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Topics - -Triforce-

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Drama / Zealot fake mailing!
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:16:16 PM »
Zealot has become an annoyance  lately, he joined my server telling me about how he sent badspot a spam message about how he made a fake email about being a pissed off mother. He sent me this link.


I don't know what else to say. I tried lying to him by telling him stuff about IP (badspot could get his ip and track him and such... Trololol)  so he would stop.... but I doubt he will.

But still I do not think Badspot needs to put up with this

Off Topic / Time travel
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:46:40 PM »
Would time travel technically cancel itself out? I mean.. Say you dropped a very expensive vase, you want to travel back in time to stop yourself from dropping it. Therefor you have never dropped it causing you to not travel back in time to stop yourself from dropping it. So why need to time travel? If you time traveled you'd be stuck in a loop... kind of like some sort of paradox... can anyone else come up with time travel flaws besides the fact that if it exists in the future why has no one come back in time to re-invent it?

Help / Dedicated server crashes
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:58:26 PM »
I try to host a dedicated server (which I could do before v20) as soon as it loads up to the MASS Swarm Fighter addon it crashes. I don't want to get rid of the mass swarm because it is crucial to the server I am hosting.
It also says when its starting that it cannot find an external IP so I hope that's not a problem.
This is a picture of what happens.

Suggestions & Requests / 2 baseplates.
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:47:16 PM »
I would like to know if someone could make a 16x58 base plate, and a 16x18 base plate. If someone could make it I would be very thankful. Please don't tell me to make it when I do not know how.

Suggestions & Requests / Cave Generator
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:25:41 PM »
Hello all, Today for no apparent reason I came up with an idea that may be somewhat awesome.... but more likely hard or impossible. For what I was thinking of is a GUI System kind of like Landscape generator except in the option you can make it have Depth, width, caverns, and possibly more selection. For the depth it could max to 2000 bricks deep, for width 64 wide, and have like 10-20 caverns (I mean small) In a way Sort of like minecraft caves except not minecraft caves. The deeper it gets the further down the grey scale it will get. it wouldnt just drop straight down but out and make turns and go up like most real caves. It would generate with the options of 4xCube or 2x2 bricks.

Now this is only a suggestion, Think its possible?

Gallery / NOVA 1 year of service party
« on: February 19, 2011, 10:24:44 PM »
Hello all! As some of you will know, NOVA is 1 year(s) Old toady. We are hosting a party from 9:30 Eastern to 12:00. Free VCE evented drinks will be included ;) All this is hosted on the NOVA Dedicated Server. It is inside the Clan ships hangar. Join now!

DJ Damage!

Dance floor


DJ Corner

The best part, The bar!

(P.S the floor changes colour when you walk on it...)

Help / Server hosting problem
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:16:30 AM »
Ok, for the past couple of days I have been taking notice of random lag. Its not your average Duplicator lag, Its after I host a Dedi, Or just a normal online server for about 20 minutes it seems like the FPS has dropped significantly. I realized that I can restart my PC and start blockland and get a good 20 min - 1 hour of game in and then it lags for me. But the sad thing is, when other players are on my server that I am hosting, Only I lag. I have asked them if it seems jumpy to them and they told me no. They don't get any lag while I the host do. Its not the amount of bricks either because I end up lagging after 30 min without bricks and sometimes I lag horrible in the main menu of Blockland. This only started happening after a few days ago when my laptop monitor went black for 30 seconds then popped back up saying it reset my graphics.

Gallery / NOVA Clan ship
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:25:22 PM »
I'm currently working on a new ship for my clan, I thought I would post the progress here while I build it.

The outer hull so far, each yellow square is where a Pod would launch from

The side of the ship so far

Down the hall to the Pod Bay

In the pod bay

My Drop pod

Help / My prints are not working
« on: December 13, 2010, 06:27:36 PM »
So today I made a print pack for my clan. The problem is, The prints are just not showing I have the Server.Cs file the Description.Txt , the Icons, and the Prints folders and such. There is one error I keep getting in the Console

Exec:    invalid script file Add-Ons/Prints_2x2f_NOVA/server.cs.

and the other

Exec:    invalid script file Add-Ons/Prints_1x1_NOVA/server.cs.

any ideas on how to help?

Suggestions & Requests / Invisible Playertype
« on: December 12, 2010, 12:30:44 PM »
Is it possible? I know it can be done with events but I don't know how to do it. so I'm suggesting or requesting if someone could possibly make an Invisible player type. If someone knows how to event it so that a player can be invisible for 30 seconds please tell me, It would be helpful.

Clan Discussion / DEAD (delete me)
« on: December 11, 2010, 11:06:00 AM »
NOVA is gone please come back some other time

Delete this post.

Drama / I have been scammed
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:27:49 PM »
Recently I was working on my "Realistic trench warfare" server when a user by the name Psp had shown up on my server. He had a low ID and claimed that he would help with the build, But only if i gave him admin because it was his policy. I explained what happened last time I listened to that story. Basicaly the person got admin because I was gullable and he cleared all bricks and left. He assured me he was not going to do this he told me he dissabled the button under his GUI. It sounded Sketchy and non beleivable but I thought I could trust him. So he says, "I do not abuse admin, but..." then it got Really laggy and it started banning people permantly starting at ID 1, it made it to around ID 1205 by the time I could move my mouse out of the Lag that it was creating. I tried to get a Picture of it but it would not capture the text. If Psp comes to your server I recomend to watch him closely or ban but Defenitaly not give him admin....

Creativity / Blockpocalypse
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:28:53 PM »

Blockpocalypse is a story about a Apocalypse that happens in Blockland (I hope this is in the Right Section)
p.s Constructive CritCIAm is aloud. if you want to be in the Story leave yor ingame name and how you were found in the story. Each new chapter will be released on the  Friday of the week. p.p.s I asked all users in the story if i could use there name

Chapter 1

   its been 7 years, 7 whole years since the start of the nuclear war. Only 15% of the worlds population is still trying to survive. It has all gone to hell, most of us are dead or we are the undead. Myself (Xentair) and my a few of my good friends such as Xiphos, D4arkParadox, GlaDOS, and Arkenov. We are hoping more have survived but the chances are very slim. The scariest thing yet is, the zombies weren’t created by the nuclear war, the zombies created the nuclear war. It all started July 4th 2010 when a case of blockitus was found a local restaurant called McBlockalds. A man named Iban if i could remember, he took a bite out of the block burgers and claimed to cut his mouth open on a Vile with a small green liquid in it. Later that man had a seizure in his multimillion dollar mansion, the paramedics come to take him but they were to late, Iban had died as of July 4th 2010 5:59pm. They put his body in the morgue but little did they know the vile he bit into had Blockitus in it, Blockitus was a testing disease to bring dead cells back to life to help fight other diseases like cancer and heart disease. From what I know, the Blockitus took over his body infecting it with a flesh eating virus that slowly peeled away the flesh on his bones, and also reincarnated certain cells. Tumours were common to form in the cerebral membrane causing the tumour to push against a certain part of the brain that brought out rage. This rage made them bite and rip at others with their nails, which was also another way to spread Blockitus. Iban infected 98 dead bodies in the morgue and those 98 infected 340 in the hospital. Soon they broke out and spread to over 9000 in a day. Russia thought the United States of America was Responsible and thought they were using Biological warfare to wipe out there country. So Russia tapped on USA's door with a few 10 million megaton nukes. Pretty soon the sirens were running threw the city of San Andrea’s and we knew we had to get to the fallout shelters before they hit. It was a year before anyone left the fallout shelter, We were suppose to be in there for 2 years but Blockitus was carried into the Fallout shelter. As we surfaced we noticed the ocean was nothing but a measly lake, the Plants and wildlife were gone, the city was destroyed, Only a few buildings remain. The Parking structure, the Adult entertainment, the pyramid. Those are the few i can remember. But as of today, We will survive. All hope is on the human race.

General Discussion / Delete.
« on: November 01, 2010, 10:22:40 PM »

Faces, Decals, Prints / ODST Chest Plate Decal
« on: August 20, 2010, 08:05:48 PM »
This is my Decal, I use this for the Clan Except it has NOVA Across the Chest.
The Armour is not Transparent only the Background is,


Also that blue Line that you see in the Image is not on the Decal, I do not know why that is there


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