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Topics - LordCutlerBeckett

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Okay I have asked everywhere and got nothing, so I thought just maybe one of you have had this problem before and fixed it somehow so here I am.

Since four weeks ago, all Flash video players, gif images, and the little circle loading thing on tabs on ALL of my browsers have been playing incredibly fast. Along with the playing fast, all Flash videos have no audio at all. I can't watch any videos at all and my CPU usage is blasting through the roof because my browser is making stuff too fast.

What I tried:
updating flash
turning off hardware acceleration for flash
completely deleting and reinstalling flash
everything on the flash player troubleshoot page on Adobe
updating Google Chrome (since it's integrated on Chrome)

All of these did nothing. Again, I have looked at a bunch of topics from many websites to no avail, and I was wondering if anyone here may have had this problem prior and fixed it somehow. Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / What programs do you waste your time with?
« on: January 21, 2012, 10:47:13 PM »
Basically you tell us all what kind of programs you play around with in your spare time. Something you just downloaded and ran and never stopped playing around with. They can be games, MIDI sequencers, paint programs, anything. Just post it and let everyone else have fun with it. <3

Unless you have to pay for them. That isn't fun.

I myself have four I deal some time with every day. - Apophysis - fractal editor for Windows. Math stuff but it's pretty cool once you edit stuff. - Spelunky - cave combatish game with that retro feel. Fun and addicting. - MyPaint - digital image creator. Lots of brushes, etc. I think there's a topic for it on the forums somewhere. - FamiTracker - 8bit music creator. The best you can get. Offers NSF file exporting, allowing you to create music and put it onto an actual NES cartridge if you're that smart.

Off Topic / jesus richard - funny horsie
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:56:18 PM »
"hey watch this brother this is funny"

Note: disturbing but still kind of funny. :l

Scared the forget out of me though.

Off Topic / Kevdude's avatar - what is it?
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:36:56 PM »

It looks really familiar and I cannot place where it came from.

Will lock when answered. :l This is killing me.

also ignore the antlers

Off Topic / Google Gravity
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:46:22 PM »
I don't know if I am late, but this is cool:

yeah so do it and stuff

It's the google page but all of the elements fall and you can drag them around. Try searching something.

Off Topic / Homework question for SCIENCE.
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:52:02 PM »
It's a disappointing question: how much horsepower is needed to pull 450 pounds?

I looked everywhere and all that pops up is "1hp = 550ft x lb/s" or some stuff.
x is multiplication.

This is all I need to know and stuff. Help.

Your name is Clyde Benson. You are a software developer for the military. You are sitting in your office toying around with archived scripts and bits of code to see what you can do with them. You have access to all of these things in your office on floppy disks. You have different codes that can hack stuff, format stuff, etc. You find a floppy disk labeled "JERRY". You wonder what it is and you put it into your floppy disk drive. Your screen goes black and a little green line appears. It starts blinking. You automatically assume that you can type something, but you can't. You try to exit out of the screen, but you can't. You just can't get off of the screen. All of a sudden, a message pops up.

And we begin:

Say anything you like.

And yes, I based Jerry off of the computer thing in "Sphere".

Off Topic / Installation for Photoshop forgeted up.
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:22:31 PM »
So recently I got Photoshop and tried to install it on my computer.
I have all of the requirements for it, so don't whine about that. Windows XP SP 3 as well.
So, as I install Photoshop, it starts to install "AdobeHelp" on the installing thing, and a dialog pops up saying that the "Adobe AIR installer has encountered an issue and needs to close blah blah" and at the end of the installation, it says some stuff for Photoshop could not be installed. So I try to run Photoshop, and it doesn't work.

Well now I am really pissed. That's all of the details I can give for now. I will check this topic in the morning.
I did not run the installation as an Administrator, and I heard that helps sometimes, but I will try that in the morning.

Until then, it would be nice if I had some other methods of overcoming this issue. Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / Can anyone get on gmail?
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:49:57 PM »
Gmail is pulling a little stunt. Whenever I try to get onto the login page it just stuffs this domain error page.

I also can't log in to Youtube with a google account.

Off Topic / Quick GIMP question because I am silly.
« on: October 16, 2011, 06:51:40 PM »
I don't know if this belongs on Off Topic, but whatever.
Is there any way on GIMP (or GIMPshop, if you've ever used it) to have some sort of "Patch Tool" like on Adobe Photoshop? You know, select a region and move the selection and it automatically recolors everything to fit everything around it etc. to get rid of blemishes? I know there's the Clone Stamp tool, but it doesn't recolor what you fixed and you can tell you edited the picture. It's sloppy, unlike Photoshop.
I just don't feel like paying a ton of money for a program to do one simple thing. Is there some kind of plugin for GIMP that does what I explained?
Thanks in advance if the advice is helpful.
I will lock this quickly once I know if you can do this or not.

Off Topic / Computer help - Something about partitions.
« on: October 10, 2011, 07:01:35 PM »
Never loving mind.

WARNING: Clicking the links ensures graphic images and some bad stuff going on in your head.

Watching a video over torture in Sociology caused me to search some stuff up on wikipedia. Boy was I pissed at myself afterwards. Here's the worst of the worst:                       (graphic details under "Results" section)                        (involves loveual torture, click at own risk)          (just sucky)

And pretty much a list of all of the devices can be seen here by clicking a nationality:

LINK DIDN'T WORK. Click on links above and click bottom link.

I have no idea why I did this, because now I am certain nightmares will ensue.
Discuss how awesome we are now for having lethal injection or something better than this bullstuff.

Off Topic / Favorite Authors and books and stuff.
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:41:08 PM »
Pretty simple really, just post your favorite authors and pieces of their work.

For example, I really enjoy Micheal Crichton's books. So far from what I have read, Sphere is the best book by him in my opinion.

now its your turn yaaaay

So I was playing Volleyball in PE today with my team which consisted of three normal people and a pale as all hell richardface. Since I suck at Volleyball, I only hit 1 out of 5 volleyballs hit to me (half of them were out anyway aaaaaa) and stuff. The pale kid starts bitching at me for this: not hitting the ball back when it was clearly out of bounds. He just screams "WHY DIDN'T YOU HIT IT BACK MAN COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and stuff and I am sitting there ignoring half of his speech about out balls. I couldn't hear him because his head was shoved too far up his ass. So after that mess of stupid and crap I keep sucking at volleyball and whenever I don't hit it this kid just scoffs at me and yells "COME ON" again and stuff. I mean what in the holy richard. All of his "friends" aren't hitting the ball and he just laughs and stuff and he can barely hit the ball over the damn net either, so he has no right. Eventually he wants me to switch sides because he has a cactus in his ass, so I switch sides because I don't want to hear any more of his bitching. Yeah so when I'm over there he starts richarding around and dancing to this gay song our PE teacher was playing and completely ignoring the game. Good job limp richard you won the loving game. Jesus loving Christ I wrote a loving novel over this kid.

yay im done Post your stories about stupid people.

Off Topic / Has anyone ever seen "A Clockwork Orange"?
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:27:01 PM »
It's directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on a European novel. I heard it was really disturbing, and from the forum's views, I am wondering how disturbing it actually is. So, discuss, and don't post ultra-violence and rape scenes if you can. :l

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