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Topics - Br4nd0n

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Banned for not Talking!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:50:38 PM »
i was banned from a server ive never been to before it was Gir(FromInvaderZim) server after getting in for about 8 seconds this happens

noobs these days :P

General Discussion / Try to guess were this picture is from
« on: June 17, 2010, 02:14:57 AM »
Sorry Wrong Section

Help / Team Spawn Glitch?!?!?
« on: June 17, 2010, 02:09:11 AM »
i keep hosting a Dedicated server and i start a minigame and set it to Default and then i leave (like most host) and the minigame stays Mandatory but the thing is Nobody Spawns at the team spawn points they are in some random far off area away from the Build itself i need help here

Help / RTB Dedicated Server
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:52:47 AM »
hey can someone explain to me WTF im supossed to do to run a Dedicated server while having RTB because it tells me to type in something and i tried typing it in so many ways i even started up my server and it sayed no used for RTB dedicated server or something like that i just need help FAST

Gallery / TF2 Sniper Arena
« on: June 15, 2010, 10:48:55 PM »
This is my first Topic on forum so ill just explain the basics
The Sniper arena is based off of a TF2 map i forgot its Original name tho
The point of the Sniper arena is there are 2 bases Red and Blu they both try to capture the other Intel/Flag this Sniper Arena will be updated whenever i have a feeling to Update it

The bases are Very Boxish because thats how the map was made in TF2 the bases in TF2 were full gray but i actualy added color to stop any Confusion

-----------Built By--------
Br4nd0n BL_ID 11956

---------Inspired By-------  (Block Bastion)

Construct (HURR DURR)

Rate 1/10

Backdoor added
On Top Floor in each base are Update Info Buttons
Health Locker Room behind the bases
New CTF now instead of killing eachother for 15 mins you Capture the Flag
The bases doors are now Team Only
Also you cannot Jump out windows (to stop people from spawn camping)
Now on the bottom floor of the bases there are no windows to once again Stop Spawn Camping
Also now the teams can only spawn on the bottom floors
New Health Lockers added inside the bases
The area has been dressed up a little more with some Sand Bags and danger signs
Now the Ladders dont use Zone Bricks so you wont get stuck on them anymore
Now the capture point is Inside the bases at the top floors
Now there is a ladder leading to the top of the bases to get the Flags/Intel

-------Decals------- (youll need these to see the TF2 Classes like the Sniper and maybe the other if i make another TF2 thing but first i need to get this one Updated)

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