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Topics - Darkspyre Guardian

Pages: [1]
Help / new Add-Ons not loading?
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:50:56 AM »
Blockland has successfully loaded my old add-ons from my previous version, but newly added add-ons don't show up anywhere in the game. I've tried all of the strategies listed on the troubleshooting thread but none appear to be working. I would appreciate some help. I'm not sure what files would or wouldn't be useful, so Iwould like it if you could let me know.

Help / How do I get colorsets to work?
« on: October 03, 2010, 04:51:11 PM »
I have colorsets in the "addons" folder, but they do not work on their own and don't appear in the addon selection menu in-game. Am I doing something wrong? Don't blame me for not knowing, I never found any form of explanation as to what I'm supposed to do.

Games / Looking for a specific flash game...
« on: October 02, 2010, 09:36:43 PM »
Okay, theres one game on that I'm hoping to find again. t was an old favorite of mine that I haven't played in years. I can't remember the name and can't find it with thorough searching. You played /w the mouse, clicking to attack. you could also place your mouse over an attack to block. the entire game was a series of first-person battles, where you fought (in order) a dragon, a giant spider, a kraken, an elemental mage, and some demon knight guy. can somebody tell me the name, and, if it was taken off or something... I'd still like to know, mainly because I want to at least know the name of one of my favorite childhood flash games...

Help / Time Bomb Problems
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:38:32 AM »
I downloaded somebody's Time Bomb weapon, (can't remember who's) and now, when it reaches 0... It doesn't explode. the time change still works, along with the defuser and flash on/off. the explosion is a vuable explosion and everything, (I can still spawn it) it just won't work with the Time Bomb! Help!

Games / Knightfall + Knightfall II
« on: March 10, 2010, 06:03:07 PM »
The Knightfall duo of games! Awesome strategy games, in rpg/board rotating game combo format! Worth playing, hell, they're worth buying! BUT THEY'RE FREE HERE AT ARMOR GAMES!

Off Topic / Doughnuts
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:58:19 PM »
favorite kinds?
favorite doughnut shops?
Insectivore doughnuts? (I plan to experiment with insect-based cooking.)
this DEFINITELY belongs in the off-topic section untill somebody makes some doughnut-based add-on.

Clan Discussion / Clan of Darkspyre
« on: January 31, 2010, 07:51:08 PM »
Will you help the noble cause of defending Darkspyre? If you show interest in joining, I will accept. upon joining my server, (Darkspyre) you will be given full trust, and will be an admin. if you cause anything I see as an offense too much (i.e. destroying builds for little or no reason, kicking people for little or no reason, trying to cause lag.) you will be kicked from the server. depending on severity of misuse, it will be from 7th time banned to banned on the spot. you have full freedom in the server, aside from things I offenses, as stated above.

Allignment: Between chaotic evil and neutral evil.
Clan colors: Purple and silver
Current members: Me.
Total members: 1
Have been kicked: N/A
Banned: N/A

Help / "Nested" Add-ons?
« on: January 21, 2010, 05:01:42 PM »
1. the window that opens to run blockland in a separate window says some of my add-ons have the status of "Nested", and will not run them. what does the term "Nested" mean?
2. If it is possible to fix this, how can I?

Help / 2 problems /w maps
« on: January 13, 2010, 09:24:23 PM »
in the map "Cubes": the floating cubes and walkway do not appear.
in any Storm weather maps: they don't have any form of stormy weather, just clear skies.

please help!

Mapping Help / Problems with the "Canyons" map
« on: January 13, 2010, 09:11:53 PM »
I downloaded the map "Canyons" and now it says the map title is "The Slopes". and anywhere in the default map of "The Slopes" that there's water, there's invisible water on the "Canyons" map. Can I fix this without a map making program or encoding/scripting?

Help / Please tell me a Program for making add-ons!
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:00:38 PM »
I am hoping to make some add-ons for the game. Can anbody suggest a free program for making them? if nobody knows of a free one, I will accept suggestions for programs I have to pay for, but it will be a bit longer before I can upload any, as I will most likely save up for it.
my list of 5 add-ons to be made (they will not be made/released in order):
1. a toaster wep
2. an exploding taco launcher wep
3. helicopter vehicle
4. Dragon-based add-on pack
5. Demon-based add-on pack

Please post program names, not spam/flames.

the Title says "The Slopes", and wherever there is water in the area "The Slopes" there is an invisible layer of water. (this is a problem, because most of the round is lower than the bottom of the mountains in "The Slopes". please help! D:

Help / How do i get add-ons to work?
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:01:10 PM »
add-ons are downloaded, but can't be used in-game. how do I fix this?

Clan Discussion / My clan!
« on: November 13, 2009, 08:48:42 PM »
so, will you join the noble defenders of Darkspyre? if you do, you can be an admin each time you join my servers.

Clan Colors: Purple and Silver.
Can Alignment: Between Chaotic Evil and Neutral Evil.
Clan Members at Start: Me.
Clan Members Currently: 1
Clan Member Limit: None.

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