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Topics - SuperMunkay

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / My died just died
« on: March 12, 2009, 06:27:12 PM »
My died just died, just thought I'd tell you guys, since you care so much about other people's problems.

Off Topic / If you were born in Los Angeles, California....
« on: November 20, 2008, 04:37:19 PM »
If you were born in Los Angeles, California at the precise time of 3:42 AM on a Wednesday, post below!

Off Topic / howw old r u!? HURRRRR
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:57:47 PM »
my quesshun is how ole blocklund plangers are?

u can assner up to 1000 times.

Off Topic / I feel good now. I've recruited several ROBLOX players...
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:25:30 PM »
I've recruited a ton, mostly famous ones. If I knew it was so easy...

Anyways, if you ARE from ROBLOX, and you still remember all the crap about me (Yes, this IS Chriz...) then just put a post here. Maybe we could all start a server...

Music / Crazy Train Looping
« on: March 01, 2007, 02:42:28 AM »
Just the Crazy Train intro riff that loops.


Drop this baby in your "Blockland/base/data/sound/music" folder.


NOTE: I'm not the best audio editor. I'm sure stevey could make one better.

Help / [HOW TO] Use XFire in Blockland
« on: February 27, 2007, 04:12:50 PM »
There are a couple ways to do this.

First way.

1) Go to XFire Plus Downloads > Custom Game Support

2) Extract to any folder on your hard drive. Run it, sometimes you might get an error saying so and so and that hitting file and register will fix it. If you get that error please hit File > Register on the program.

3) Hit Games > Add new games, this will bring up your Internet Browser (Firefox ftw) and will have a list of games, go down to Blockland, hit Download. It may ask you if you want to open xfcgsg.exe to run this command hit Launch application. It will then download and install in your xfcgsg.exe.

4.) Installing the game support is finished close the xfcgsg.exe application, open your XFire, go to Tools > Options >Games. It may already be in your Installed games, if not, go to Not-Installed then go down on the list until you find it. Hit "Game Installed" hit browse, and find your Blockland Retail or just Regular Blockland folder, and hit apply. Close options. Now you're ready to use XFire PM's ingame. (NOTE: This doesn't have Launcher, or joining support.)

Or the second way.

1) Go to your xfire directory. Open xfire_games.ini with Notepad.

2) Scroll to the bottom. Insert this code...

Code: [Select]

3) Save, open your XFire, go to Tools >  Options > Games. It may already be in your Installed games, if not, go to Not-Installed then go down on the list until you find it. Hit "Game Installed" hit browse, and find your Blockland Retail or just Regular Blockland folder, and hit apply. Close options. Now you're ready to use XFire PM's ingame. (NOTE: This doesn't have Launcher, or joining support.)

Any GOOD questions, please read thorougly before asking questions.

You have to do this everytime XFire updates, which is a hassle.

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