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Topics - leonstormrat23

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Gallery / BlockFront Urban TDM V8.5C (Yeah its back)
« on: July 27, 2011, 05:04:34 PM »
Ok this is like the third or fourth topic made by me for my old Urban Combat TDM.  Well.. This time it is back at its best.... Here is new changelog from V7 to V8.5C:

- Made the suburban houses all custom.

- Removed the class system temporarily.

- Using MW2 playertype and midways AUG and M4.

- Changed Default explosives to LL's grenades.

- Adding telephone poles and a train track.

- Reduced some more spam bricks.

- Changed name and made it mroe homefront styled.

- Changed map to Adjusable plate.

-  Once again changed the tallest buildings color.

-  Removed and replaced some buildings

-  Changed team twos name to insurgents

Enough small talk, lets get to the pics people:

Brand new Urban Area:

The Redone Suburbs, my favorite house is left front one... The top room is a whole room.

Inbetween Suburbs and Urban area

The Swat teams encampment.

Things to be done:

- Make a train track.

- Make a new section.

- Add more telephone poles.

- Fix another house in the suburbs.

- Get a new weapon set.


Mr.Jacksaunt -

For being awesome, and giving me a few buildings.

Ghost15601 -

For building one house.

Aplem -

For being himself.

Off Topic / I am conflicted.. Halp
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:19:46 AM »
Ok so there is this one girl named courtney that likes me because I have an awesome personality, there is a girl named crystal who is crazy about me, and then there is alexia.. I like her, but she is either playing hard to get or just being a bitch.. My friend courtney (Yes people I am now just friends with her) says she likes to play with guys before she goes out with them... She said that I should just ask her out..  But I have to do it when my ex is not around.  Now my friend courtney is insanley hot, but we agreed that we will just be friends. Please help.. Please no "Stick it in her (Place area here)" or anything like that.  I am asking a reasonable question and I need good responces.

Off Topic / I caught a squirrel
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:12:25 PM »
Ok i have a pet squirrel and he got out because I left the cage open by accident, and I had an old small animal trap, so I zip tied it to a tree, and tried to coax him down it, he came down for the food and he got caught in cage, it was insanly heart racing and fun, but I am happy now that nacho is back in his cage.  Nacho is the squirrels name and i have pics but I need a new USB to upload them

General Discussion / Star Wars Battlefront 2 TDM's on Blockland???
« on: July 12, 2011, 11:12:02 AM »
well hi again, if any of you have ever played star wars battlefront 2 you would know that alot of the maps on there are buildable.  for example:

- Tantive IV; Very simple build, will take about two weeks if 1.5 hours is put into it per day.

- Death star;  another quite possible build, just need the use of wedge bricks, and the portal companian cube prints.

There are alot more than this, but it shall be easy to make these because you do not need much detail because the game was made in 2005 or 2004.  But I think I an do it.  My first build will be the death star, and since I can move my TV and PS2 to my computer room, I will have the perfect muse for the build.

I will add some help lists to the topic soon, but right now I need some support.  And I will post pictures of the build ASAP.

Ok, so once again I am posting my urban combat TDM.  It is in V6 whereas in the last topic it was in V3.

Here is the link to my old one.

The things I have changed:

- I changed some of the colors.

- I changed my colorset from truenos to aplems.

- I moved some buildings.

- I reduced brick spam by using bigger bricks for the walls.

- I am now using T+T and Frogs Weapondry

- I have added some brand new buildings.

- I added a new road.

Those are just very few of the changes I have made... Enough of the chitchat, here are some pics (Note I will be adding more. I just took these like 5 minutes ago.

Downtown Area.  You can also see the new road, it is by the green office building. (Updated)

The old blue building, in which I changed the color to a dark green.

The Suburban area of the build.

Billy Bobs store, I have changed the color and reduced the ammount of bricks on this build.

blocko king. I changed the white to a darker color and made it less spammy.

The gas station, in which was part of the update

The brand new SWAT teams encampment

Inside the SWAT teams van/truck. Please also note that this is the first vehicle I have ever successfully built, go easy on me please.

A new building, added thanks to Mr.Jacksaunt.

A new part of the suburban area. I added a parking lot for the residents there.  This was also the old location of the SWAT teams base.  But it is now in its own little corner.

I give credit to:

Shadowed999. For going on my server a while back and being supportive.

Aplem.  Because he is awesome and made my default colorset. :P

Mr.Jacksaunt.  For telling me when it was double drop week on TF2 (lol) and for going on my server too.

Bushido.  For making T+T2.  (Bushi... Accept my friend request on steam fool!!)

Frog Freak.  For making FF's weaponry.

And Slayerz99.  For making the KK

Like I said before, I will add alot more pics later on, but part of the build still needs to have stuff added before pics get posted.

Things planned for V8:

- A small dock area where there will be a warehouse.

- Possibly put this build ontop of some cubes and surround it with water.

- Add some more generic buildings.

- An underground base near the mountain area.

- add server status bar.

Please rate and tell me how I can improve this build.

Off Topic / My friends dad... :(
« on: June 11, 2011, 11:01:59 AM »
Ok, me and my friend were on blockland, he joined my server and his dad had his windows 7 server up. He connected to my IP address and tried to connect to my server using IE, then this action caused my auth check to fail 5 times.  Now he can get on my computer at any time. And he does not approve of cussing.  And he was watching me play TF2, and my friend killmequick started cursing on the voice chat.  So my friends dad got mad and started talking back to him on MY account! My friend killmequick got mad and said:

"listen up you little mother forgeter. I don't need someone shoving rules up my damned ass."

My friends Dad: 

"Well there are young kids on this game and you should watch your language"

Me getting through:

"sorry kill, my friends dad got on my computer"

"Don't worry 'bout it leon, when I get fired up I play better"

"did you even consider the reasonablility of my question sir?"

"No, if you haven't noticed this game is loving M for MATURE and it has blood, gore, and extreme violence, I don't know who is dumb enough even to consider letting a child under 10 play this game."



Off Topic / bubba gumps GOGOGO!!!
« on: May 31, 2011, 12:52:09 PM »
Ok, so just yesterday me and my cousin (XANA3790 on BL) went with our parents to Daytona Beach, booked a beachfront hotel just to shower and stuff, and hung out at the beach all day..  We ate at Hog Heaven for lunch, it was really nice, I loved the sloppy "hawg" and the BBQ sauce alts. to Ketchup and Mustard. Then me and my cousin went back out into the water and just kinda chilled and enjoyed the waves.  Then we drifted out way to far and got called back in a little by the "Beach Patrol". I was outside so long I got major sunburn on my face, got a nice even tan on my legs and arms, and because I wear my nike high tops all the time I got the top of my feet sunburned, and the bottom of my feat scorched by the hot tar on the pavement walking back to the hotel barefoot. I almost broke my nose under water because I tried to jump a huge wave and it caught my feet and yanked me down.  Then about a 12 ft. tall wave broke right on top of me and there was a smalll 2 ft. drop-in and almost drowned if another small wave didn't push me back on a sand bar.  Then we went to dinner at an awesome place called "Bubba Gumps"... Now that was icing on the cake for me, I loved it there.  I got the fish and chips and they were done right. I would suggest this place to anyone... Then on the way back to Inverness (Inverness FL not Italy or whatever) me and my friend got into a conversation about my wierd cat jack and how he turned my sound off on the computer.   And him getting fed the knowledge of the whole sink = water concept and he got spaced out when I was watching an RWJ episode. (long story so I won't tell it)  Besides the point:  Had a great time in daytona beach, got an awesome "fox" brand shirt, and had one of the best trips of my life.

Modification Help / May somone please give me this code?
« on: May 29, 2011, 01:48:55 PM »
Ok, for a few weapons I want them to mount on my players back like Gcats firearms.  But I am a novice scripter and I need someone to tell me what the code for it is.

Off Topic / I need some advice
« on: May 18, 2011, 06:42:58 PM »
Ok.  Well there is this girl that I like that goes to my church.  She already has a boyfriend that's and aledged ex-druggy, entrepreneur , and went to boot camp, he stories make no sense at all and she still likes this wannabe army brat.  So I had my friend who is a girl describe my appearance and personality, this is what she said (not thats what she said :P): 
I am a clean cut mature person, who is fairly tall, I am strong and very athletic.  I am romantic and she has no clue why I don't have a girlfriend. 

So I am trying to get the girl I like (Her name is courtney) to break up with her boyfriend and go out with me.  How can I impress her when she is going out with kid who has aledgedly done drugs, had love, AND has been to boot camp in either England or Germany.   Everyone has nicknamed him the army brat, so anyway. Yeah I need alot of help.

Just to get this off my chest. here are some things I will already answer for you:

(1:  I am going to "stick it in her pooper".

(2:  I am not going to ask out my friend who is a girl.

General Discussion / Emerald isles TDM project. (Bumped majorly)
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:37:53 PM »

OK so alot of you might have seen the old topic upon which me and alot of other volunteers are making a TDM on emerald isles 4.  Well, I decided to bring it back to life and work on it, why?  Because I was just kinda seculded on my own server training myself to build better, and the time has come. I now hope I am worthy enough to lead this task to success with alot of help from others.  So I am going to re-write the names of the current volunteers, if you do not want to help with this any more please inform me and I will remove you.  I will also finally add pics.  
this message has been brought to you by the co-founder of the Nom Nom Clan or NNC.

Memebers list:




-General Skar

-Boba Fett



-Patton 360





-Boba Fett

-Patton 360


------Team Names------





-Leonstormrat23 (Host)

-Aplem (SA)

-XANA3790 (SA)

-Vertical Horizon (A)

My add-on requests:

The old Item_Key

And a night version of Emerald Isles 4 (Vertical horizon said he will see what he can do, but just in case I also asked yokea)

if anyone can find the Item_Key they will get admin.

If anyone can make a night version of Emerald Isles 4 they will get Super Admin.

So far, we still have no team names.

Server finally is up for work on team 2's base.

Please note that after apx. 48 hours the updates will be removed.


A 3 teamed TDM on a night map, one team are shipwrecked elite soldiers, the second is the ruling forces, and the third is a Mercinary group of soldiers camping on the island (they work with the elites).  It is a TDM with that is inspired by Balck Ops, T+T2, The A-Team, and a little bit of half-life 2.  The weapon set we are using IS T+T 2 and the MW2 player type might be used, along with my clans colorset (Aplems colorset).  For more info about the build please PM me.  I am also going to put up a server status bar and pictures of the build and the team working on the build.

Off Topic / Anyone else mad about this?
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:26:47 PM »
Ok, I know this is an update to late, but is anyone else mad about the V18 update removing dUMBELLS Item_Key?  I sure, am.  I mean I have nothing against the ones badspot made, but dude, you made four keys, not one key; so technicly shouldn't the name be Item_Keys????? 


Off Topic / First time I almost got jumped.
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:40:44 PM »
OK so I riding my bike down the street next to me and I saw this balck girl with a queer, and two big black guys. And she said "I want the loving bike", so the two black guys come up to me and say "Hey cracka, gimme dat bike". I said "Why?" One of the black guys said "Just gimme dat mota forgetin bike bitch" I said "What you say, brother", and he said "What boi? >:O you callin me a brother?!!"  and he got all close to me like he was gonna punch me, so for the first time I took my new pocket knife with me and took it out and said "Huh?"  They all started laughing and the other guy went "Man we just jokin yo, we just stupid man..." the other guy went "Yeah we just dumbass brothers" And said "yeah you got that right boys." They went "a'ight, peace out homie" and I of course just said the same thing only pluralized the homie. We laughed and then I rode away, called my friend Garret (because it was is bike I almost got jumped for) and said "Hey dude, I just got jumped" Garret said "What?" "Yeah, and... and...your..bikegotstolen" "what??? Where is it?" "with a black guy" "describe him to me" Two big black guys, both had white shirts and one had a beanie on his head, along with your friend Kavantai's sister and Jesse."  "Where are they headed?" "dude I am just kiddin" "then your an starfish" "well it wasnt all fake I almost got jumped for your piece of stuff bike". And that was the story, if you have any ideas that this is faked, then I must tell you that this is 100% authentic, good old fashoned truth.

Gallery / Custom TF2 build (Kinda WIP)
« on: April 25, 2011, 01:44:57 PM »
OK I was looking through my saves for slat and came accross a few TF2 builds, I found one of my custom TF2 builds and decided to take a few pics and show it to you... Not that this is a CTF and maybe in the future I will make a KOTH and CP but for now it remains CTF, anyway back to the point:  Here are some pics I took like a minute ago:

Red base (Front)

Blu Base (Front)

Right Bridge to the bases:

Meeting Room, that red brick in the corner is where you step over if you have the flag to score (red Base ex.)

Cargo room

Food room I am going to add a health locker to it, but you can get health from the food.

My WIP center building, its gonna just be country styled but I need help.

Help is need for this build I need some good builder to make towers in some blank areas, and I need some rock and sand mounds in the middle and a little bit of help with the center building.  If you are interested in helping me with this build please give me your blockland name and BL_ID

#1- Emtpy

#2- Empty

#3- Empty

#4- Empty

#5- Empty 

Please rate how this build is so far.

Help / CTF help...
« on: April 24, 2011, 04:33:02 PM »
Ok I am working on a custom TF2 TDM and I need help with the falg spawn, I have CTF and TDM active and I have placed the flag spawn brick, but it still does not work.. hao to get 2 work?

Modification Help / Could somone tell me what this code is...
« on: April 19, 2011, 10:25:41 AM »
Ok, I have seen that a few helicopter add-ons have been in need of the spacebar to go up script.  And I am in need of someone to tell me what this script is so me and other can know what it is so we can add it to private add-ons and what-not, so could someone please post the code?

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