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Topics - spencer2015

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Ran out of things to post eh bud?
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:01:30 AM »
Hahahah! Pathetic people on these forums.

Wow his one was kind of harsh.. "I loving hate the stuff out of this kid" have I even done anything personally to you? No. But I'm gonna start to. Cheese we Know you're in kindergarten no need to remind us. You little stuff. Hotdotman can't think of anything to say so he just goes lil wayne yo. HAHAHAH PATHETIC! Nalnalas you probably weigh in at about 500 pounds so how about stop harassing me and get on the tread mill eh? I hate all the loving gay ass bronies and furries on these forums. But I tried to be nice I really did! Even after the constant hate for all you little 12 year olds. I just tried to warn you about a possible child enthusiast. Nothing wrong with that. But then I get all this hate. Nonnel I honestly wouldn't care if you dropped dead now. Let's go back to bronies. I hate them. All of them. I don't care if they're the nicest person in the world. I'll hate em. There is too many friend bronies on this forum. Get rid of the brony and furry avatars! And keep making fun of me for liking lil wayne Because your dim mind can think of ANYTHING else. I could make fun of all the bronies and furries. But I never did even through all the stuff I was getting about being A fan of lil wayne. Lil wayne fan vs bronies and furries. HAHAHAHA. I hate most of the people on these forums some of them are okay. Well that raps it up. I don't care if this was my last topic. IT WAS WORTH IT TO TELL HOW YOU ALL REALLy ARE! Bye now.

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Off Topic / Plolz-child enthusiast
« on: May 02, 2013, 07:13:10 PM »
This guy is a child enthusiast.. I don't have a pic of the chat where he asked for the address but I swear to god I wouldn't lie about this. I got banned on the account I found this one so lost the old chat.

He is clearly lying.

No 8 year old says this.

I know you guys wont believe me but this is real and something needs to be done. I told him I would report this to the authorities and he said fine I'll leave. Then I'm perma banned. Sorry no good pics. But I would NOT lie about something like this.

Off Topic / I hate haters.
« on: April 28, 2013, 05:40:30 PM »
Man, to be hating on anything is just stupid. If you don't like just stay away from it. If you don't like ponies that's great, I don't either, but just don't go on pony topics and hate on them. See the thing is all these nerds hating on things waste their time worrying about stuff they don't like when they should be spending their time doing stuff they like. Don't like Lil Wayne? That's too bad but his fans probably don't want to hear it. Comment on things you do like, not the things you don't. You'll be a happier person.

Off Topic / I hate face symbols in texting.
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:25:49 AM »
I hate :D the most. It's the most annoying thing ever made. :( is bad too. What do you think?

Off Topic / Shaqullie O Neal Show
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:59:30 PM »
Whenever they have them pick the 3 videos he picks the guest's video every single time. Most of the time they aren't funny. Bullstuff eh?

Off Topic / A funny youtube video.
« on: April 25, 2013, 05:04:07 PM »
HAhahah this tribal bitch sayin the N word then she gets sprayed and rides off in her chair. HAHAHA

Off Topic / Slow people
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:54:25 PM »
stuff I know they can't help it but this one person always sits by me at lunch and talks SO DAMN LOUD. I'm right next to him I can hear you just fine! And another thing is he always talks so damn loud so every word he says he spits. Today he was eating an apple and he spit it all over my sleeve. Another thing is he always ask me for my food. I'm not gonna give him my god damn food! Can I have your burger? No. A half? No. And He's a snitch too. Every thing someone says he goes "I'm telling" Then he tells the teacher "hes mean" The teacher just laughs. I don't want to be mean to him, but I need to get away. What should I do?

Off Topic / Cod Clan friends
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:01:44 PM »
Oh my god.. I'm in a search and destroy on mw3 with these clan friends. They insult EVERYONE there. "Get muted kid" "get off my team"  "Get out of my lobby" Holy stuff I don't know if they know it's just a GAME. Games are forms of ENTERTAINMENT! You aren't winning ANYTHING. First of all it's not YOUR team second it's not YOUR lobby.. And they think people care if they mute them? Hell, I bet people mute them right when they hear those forgets. Oh and "SQEUAKER" I mean really who cares how deep someones voice is.. I really think all these obnoxious teens on cod should lose their voice chat. Who agrees? I mean their parents bought them the xbox to have fun, not to talk stuff to people online.

Off Topic / Saints Row IV
« on: April 15, 2013, 09:58:03 PM »
This game looks like it should be a DLC. It has the same graphics as SR3 and it looks like the same city. New weapons and stuff yeah. But seriously? Aliens? What is this stuff?!?

Off Topic / Atheist are stupid and I hate them all.
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:17:47 PM »
LOL CHRISTIANS ARE SO STUPID IM A MAN OF SCIENCE LOLOLOL. You say all Christians talk about is god all you talk about is not believing in god and how stupid it is..  

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Off Topic / Why do so many people hate One Direction?
« on: April 06, 2013, 09:13:23 PM »
All I hear is ONE DIRETION IS GAY OMG OMG. Seriously? You may not like them but that doesn't make them gay and horrible singers. Grow up people. So much blind hate. (Not saying I like them myself)

(Yes another Wayne topic) I'm just wondering why do you think people go so nuts over the line in the song love me "These hoes love me like Satan" I've heard plenty of songs were someone says Satan or something like that and they don't get as worked up as these people. I don't care how much you hate Lil Wayne or why you think he sucks just answer THIS question.

Off Topic / Why does Lil Wayne have so many haters?
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:48:20 PM »
He's obviously one of the better rappers. I'm a big fan and don't see why anyone would hate him or his music.

Off Topic / Minecraft multiplayer problem.
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:30:24 PM »
I join a server and can't walk. Sound is forgeted up too. I tried to post this on the minecraft forums but it seems everything related to minecraft is slow as forget.. Anyways this video shows it better.

Off Topic / These are good songs.
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:32:13 PM »

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