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Topics - Odin

Pages: [1]
Help / TDM, CP Help
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:18:24 PM »
Hello, I'm trying to make a attack & defend style TDM, but it seems whenever team 1 (attacking team) captures 1/3 of the capture points required, the round ends and they win. How do I make it so they have to capture all 3 capture points in order to win the round? And how do I make it so, if they capture objective 1, then they can spawn from that area?

Thank you for your assistance

AoT General / AOT Short Stories Thread
« on: December 22, 2006, 01:51:36 PM »
Hello, i thought it would be nice to have a short stories thread, to see the creative side of the AOT players. Anyone may start the ball rolling. Please keep the stories to about 2-4 posts long.
And one story at a time please. At the end of each story (not each post) please kindly leave a "The End' at them, to notify other people that it is possible to post again. This will go on smoothly, if everyone follows according to the rules, forgot to note that, please show some relevance to the AOT world, and not some sci-fi story. And lastly, if you wish to post, please post something in context with the thread, and feedback would be greatly appreciated by the authors of each story. No rude remarks.

AoT Clan Discussion / The Aegis
« on: December 22, 2006, 01:09:59 PM »
A mob based clan, focusing on power and money. Plus the control of the economy and shop items being sold, making sure the people do not get abused. The name says it all, protection and sponsership. Noob friendly. A few requirements to join

1) Willingly open mind to learning new things (new players)
2) Respect to every member
3) No petty crimes
4) Never soil the name of the clan
5) Cop account (optional)
6) Hook (optional)

Benefits include:

Weaponry provision (coming soon)
many more

To learn more about the clan, or to join please talk to me (Ares). In game.

AoT General / Blacksmith Downloads
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:10:11 AM »
I cannot access the blacksmith window to use her services, because i cannot download the blacksmith files. Is there anyway at all to use the services of the blacksmith without having to download anything from the client. (Wont even let me download the versions from the client).

Thank You.

AoT General / BlackSmith Files
« on: June 11, 2006, 04:16:06 PM »
i would really appreciate it if someone can let me download the blacksmith craft files, as my AOT dosent seem to download anything from the client itself. Thank You

AoT General / Cant Play
« on: May 15, 2006, 08:07:29 AM »
i try starting the auto updater and after like an hour or so it still dosent get anything done. Is there any other way to get the patch from 24 onwards?

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