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Topics - rambo1220

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Off Topic / got some big news for you all
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:28:20 PM »
listen up folks got some big news come take a gander at my big news it's some pretty big news click on that beautiful face to find out more

read the description

Off Topic / 7 years and 7 days here
« on: March 15, 2017, 11:37:48 PM »
o wowe what a trip, this place has evolved so much over these years, while simultaneously de-evolving as it progresses.

seriously though, as much trash as this place can be, it's still pretty chill here, a good thing to point towards here would be hodot's recent and very informative post that everyone should read.

I bump heads with a lotto ya'll over here, but politics and differences aside you're all forgetin legends, thanks for having me around and being nice folks in general.

I present to you, THE LOCAL BEENER

also if anything in this video rubs you the wrong way, please read the description.

Super Sneaky Stealth Gameplay Action in Squad.

the last time I made one of these was like November but ima gather up all that old footage and put it together so it doesn't digitally rot in my comp compute.

in the meantime have this if you want it I guess.

So my mom recently rescued some puppers that weren't being cared for properly, they're 4 weeks old and cute and all that jazz, and we're figuring out where to take them, who to give them to, etc.

My dad's been wanting a dog, and this is a perfect opportunity, obtaining it is of no cost besides caring for it and nurturing it. Well he walked into my room a few hours ago and told me he really thinks he's going to go through with it and get one of the pups, I responded positively and thought it sounded great, and then the words rang out...

Also I'm going to name her Pepe, y'know, after the internet meme.

On my exterior I held my gaze, but internally my gut's recoiled, my mind was boggled, and my thoughts we're disgusted, this dog's existence is going to be attributed to a meme, what the forget. I made sure that what I really heard was truth and asked "Oh, so Pepi? With an I?"

Nope, Pepe.

Now my dad isn't some internet schmuck like us, he was a firefighter for over 30 years, and slaved away ensuring our future was good, and is quite the opposite of someone who would dwell in the digital world all hours of the day, he's the one who struggles with something for a good few minutes, then when he calls for my help, it's resolved in seconds. All he knows about is some forget-face frog with text accompanying it, not the disgusted, twisted, outlet for 4chan to violate.

this is my life now, there is no content, only humility and a poor pupper who I will never refer to as Pepe.

Games / Resident Evil 7 thread
« on: January 23, 2017, 08:09:06 PM »
It is spooky game, I have just purchase spooky game even though I don't like spooky games and never have been too fond of spooky games.

Otherwise, I won't have a huge infographic because chances are if you're already in this thread you know what Resident Evil 7 is and what it holds in store. If you're interested in picking it up and have played the demo share your feelings on this about to be released game.

oh look actual news with an actual link source

While Donald Annoying Orange was giving his speech at the CIA Headquarters on January 21st, 2017, he made an interesting remark to the present members of the CIA within the room


"I love honesty, I like honest reporting. I will tell you, final time, although I will say it when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in, because I am coming back... we may have to get you (CIA) a larger room.. we may have to get you a larger room... y'know? And maybe, maybe, it'll be built by somebody who knows how to build and we won't have columns. Do you understand that? We get rid of the columns!"

In a political context, Annoying Orange could be saying he wants to clean up the CIA, and that this time they'll have a room without columns, in which he's most likely referring to the Fifth Column, an expression used for any smaller group that undermines a larger one, whether he's referring to cleaning up the CIA as a whole, or getting rid of specific members within, it's a really interesting remark to make given the current political climate and how rampant corruption is, especially when directed at the CIA.

Off Topic / The Plague: Comic Sans
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:54:45 AM »
A rather near to my heart video me and my friends did for our digital media class back in November of 2015, this video was inspired by me and my pal's genuine hatred for the font of Comic Sans, and how common it was in our daily lives, in a class where you're limited to being very tame and not even being allowed to use banana's or finger guns to imitate weapons, we resorted to bashing the font Comic Sans as a sort of illness/disorder.

Since I was uploading it to preserve it after a whole year of not doing so, and so me and others could watch it at any given notice, I decided to share it with you folks.

give it a watch or something, it'll be like opening a metallic trash can on a sizzling summer day so the steam of the hot garbage rises in front of your face and makes you question why you decided to open the trash can to begin with.

Off Topic / 17
« on: December 20, 2016, 05:20:57 PM »
here to one-up timestamp's stuff birthday with my own slightly better stuff birthday

it is my rambo1220's abortion anniversary birthday my homeboys fellow acquaintances

i can now finally die in peace after realizing i'm the best mistake to ever happen in 16 17 years

i'd like to thank that friend eon, nobot, blus, conan and eagle517 dan the man with flan for being my cool dude of the dude era

in addition to this i will give you a free meme:

so ya a stuffpost

just your everyday multiplayer experience gifted to us by Ubisoft

Off Topic / video I made of forgeted moments in a game called Squad
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:15:21 AM »
made this earlier this month, forgot to post it here, now posting it in here.

it involves the lack of situational awareness and semi-auto russian roulette

well, it's been a while.

Last time you saw this was beginning of July, almost 5 months ago, school and my job and other things got in the way but I'm back in the "groove" and am really trying to get this thing done now as it's nearing completion.

I've made some changes purely to gameplay mechanics so it doesn't take me as long to push out, namely, the previous "phone mechanic" of clicking a set amount of phones that would spawn in random locations in each building that would trigger a rescue boat from the killer has been scrapped entirely. I still love the concept but I'm stuff at coding so I don't think it'd be doable for me.

otherwise, for now all that's left is general vegetation and detailing to make this area look gorgeous and pretty, it won't take place during the daytime but rather in the dead of foggy night so these screenshots are only daytime for visibility and comparison.

oh yeah, here's the progress I've made since I've started working on it again.

how it looked around July when I stopped working on it

as of now since I've started working on it agian as of November 19th

(not visible is a side garage added onto the main house, garage interior is not complete yet so I'll get back to ye when it is)

as you can see there's been some heavy additions, more trees, because, why the hell not? Along with more vegetation (which still isn't complete, got a lot more to add still).

There might be the addition of another building, not sure yet, if so it would definitely be a small one.

My goal is to have this out by December, preferably prior to my birthday on the 20th, so we'll see how that goal goes. Prior to I will be hosting test runs so keep your eye out for that announcement.

Off Topic / [blogland] I will now vent about my current social life
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:16:30 PM »
i'm not one to usually do this stuff but these feelings have been pent up inside for a long time now and I need to let them out somewhere.

Socially, I'm just left out, I'm left out of almost everything. I have friends, I know a lot of people, and I'm very well acquainted, but I'm just cast aside for so many loving things.

Everyone I used to hang out with back in the 8th and Freshman year (who are absolutely great people still) have just dropped all contact with me, my current friend group composed of people I've known almost my entire life and others from a few years back always just go "they're not even fun they just go to parties and drink" (we're not against that, I used to smoke daily and everyone I know is into some drug or another), but they always have their loving snapchat stories and they're all having so much fun.

It's not even them having a rager or anything, it's the best kind of party, just sitting around with people you know and talking and having fun, and these are people I've known my entire life, more than people I currently know now, some of these people used to be my absolute best friends, but now I just watch form a digitally safe distance as I'm just cast aside.

The same even happens with my group of friends, they'll always go to the city, or the ocean, or a festival, a concert, anything, but they never once have invited me to any of these things, they just come back and tell me about how much fun they have, and all I do is sit and nod saying "oh that sounds cool"

for instance, I've been trying to go to the Academy of Sciences since I got out of the hospital, which was June, and they all know this, for months I've been complaining about how I haven't been able to go due to my family being busy or something, then recently they started talking about going there, and I mentioned my predicament, to which got no response pretty much, then they come to my house a week later talking about how sick it was seeing all they had to display there, and how instead of bringing me they brought another friend of ours who just made the entire thing incredibly uncomfortorable for everyone and was being a bit annoying. But not once did they even ever apologize saying "oh stuff man I wish you could've been there" or something. Just no regard.

Not to mention my house is pretty much just a convening point, they'll ask to come over, kick it for a bit, then be like "alright we're leaving now to go to X's house" but are never once like "ey yo dude come along". The same thing even happens if we're out and about, they just leave me behind to walk home or what have you.

Every few months I just get to a boiling point where I'm just confront them, asking why they never hit me up or anything and how I'm always left out of this stuff, they always go "well you never hit us up and you sit inside your room on your computer all day, hit us up more often dude".


"hey dude what are you up to?"
"oh sorry I'm busy got work today"

"hey you wanna kick it"
"sorry I'm going out to X's house today, can't"

"hey man we should go fishing soon or something"
"I'm going out to the lake/pond with X people right now, I'll bring you along some other time".

I finally got so loving sick and tired of this when one of my friends sent me a video of them and like 4 other people we know just in a car blazing, nothing too exciting and I'm not even smoking right now, but I just got so fed up with it and lashed out on him saying
 "why do you always send me this stuff I can literally do nothing with this, do you I just sit here and watch you guys have fun all day or some stuff what do I do with this video"
"well dude you never hit us up really and you're always at work or on your computer or something"



it's just such an unfortunate stuffty situation, not to mention everyone I know is going to a bunch of different schools now and I've dropped out so I'm completely disconnected from seeing even the people I used to be super good friends with just occasionally saying hi and checking up with what they've been up to in recent times, and when I would go check on them they're not annoyed, they're loving glad I'm coming by, those 5-15 minutes of just quick stuff shooting is great for everyone and I've never gotten a bad glance for doing so.

I've pretty much reached the point to where I'm just going to call them out on this if it persists. It may just seem like complaining, but after multiple trips to the city, 8 different concerts, and what else have you of me not being there on said events and having to hear how much fun it was get's loving sickening.

sorry, go back to stuffposting now everyone.

I really, really used to love Childish Gambino around 2014, but then over time my taste in music matured and changed and he just didn't cut it anymore, he was still good, but not for me really.

Now we have "Me and Your Mama", his debut song from his new album "Awaken My Love", coming out December 2nd, and holy forget.

Song: :Stuff

The amount of different genres and styles of music in this one song is loving absurd, it has such a flow to it that I never thought he would ever be able to achieve, but I'm glad he has now.


Games / -
« on: November 03, 2016, 03:18:32 PM »

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