in the early game where players must increase their Villager count and military quickly; the time and Villagers saved from collecting Wood in the early game that would otherwise be used to build houses is a crucial advantage for the Huns.
The Japanese are an East Asian civilization that appears in Age of Empires II. Their unique unit is the Samurai, a strong and fast-attacking infantry which is very effective against other enemy unique units. They have a very strong naval presence in the game, with +50% Galley line of sight and double hitpoints for Fishing Ships, with their work rate improved every Age. They are an infantry based civilization, with their infantry possessing the fastest attack speed in the game. Their infantry's attack rate is sequentially raised every Age. However their cavalry is somewhat weaker. Like all East Asian civilizations they are unable to research the Paladin upgrade and they also can not research the Hussar upgrade.
They are one of the five new civilizations featured in the Conquerors expansion. The Koreans have a unique cavalry archer unit called the War Wagon which is a heavily armored ranged archery unit. The Koreans also have a Turtle Ship which is a heavily armored, short-range artillery ship that is effective against Fire Ships and Demolition Ships. Their Watch Tower are automatically upgraded to Guard Tower in the Castle Age and Keeps in the Imperial Age.
Like the Aztecs, Mayans have no access whatsoever to any form of Cavalry units or gunpowder. Unlike the Aztecs, however, the Mayans have very mediocre Monks and Infantry . However, they make up for this by having very cheap archers and durable Eagle Warriors.Their Eagle Warriors can withstand more attacks due to the Mayan's unique technology, El Dorado, which give all Eagle Warriors +40 hitpoints. Their unique unit, the Plumed Archer, are tough to kill for their cost-allowing them to soak up damage while friendly archers take care of other threats.
The Mongols' greatest advantages lie in their cavalry archers and their siege weaponry. They also have complete access to all regular infantry technology and all siege weapons except for Bombard Cannons can be upgraded to their maximum level. This means that Mongol games often include at least some (if not hordes) of Cavalry Archers and Mangudai along with siege rams filled with champions. With their Drills upgrade, a small group of Mongol siege rams can perform hit-and-run on isolated bases and resource collecting operations. Mangonels and Scorpions become unusually deadly as well. Overall, the Mongols excel at mobility and quick devastation. However their defense is somewhat weaker, as their Watch Towers can only be upgraded once and they lack Bombard Towers.
The Persians are a Cavalry oriented civilization. They have full cavalry tech and their team bonus allows them to do bonus damage to archers. Their unique unit is the War Elephant, a powerful but slow cavalry unit. It deals massive damage to all units and has a huge amount of Hit Points. This coupled with their powerful cavalry gives them powerful offensive capabilities. However their defense and infantry are somewhat weaker. They cannot build Fortified Walls and their towers are mediocre. In addition they are unable to research the Two Handed Swordsmen and Champion upgrades for their infantry units.
The Saracens are a civilization with strong Camel units. The Saracen Cavalry Archer also receives a +3 attack bonus against buildings. Their team bonus gives foot archers a +1 attack boost against buildings. The Saracen cavalry is slightly inferior to other civilizations as they lack the Cavalier/Paladin upgrade but all other cavalry technologies and units are available. Their Unique Unit is the Mameluke, a camel unit that throws scimitars from a distance. Mamelukes are strong against other mounted units, and once upgraded to Elite Mameluke, they are one of the best counters to cavalry in the game. Their Unique Technology is Zealotry which provides their camels and Mamelukes with +30 hit points, making them even more dominant against cavalry.
The Spanish are a versatile and technologically advanced civilization. They have two unique units: the Conquistador (a mounted hand cannoneer) and the missionary (mounted Spanish monk). The Spanish navy is the most versatile in the game, as they have access to all naval units and technologies. In addition their Cannon Galleons benefit from the Ballistics technology, allowing their projectiles to travel faster and are more accurate. The Spanish land forces feature a standard mix of infantry and cavalry units with all such units available, except for eagle warriors and Camels. The Spanish unique technology supremacy drastically increases the combat skill of their villagers, giving Spanish players the opportunity to use villagers to perform combat duties. Spanish siege weapons are somewhat lacking, missing both the siege onager and heavy scorpion. In addition they are the only civilization to be missing the crossbowman upgrade.
The Teutons main strengths are defense and economy. Their defensive structures and Town Centers both have bonuses. Town Centers have an additional +2 for their Attack, and a +5 for their Line of Sight. Towers can garrison twice the number of units than other civilizations and all tower technologies are available. With this bonus, Teutonic Keeps with full garrison of Archers can deal twice the amount of damage compared to an ordinary Keep with full garrison. In addition, a Teutonic Bombard Tower with ten garrisoned Hand Cannoneers only can fire up to two cannons simultaneously, dealing up to a whopping 240 damage. They also receive Murder Holes for free thus eliminating the minimum range of towers and Castle. This provides their Towers an earlier defense against Battering Rams. Their Monk are able to heal at twice the distance of other civilizations’ monks. Their Farms are 33% cheaper. Their units resist conversion due to their Team Bonus.
The Turks are a gunpowder oriented civilization and are primarily an offensive civilization. Many of their unique bonuses and technology benefits their gunpowder units. Turkish Hand Cannoneers are stronger than those of other civilizations and they obtain Chemistry for free. Artillery, their unique technology, increases range for all cannon units. This gives Turkish Elite Cannon Galleons the longest range of any unit in the game and also allows Bombard Towers to hit targets from further away.
The Vikings are primarily an infantry and naval civilization. Their infantry units receive a 10% Hit Point bonus in the Feudal Age, which increases to a 15% Hit Point bonus in the Castle Age and then to a 20% Hit Point bonus in the Imperial Age. They have two unique units, the first being the Berserker, called the Berserk in the game. The Berserk is a warrior equipped with an axe, produced at a castle that regenerates its health over time. Their health regeneration rate can be boosted with the technology Berserkergang. Their second unique unit is the Longboat which is a warship which shoots many arrows at a time. All Viking ships cost 20% fewer resources, and their team bonus allows docks to be built for 25% less wood. The Vikings can produce all ships except for the Fire Ship and Fast Fire Ship. They lack most gunpowder units, and cannot produce any camel units. Overall, their cavalry units are weak, but they can produce strong archery units such as the Arbalest. They have weak tower defenses and can only upgrade Watch Towers to Guard Towers. They are missing a number of upgrades at the Monastery making their Monks weaker than most civilizations.

Steam Functions

     Age of Empires II: HD Edition is a remastered version of the original game, made more compatible and reliable to be run on modern computers. Steam servers now provide better multiplayer servers, as well as a Steam workshop page for people to upload mods and custom maps. All modifications and maps for the original AoE 2 are compatible with the new and improved version. The game can be purchased for $19.99 on Steam; it's a bit of a tall price for such an old game, but definitely worth the investment.

Steam Store Page

Steam Workshop Page



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Discuss your Age of Empires shenanigans here.

Off Topic / 16th birthday today (Also happy birthday snot)
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:00:09 PM »
So yeah another trip around the sun added to the list.
Nothing feels different and I don't have a driver's license/beginners yet.

But I just had cake, it was pretty good.
Discuss birthdays and such.

Off Topic / Does anyone have spare Xbox Live trials?
« on: April 14, 2012, 12:24:14 PM »
So yeah my gold membership ran out a few months ago and finding myself with nothing to do I was wondering if any other consolers had trials from games they bought.

If you have some to spare that'd be much appreciated because I miss party chat so, and if you could PM them that'd be a plus, thanks in advance.

Games / Dota 2 Megathread: Wraithed
« on: April 07, 2012, 11:59:14 AM »
Official Gamescon Trailer for Dota 2
Note none of this is copy pasted so if I miss anything important tell me.

What is Dota?
Dota stands for Defence of the Ancients, which is an action RTS that started off as a mod for Warcraft III. Two teams,  the Sentinel and the Scourge would pick heroes and face off 5 vs 5 against each other, assisted by creeps and towers. The goal was to destroy the other team's Ancient, the main structure at the back of the base. Valve decided to pick this up and give the whole game a big make-over in the Source engine, and thus we have Dota 2.



Heroes are the characters you play as in the game. Heroes usually have 3 skills, and an ultimate. Skills are maxed at level 4, ultimates at 3, and they can be passive, active, toggle, area target, whatever the forget you want, though are some exceptions to these rules (Invoker) The maximum level you can go to is 25, and each time you level up you can raise one of your skills (your ultimate at certain levels) and even stats when you've run out of skills to level, or when you need a little boost early game.

There are 3 types of heroes; Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.
Each type has one main attribute that determines how much damage they can dish out, and the attributes also change your stats.

Strength will increase your health and health regeneration.
Agility will increase your armour and attack speed.
Intelligence will increase your mana pool and mana regeneration.

There are plenty of items that can give bonuses to your attributes, stats, and other stuff.

Play Styles
Each hero is good at doing certain things, this is where I go over what those certain things are.

Carry: These guys are the people that scale really well as the game progresses. Most carries are item dependent, and require a lot of farm to reach their full potential. These guys should be pulling your team through the battles if they're doing it right. Some examples of carries are Anti-Mage, Doom Bringer, and Tinker.

Initiator: People who are really good at starting fights. These guys usually have good crowd control spells, like area stuns or damage nukes. Make sure these guys are at the front of your team battles. Some good initiators are Earth Shaker, Tide Hunter, and Sven.

Ganker: They're good at teaming up against heroes. They should be roaming around the map every now and then to go for some hero kills, expect lots of dirty play. Some good gankers are Clockwerk, Bloodseeker, and Nature's Prophet.

Support: They're good at babysitting heroes in the lane, buffing their teammates, using wards for vision and just helping out in general. Pretty straight forward, some good support heroes are Omniknight, Witch Doctor, and Crystal Maiden.

There are probably some other not so dominant ones like Tank and Pusher but you guys get the point and I don't feel like writing too much about what type of heroes there are.

Good/Bad Stuff
I couldn't think of where to put these things and I'm getting tired of writing.

Items: You can buy cool items that will increase stats, come with cool abilities, and generally make you stronger. One notable item is the Aegis of Immortality. It's dropped by Roshan, who's the strongest neutral creep on the map. If you die with this item you'll be revived in 5 seconds with full health and mana where you died.

Penalties: This game is a lot more unforgiving than most Action RTS games. If you die, not only will you lose gold, but the other team will earn gold as well. Plus respawn times are a bitch and buying back into the game can be costly. Also, to teleport back to your base you have to sacrifice an inventory slot for a teleport scroll which costs money.

Last Hitting/Denying: When you get the last hit on a hero/creep/tower, you'll get bonus gold. Get good at this so you can farm quick gold during the lane phase. If you last hit one of your own creeps, you'll deny gold AND some experience from the enemy team, this can slow down both their farm and leveling. Doing these two things can help push the lane and keep your lane back so you can get covering fire from your tower or something.

Important/Useful Things

Links, links, lots and lots of links to things that are really helpful!

Dota 2 Wiki A great source of all that needs to be known about Dota 2.
DOTAFire This is also a good place to find things like guides for heroes.
Current Facepunch Thread Probably more informative than my thread.
Dota 2 Blog Learn about new stuff being added, news, and maybe Beta Key giveaways.
Dotacinema They make good videos explaining characters.
CyborgMatt's Blog Patch content brown townysis, tells you what's being updated.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention this game is in closed Beta so you have to sign up and hope you get it!


Well I'm going to wrap this up so go sign up for the Beta!
Yeah they also had a big ass tournament with all the pros and these guys won $1,000,000 for playing games.


Will update OP if I need to add anything else cool.
Discuss Dota 2 and all of it's greatness.

Get your own Dota 2 invite here!
Follow Steam profile instructions.

Off Topic / Football
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:50:38 PM »

      Football sports all involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby union and other related games. These variations of football are known as football "codes".
      Various forms of 'football' can be identified in history, often as popular peasant games. Contemporary codes of football can be traced back to the codification of these games at English public schools in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. The influence and power of the British Empire allowed these rules of football to spread, including to areas of British influence outside of the directly controlled Empire, though by the end of the nineteenth century, distinct regional codes were already developing: Gealic Football, for example, deliberately incorporated the rules of local traditional football games in order to maintain their heritage. In 1888, The Football League was founded in England, becoming the first of many professional football competitions. In the twentieth century, the various codes of football have become amongst the most popular team sports in the world.


Discuss Football and how great this sport is.

Off Topic / When does your holiday break start?
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:41:28 AM »
Since most of you are in school you probably get the Christmas season off, or already started your break. Simple question, when does/did yours start?

My last day is Friday and I think I have until January 3rd.
Post yer holiday breaks.

Off Topic / 10,000th Post
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:34:26 PM »
As the title said, this is my 10,000th post so I decided to make a big dumb topic about it. Plus it was my two year anniversary a few days ago so I guess that counts too. Still I wonder why I love you guys so much...

So uh, discuss post counts and how long you've been here and whatnot.

Drama / FrozenEye is still around on his Alt.
« on: September 17, 2011, 01:12:38 PM »
Wavelength, his alt, is still around (Thanks Coolio)

Profile Link.

There's another drama about how he's Frozen's alt, so I'll leave this here so you guys can read it, as well as some other stuff in the Elder Scrolls Megathread he made for a second time.

He also had this in both of his signatures but he edited it out.

|   |

Discuss FrozenEye.

Drama / Mntnman
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:37:56 AM »
Let's keep this short and simple, image spam galore.
I usually try to avoid drama topics and the section itself but seriously kid, this isn't funny.

His Profile.
His Posts.

Here's some quick quotes.

._. wow umad
his mom said

I'll stop there before I stretch the page too much, but the rest is mindless babbling and useless stuff.
You can find most of the spam on the first page.

So yeah discuss stuff and place your bets on how fast he'll be banned for cross posting.

Off Topic / Teenager Gets Shot by a Crossbow for Throwing Rocks at a Car
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:38:51 PM »
That'll put those ruffians in their place!

Apparently, the injuries were not "life threatening" and no arrests were made.
Talk about one lesson.

Thought I'd share some funny news with you guys.

Why don't you post some funny news articles here while you're at it?

Games / SSX On Tour Megathread
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:15:57 PM »

SSX On Tour is the best snowboarding skiing hybrid game in the existence of forever and every one of you should play it some time in your life. It had great controls and you could do these crazy impossible moves that were badass. Cool sound track as well and stuff was cash.

Here's some pics.

And it had some coolio arty style.

Discuss this great game, was my favourite Xbox game ever.
It was the best of its series and needs a sequel.

Like, right now.
Play this game if you haven't.
Do it now.

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