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Topics - Blockomanian

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Off Topic / Handwriting showoff thread!
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:58:21 PM »

You know what to do.

So I recently haven't been able to join any Altis life servers in Arma 3, and down in the box where it describes the server it tells me I need a verson 1.28/1.3.
Is that something I have to download or what? I'm a little clueless here lol


UPDATE: So after checking the integrity of the game files, it turned out that the game did have to be updated. But, when I go to update the game nothing happens and it just sits there. It says "UPDATING" but it literally does nothing. Any ideas? Should I just reinstall the game?

Off Topic / Sudden computer problems?
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:37:04 PM »
So up until today my computer has been running flawlessly.
Today my friend was asking me about building a computer (because that's what I did), so I decided to open mine up and kinda show him what everything was n crap. Now, all I took out was one stick of RAM, and didn't do anything else. Put it back in correctly n all that, and when I started it back up all of a sudden *all* of my games started lagging decently. So I restarted it to see if just something didn't go right starting it up the first time, still did it. So then I took it back out and re-inserted all of my RAM and dusted everything off with my canned air whateverit'scalled, and it's still doing it, although now my older/less demanding games work fine but now the more demanding games (like Star Wars: The Old Republic) are still laggin, but they never lagged at all before. YouTube videos will also be very very choppy. So I don't have any idea what's going on, hopefully you guys can help :(

Here's my specs:

Intel Core i5-4570 3.20GHz
NVidia Geforce GTX 760

Not sure what else to put there, but if you need anything else I'll grab it for ya

Thanks in advance!

Off Topic / My girlfriends dad pisses me off.
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:32:05 AM »
Explanation time! Incoming wall of text in 3, 2, 1...

OK so, for starters, my girlfriend (I'll call her Jill here) lives with her dad. Her mom died in a tragic car accident, while Jill was in the car. She was 7. Now, Jill could have lived with either her Mom's family, whom she knew the most, or with her dad, who she barely knew (that's a whole 'nother story). The judge, who was not fond of women, picked her dad, who, from what Jill told me, wanted her so he could get the money from the whole deal. All that's a different story that I don't know much but yeah context.

Now, here's where the fun part comes. One thing, he's a diabetic. BUT, when he has a diabetic attack and Jill is trying to get sugar into him and help him, he just throws her aside (quite literally). Whether this is a part of what could happen during an attack I don't know, maybe some of you do. Even then, when he's not low or anything, he's just a plain flat out richard to her. He just verbally abuses her, calls her a slut and a whore when she dresses "attractively". (Which in reality isn't even close to "slutty" clothing). Whenever she'll grab a poptart or have a bowl of cereal, he'll always yell at her that she's eating all the food and leaving none for him. He'll make dinner for himself and leave none for her.

Logic does not exist with him. If he knows something, well it must be OBVIOUS and EVERYONE should know it. Otherwise you're a stupid dumbass. I was taking her home from a Christmas party we were having, and I was driving slower and more cautiously because it was really foggy out and I couldn't see amazingly well. When he called her asking "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, WHY AREN'T YOU HOME?", and she said "Well it's really foggy so he's driving a little slower n stuff, I'll be home in a couple of minutes." Makes sense, right? Nope. "BULLstuff. GET YOUR ASS HOME RIGHT NOW." And as soon as they hung up, she started bawling her eyes out. I literally wanted to go in that house and just punch him in the face. But I didn't because "He's a good kid."

Here's my no. 1 favourite example: He hasn't taken her to the dentist in years. Not for financial reasons, he just didn't take her. He finally did a couple months ago. They found 6 cavities and a possible root cbrown town needed. You would think "Oh man, he must feel terrible and is going to get that taken care of as fast as possible!" NOPE. He's making her pay for it. Every bit of it. 

But wait, there's more! She always tells me on multiple occasions of how he's slapped her dead across the face, picked her up and slammed her onto the couch, and, on one occasion that I know of, threw her into a wall. (That one's based on something I read on her blog. Whether it's true or not is tbk, but I honestly don't doubt it.) Just the other day I was at her house to pick her up for a Christmas party we were going to, and we just saw him grab their dog by the neck and fling her outside. (she's maybe 9 years old, frail, and has serious medical problems).

Here's the kicker though. Whenever I'm over at her house, he's always all "doo do dooo I'm a great person I'm nice and kind and I don't slap your girlfriend right across her face." I call bullstuff. Don't act like your daughter doesn't tell her boyfriend when you call her a loving slut and physically harm her.

Now when you start thinking "Oh this is all made up/she's probably lying to you for sympathy", it's not and she's not. She's got scars to prove it, and I've seen how he treats the dog. There are times where I want to just walk in there and speak my mind. If I wanted to I could shut him down so hard Australia could feel it. But I'm not. Not yet. Not until she's moved out and we've got a place together.

Tl;dr: My girlfriends dad is a richard. He hits her and calls her terrible names and I hate it.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I really needed to vent that out. There's seriously so much more but I don't want to type all of it out.

Games / GMod Subscriptions not showing up in-game?
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:50:23 PM »
Everything I've subscribed to in the Workshops shows up as "Subscribed" when I'm in the Steam client, but when I launch GMod they aren't showing up. This is happening to things I've subscribed to today, things that I've previously subscribed to still work. I unsubscribed to something and then resubscribed to it to see if it would show up and it didn't. Is this happening to anyone else? Any ideas why?

Off Topic / I love being passive aggressive :D
« on: June 24, 2013, 04:42:26 PM »
Long story short, her dad doesn't know we're dating and we basically hang out in secret to him. From what she's told me, if he knew about us, we would hardly EVER be able to hang out, because he's WAY too overprotective. She has to tell him she's coming over to my house with friends to play videogames n stuff in order to come over and hang out. I can't go to her house because her dad has freakin cameras everywhere. So today, she's telling me like "I don't know if I want to today, I've told him the same thing too many times and I think it'l be suspicious." So like any logical person would do I told her to just tell him something different, that she's not coming to my house or anything. She completely avoided the idea and never told me why she wouldn't, and I've told her it 3 times. So I've been sitting in my house alone and bored as hell for all day, and I've subliminally told her that I was bored as hell, saying things like "Watching water boil is a great time passer!" and "I've been trying to kill this fly for 2 hours." and being less of the "lovey-dubby" I usually am towards her. She's so oblivious to my severe boredom and dissapointedness that she won't just do what I know will work.

Maybe I'm just overreacting and being stupid, but when people don't listen to my ideas that I know will work, I become oh-so-very passive aggressive and it's fun.

I guess talk about stuff that makes you passive aggressive towards people, I dunno.

Off Topic / My computer went BSOD on me today.
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:10:47 PM »
RIP In Peace <3

So I plan to buy a cheap-ish computer to start out with and then upgrade parts as I can.

Soooo I guess suggest decent-but-cheap computers :)

Off Topic / I made an awesome video.
« on: April 06, 2013, 10:44:06 PM »

spent most of today on this bad boy. I'm proud of it.

Oh hey guys, I haven't been on here in forever. Anything new and noteworthy that's happened in the past few months?

Yea, I got a girlfriend. First one ever. Whoop for me.
inb4pics if you sincerely want one I might be willing to.

Off Topic / Went to a Muse concert last night
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:33:27 PM »
They opened with this song: and holy hell it was amazing.
I also got an awesome T-Shirt and onna those wristband things. I can get a pic if you would like.
Don't know who Muse is? forget you. Go on YouTube and find some of their stuff. I love them.

anyone else see them in concert?

Off Topic / The Turret Anthem
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:20:02 PM »

this is pretty sweet if you ask me.

Off Topic / Boeing 787 grounded
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:28:14 PM »
Don't care if I'm late, but..

Looks like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is going to be
a nightmare!


Off Topic / Props to you, Wendy's cashier
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:58:47 PM »
I was at Wendy's the other day, and the cashier's name was Greg. He or someone put a little sticker saying "Good Guy" above Greg.

Props to you, Greg.

Off Topic / It's kinda my birthday today
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:43:34 AM »

I can now go buy M games without parents! WHOO!
I got an one-hour flight lesson today, so another WHOO!

So yea.

Off Topic / Got my wisdom teeth out today.
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:26:32 PM »
So yea. Got in the chair, prick in my arm, and BAM I'm in lalaland. 3 teeth out, tongue clipped, then I wake up and walk around like I'm drunk. Anesthesia is wonderful, and these pain pills are just MAGICAL.

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