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Topics - Leftus

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / Binaural Beats
« on: October 27, 2011, 04:57:21 PM »
This stuff works, its difficult to explain, but you get a set of stereo headphones, and play the track, which is two (Bi) notes of slightly different pitch, which alters your brain's (neural) frequency, allowing you to focus, reach deeper or lighter states of sleep, and even simulate the effects of drugs (Idoser)

In Binaural Beats, the frequency listed is not the tone being played, it is the difference between the two tones.  Since they're panned out into different earbuds, the tones don't physically cross, or else they'd produce the beating sound that a slightly out of tune instrument makes.  Your brain hears both tones though, so it actually collides in your brain and beats at the frequency listed.

This is why it doesn't really matter what headphones you use, because they aren't actually producing subsonic frequencies.

Here are a few, there are a few free ware programs that allow you to create your own tracks. For instance, if I wanted to study for half an hour and then go to sleep, I could create  a track that starts at about 40hz, going down to 8hz, which would put me in a state of REM dreaming.
(For all of you with iPods)

Just put in, for example 40hz Binaural Beats on youtube, heres a chart for what frequencies do what:
Frequency range   Name                  Usually associated with:
> 40 Hz               Gamma waves     Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13–39 Hz             Beta waves          Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition, and or paranoia
7–13 Hz               Alpha waves        Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness, REM sleep, Dreams
4–7 Hz                 Theta waves        Deep meditation/relaxation, NREM sleep
< 4 Hz                 Delta waves        Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness
(Taken from wikipedia)

Don't use these to often, constantly changing the frequency of your brain can give you a really bad headache
2-3 times a day is fine if its only for 15-30 minuets, but space them out with 2-3 hours in-between each use.

Games / Starcraft 2 GSL Finals
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:47:23 PM »
The finals were yesterday, did anybody watch it?
For those of you who didn't it was between oGsMC (protoss) vs. ST_July (zerg), (PvZ, one of my favorite match ups to watch)

I was hoping Huk would make it again, but he didn't :(, another game between Huk and idra with good sportsmanship that time would have been really fun to watch.

Discuss Sc2, tournaments and other stuff related to the game I guess

Help / Blockland is borked and refuses to launch D:
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:48:31 AM »
I can't even open it.
I finally downloaded blockland v15, and it will not open. I have not added any addons, saves, or anything else, I just downloaded it, did nothing to it, and now it will not open at all.

I run a mac, version 10.4.11

Games / Altitude sale, also free till monday
« on: May 20, 2010, 12:18:47 AM »
I just downloaded it, its loving awesome.

Its some free promotion, also there is a sale for 50% off.
I'm buying it :D

Off Topic / Pat Methenys Orchestrion
« on: May 14, 2010, 12:50:16 AM »
My dad got tickets for my brothers birthday, he had an extra so I went.

All I can say was that it was epic.
Watch in awe, 3D glasses are a must

Suggestions & Requests / Bring back the old zombie mod
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:59:53 AM »
Someone needs to port the old zombie mod.
The one where you could place down a 3x3 brick and have four or five zombies spawn from it, and the med kit where you could just click to use it.

I remember it from v8 or v9, so if you haven't been playing for that long, please don't post.

Suggestions & Requests / L4D and L4D2 Ammo Pile
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:22:13 PM »
I would like/need an ammo pile for a Left4Block map I'm making, see the picture bellow.
It would have the same use as an ammo crate, but you click it to completely restore all your ammo, has unlimited uses.

Suggestions & Requests / Mirrors Edge like player type
« on: May 01, 2010, 08:00:38 PM »
3rd or 4th time I have asked for this, I haven't needed it until now though.

2 Item slots
Regenerates 5 health a second
Runs at 150% speed
Non slippery player type
Jumps at 120% regular jump height
Right click to drain energy bar, causing you to sprint at 200% regular run speed

Thanks in advance

Off Topic / GOTTCHA
« on: April 29, 2010, 09:51:26 PM »
A nerf tag game, that can sometimes take up to a month.

What you do is get an assload of friends and make groups of two. After all the rules are set and (If you chose to, have everyone put in a dollar or two)  the game has started, you continue leading a normal life, but if you see someone playing you can shoot them with a nerfgun and knock them out. The last team standing wins the pot of money. Two team mates don't need to be "in" for the victory to be valid.

Its more fun if you have a car and a drivers license. Also, its a good thing if you are "Safe" during school, to prevent all the trickery and silliness that goes on in the school yard.

Help / Need Bls2Obj Help
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:35:27 PM »
I just downloaded the Bls2Obj from Zack0Wack0's website, and he said to drop the bls onto the exe. I'm on a mac, so I don't think you can do that, is there any other way?

Suggestions & Requests / Find Ghostbrick
« on: April 22, 2010, 05:52:12 PM »
A command that lets you find your ghost brick, useful if have something duplicated, but lost your ghostbrick (Happens to me all the time)

Suggestions & Requests / The new tutorial map.
« on: April 17, 2010, 03:58:06 PM »
It would be cool if someone could make the tutorial map selectable from the single player menu.

I know the old tutorial map exits, but many new things were added and I think it would be nice to have the new one.

Help / Forwarding UPnPs on a mac
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:26:20 AM »
I know many tutorials have been made, but that say its found under system preferences>admin>advanced, but I don't even see the "Admin" section. I have OS X Version 10.5.8, If you need to know anything else, just ask me to post it.

Thanks in advance.

Creativity / Netlogo
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:06:34 PM »
A fun little program that uses java to allow you to make fun programs.

You can download and see any FAQ's, tutorials, and many more useful resources it here

Post creations of yours here, I recommend checking out the tutorial, it helps.

Help / Cannot join working servers.
« on: March 24, 2010, 11:45:11 PM »
Has been happening all day, when ever I try to join server I get a request time out.
I have tried everything from reinstalling blockland with only defaults, and restarting my computer etc.

Like I said, its not on all servers, its just on a few.
I know the servers are working because I got an IRC from the host saying that two people joined their server, and that they said the ping was 182. The ping on my computer shows up as ---

No clue what to do, what might the problem be?

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