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Topics - Titanium

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / T+T1/2/skins/whatever Negative Ammo Quantity
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:29:41 PM »
My version of Tier Tactical appears to have malfunctioned recently. 

Whenever I host a server and fire a weapon which uses Bushido's ammo system (Frog's Weapons included), the quantity appears to start at 0 and count into negative integers, effectively making my ammo supply last forever.    I don't want this.  My ammo preferences in the Admin Menu have not been edited and are still default.

Anyone else experience this?  Any fixes?

Suggestions & Requests / A-10, F-18, and UH-60
« on: February 15, 2015, 12:37:05 PM »
Everyone's probably tired of hearing about these vehicles, but whatever.

Bottom Line Up Front:  I am building a massive CTF.  These vehicles are critical to it being playable.  I have searched high and low and cannot find downloads for them anywhere, other than dead RTB topics which are of course no good.

Would anyone be so kind as to send me these add-ons or at least point me in the direction of a download link?

Off Topic / Headed to Afghanistan
« on: September 03, 2012, 07:02:04 PM »

I've been a part of this community for a pretty long time - playing BL since late 2009.  I decided to make this thread not to seek attention, but rather to let you all know that I love you guys.  I've played servers with most of you every day and have come to know a lot of you on a pseudo-personal level.  Plenty of you are great players and a positive part of the community, while a lot of you aren't...but it's okay because I know you mean well.  Between the endless visits to Heed's TDMs or hosting City stuffty RPs back when I had a capable connection, I've enjoyed every minute of it.  This game and its community has largely defined my online-life for the past three years and I am grateful for having had the opportunity.  Good friends like Surburb, Swat725, Tezuni (regardless of all the drama which surrounds him; leave that crap out of this thread), and others have contributed to a positive experience with Blockland, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Only a few of those I named know what I do for a living.  I am a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and I will be deploying for Afghanistan tomorrow to fly UH-60s in support of the ground mission.  It will be a nine month tour and I am uncertain as to what type of internet situation to expect, if I get it at all.  While I am nervous about to obstacles I am sure to face, I am happy and eager at the opportunity to finally exercise all that I have trained for. 

I will miss BL while I am gone and spending endless hours surfing servers.  I may get the chance to get online now and then, but nothing like the free-time I have state-side.  You guys are awesome and I awaiting logging back online circa May of 2013.

Peace, fellas.  Nooblet 2.0 out.

Off Topic / Hidden Alien in Every South Park Episode
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:28:08 PM »

I don't care if I'm late.  This is awesome.

It's subtle little secrets like these that make me continue to love South Park.

Off Topic / 1000th Post
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:15:55 PM »
1000th post!

Post your post numbers so we can see who the biggest post whore is.  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Apocalyptic Dreams
« on: October 15, 2011, 01:09:04 PM »
So, I just woke up out of my second apocalyptic dream in two weeks.  I die in both of them.

Last week:

Astronomers discovered that there was a city-sized asteroid heading in the vicinity of Earth.  They suspect it was going to hit, but could not determine where or when.

My higher unit on the post which I live near sent out an assembly order for accountability purposes.  They ordered all students under their command inside of some rec-center looking place on post so that we all would not go AWOL after hearing the news of the possible impending doom.

I was standing outside the rec-center when I saw it coming.  An indescribably enormous mass of rock hurling from the outer atmosphere, white in color, like the moon, due to it's distant position.  The pits and craters were easily visible from this distance.  It struck the earth no less than 40 miles away.  I watched as it continued to plow its way into the ground, sending off a dirt ejecta several miles high in seconds.  Everyone around me was running for shelter.  I frantically followed the crowd towards an office building, which is the same direction almost everyone was running.  I got there too late to be able to make it inside, as the entry was so full of people that the door would not even open.  I felt a sense of calm acceptance come over me as I looked at the hysterical people through the entry way window motioning me with their hands to come inside and shook my head.  It didn't matter anyways.  The approaching shock wave and ripples of earth rolling towards us would penetrate any structure.

I turned around and looked at the huge mounds of dirt and rock rolling my way several miles off.  I stood there, utterly still, gazing almost in wonder at the force of the ripples as they tore through the town I live in.  Finally, half a second before the wave hit me and killed me on impact, the "camera" blacked out, almost in step with some dramatic Armageddon-ish movie.  I did not watch my own death in this dream.

Last night:

It seems my dream started half-way into a story already in progress.  The entire population of the Earth was in peril.  Mankind was facing extinction.  Similar to the storyline of "I Am Legend," a disease had begun to overtake humanity for which there was no cure.  Coastal areas were the first and hardest hit.  People were consuming fish food-stuffs and later in the day became violently ill.  The next day they would die, regardless of whatever medical treatment was administered.  As world-wide bans on fish were enacted, the disease became airborne and continued to travel inland at a slow pace.  The disease claimed hundreds of millions within the first week and continued to chip away at the population at an increasingly slow rate.  It seems the disease was losing its potency, but the damage had been done.

My family and I had retreated to the American mid-west.  We were living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.  We had joined with many other groups of people in a small town nestled in a valley between the small mountains.  Meals consisted mostly of canned food...ravioli, peaches, etc.  It was not a comfortable life, but it was life nonetheless.  An air of nervousness hung over us and the rest of the town-folk like a inescapable reality.  The one thing we still found comforting was the availability of gasoline and other fuel oils for transportation and heat.  News reports, initially coming in on a regular basis, became more and more rare.  One day we received news via wire that combustion engine-grade gasoline world-wide was becoming inert, a result of weeks of no maintenance and no additives being added to stabilize the mixture and retain its combustive state.  This slowly rendered all gas in town useless.  Gas stations became nothing more than depositories of stinky undrinkable water.  We could no longer travel farther than a few miles from town in a day via bicycle.

Life in the town became hum-drum.  Nothing ever really happened, it was as if we were waiting for assurance that the disease had been neutralized before we emerged back into the outside world.  But this news never came of course.  One day I saw a little boy with a disproportionately large helmet on his bike peddling furiously towards town.  He had a look of fear in his face, for which reason I did not know.  I disregarded it.

I took a short bike ride out of town the next day to get out and see my surroundings from a better vantage point.  I went to a nearby rocky mount, which had a dirt road running past it through the ravines.  A parked my bike at the guard rail and began to walk up the dirt road laid into the side of the hill which led straight to the top.  It wasn't tall, only about 500 feet or so.  I neared the top and took in the sight.  Nothing but foothills and small mountains covered in pines for as far as the eye could see. 

I was getting ready to head back down the hill when I saw something curious.  Up against a rock face near the top, the rock was glowing red.  Some of the plant life rooted near was burnt to a crisp.  The rock surrounding me also had patchy spots of this red glow.  As I watched, a small pin hole opened up in the rock face and liquid hot yellow magma began to pour out.  The hole got bigger and bigger and I began to run down the road to the base of the hill.  I glanced off to my side as I was running and before I knew it, a vast pyroclastic flow was racing me down the hill.  As I got to the bottom, frantic and out of breath, I looked down the road to my right which curved left behind a rocky escarpment.  A river of orange and red glowing lava was coming around the bend towards me, so that route was cut of.  My bike was engulfed and melted immediately.  I decided to run to my left down the road.  As I was running, another stream of lava came around the bend towards me.  I looked for a possible escape route.  I could not climb up the hill in front of me, as the rocky escarpment cut out to make way for the road was too steep for me to get a foothold.  I saw a creek with a hearty flow of water and began to run towards it.  By this point the lava was covering the ground on which I was running, but only a quarter inch deep.  It melted the bottom of my shoes, but nothing else.  I stopped over top of the bridge, and scanned my surroundings.  The hill had now become a fledgling volcano and the entire square kilometer around and behind me was consumed in orange and red molten rock.  It then occurred to me that it did not matter if I jumped in the creek and swam for dear life.  The rate at which the pyroclastic flows were moving would overtake the creek in a matter of seconds.  A sense of morbid humor hit me as the lava closed in around me - it seemed there as something which did not want any of us to survive and was going about it any way possible to ensure the human race was wiped off the face of the Earth.  As I stood there and waiting for death, the "camera" panned out to give a view of the area several tens of thousands of feet in the air.  It showed a pristine mountain landscape dotted with pine trees interrupted by the small volcano in the center with red molten rock around it expanding outwards.  The flows were converging at a center point over the creek, with me standing in the middle.  Once again, I did not watch my own death.

tl/dr - Just read it.

So yeah, twice in two weeks I have died in my dreams in some dramatic, straight-out-of-a-movie manner.  They obviously don't mean anything, but they were definitely a memorable series of dreams.  Just thought I'd share.

/discuss your crazy dreams

Help / OpenAL Driver Init Issue
« on: June 16, 2011, 12:41:18 AM »
I have recently been experiencing some trouble with my system.  After installing an update for Skype last night, I shut down my computer.  After turning it on today, I could not get certain programs to startup correctly.

I ran spyware, malware, and virus scans and the problem seemed to fix itself, until I tried to run BL tonight.

Here is the code.

Code: (Console Log) [Select]
//-------------------------- 6/15/2011 -- 22:50:15 -----
Processor Init:
   Intel Pentium III, ~3.20 Ghz
     (timed at roughly 3.18 Ghz)
   FPU detected
   MMX detected
   SSE detected
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing FPU extensions
   Installing MMX extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Input Init:
   DirectInput enabled.

Blockland v19
Module Directory: C:/Program Files/Blockland
Total Ram: 2045 MB
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium Edition Service Pack 2 (build 6002), 32-bit

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
Parsing command line arguments:
--------- Loading Common ---------
Loading compiled script base/main.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/defaults.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaults.cs.
Executing config/client/prefs.cs.
Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
--------- Loading MODS ---------

--------- Initializing Base ---------
Loading compiled script base/client/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/canvas.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/audio.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Server -------------------
Loading compiled script base/server/mainServer.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/scripts/game.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Client -------------------
Loading compiled script base/client/message.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/mission.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/missionDownload.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/actionMap.cs.
Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.
   Voodoo 2 display device not detected.

Activating the OpenGL display device...
Activating the OpenGL display device... (NEW)
Setting screen mode to 1280x720x32@60hz (w)...
Creating a new window...
Acquiring a new device context...
Pixel format set:
  32 color bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits
Creating a new rendering context...
Making the new rendering context current...
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Renderer: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2
  Version: 3.2.0
OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions
  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: 4)
  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (Max anisotropy: 16.000000)
OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions

OpenAL Driver Init:

It stops there.  It does not continue startup. 

What is the problem?

Suggestions & Requests / Server join limit per time period
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:24:05 AM »
So I had an idea for the next BL update today...

I've been visiting a lot of servers lately which have a default minigame and a limited number of lives.  Most people will usually wait for the minigame to end once they have exhausted their lives to start playing again.  Some people, however, disconnect from the server and then immediately reconnect to have a fresh supply of lives.  It drags the minigame out and ruins it for everyone.  It's been happening more and more. 

So my idea is this: include a feature in the next update to limit the amount of times a player can join a server in a given time period.  I.e. - 3 joins per 5 minutes, regardless of kick or voluntary disconnect.


Off Topic / Turning 23 today.
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:37:04 AM »
Or I guess I should say "leveling up."

Now shower me with your love and affection.  :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster: :cookie: :panda: :cookieMonster:

Gallery / Hijinx at Skill4life's Freebuild of Men
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:23:48 PM »
An Ephialtes layer-cake.

FrozenCitrus somehow sprouted tumorous guns akimo apendages from his pelvis.

A lowly checkerboard.

Let's start a war, start a nuclear war.  At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar, WOW!

Coming soon in weaponized add-on form.

J_MASTER's puzzle board.

Wehrmact's rape cave.

A situation developed in which the server was being plagued with illegal immigrants squatting in low-income housing like roosterroaches.  The bank foreclosed on the house.  Niblic mounted his Illegal-Immigrant Bulldozer and plowed through the house.
The NibDozer.

Off Topic / My list of unlisted people in this forum
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:15:44 AM »
Gradually I will update this to list every unknown person (in my opinion) in this thread.

If you're not in it that means I haven't added you yet.

? to everybody I put on the list.

Bdude - Can't say I know you.
Hifin - Don't know much about you.
Raven-Rave - I guess you like to rave?
Vyper - Who are you?
Sgt.Ray Wolfe jr. - Tell us your story, Mr. Wolfe.
Blockhead3008 - Change your name, damnit.
Afrohorse - One funky equine.
evilmidget - You sound like someone I'd like to have a beer with.
Pure Demon - He came from the bowels of Hell to tormet BL.
keith98 - What's the ugliest male name in the English language?
wylygray - Hmm...I'm drawing a blank.
:D - /:I
blocksmith - Blockwho?
ArchAngel - Look out for Pure Demon.  That guys a jerk!
Ante - I love my auntie.
O-Bot - Who-bot.
Gimmick - You're not gonna fool me, no sir.
eXperienCe - Hey...I see XC in there.
LADY GAGA - Never heard that name before.  Doesn't sound familiar at all.
Gangster 101 - Dude, teach me your gangster ways.
SOVIET SANTA - In Soviet Russia, presents deliver you!
Riddler - How did you find your way here, Mr. Chancellor?
SOLDER - Who'd you sell her to?
Blue Astronaut - Breathe man...BREATH!
reese pb cups!!!!!!! - Mmm I love those.  I like you.
Bluebell - I love their ice cream.
fa - Wa?
TheDudeWithTheHat - Oh...yeah.  Right.  I sorta remember you.  Kinda.
Dr.Dinosaur - What's your degree in?  Paleontology?  HEH HEH. 
Monorail Cat - Dude have you ever heard of this one site called Lolcats?
JEFF GORDON - Something about racecars I think...
YouGotWaffed - I like your usage of nouns as verbs.
Toxic Waffle - Will I get waffed if I eat you?
Partatoes - So what's the other part?
Zerenza - Sounds Italian. 
The God Of Everything - My praise to you, oh Lord.
EPIC BOB - Is there any other kind?
PooStick - Ew...gross.  Get away from me.
-?- - ?
Lone-wolf - You certainly are lone.
Mr. Me - Mr who?
RightBehindYou - Oh God...
Bob the bobest bob ever - We already have another bob.  And he's epic.
Goodspot - Where'd you come up with that?
want cake -  Me too.
abcgod - I am humbled by your mastery of the alphabet.
Cat In Heaven - Did it died?
blackops soldier - Dude you're like hardcore.
Fried Chicken - Delicious.  All we need is some cake and we'll be set.

If you're not on the list but you've always been unfamiliar to me or others, it doesn't mean I hate/like you, it means that I don't know you enough to make a simple judgement without it being incorrect. I don't want to hurt/help anybody with this list.

Gallery / Sears/Willis Tower
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:09:09 PM »
Locked away in my vault of unfinished builds, my Sears/Willis Tower:

It takes 8.5 seconds to hit the ground from the top of the taller TV mast.

The Skydeck.

One of many builds I never finished, particularly due to laziness.  It is approximately 1 to 1.5 scale.  There were windows, but I built this in V15.  The update removed all my window bricks.  Rate out of ten if you wish.

Off Topic / I made $3,750 today.
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:07:09 PM »
Guess how.

Gallery / Name That Server! DoF Screenshots of Popular Servers
« on: April 07, 2010, 07:18:52 PM »
Reply with your answers.  Post DoF screenshots well-known servers in this format.

Server 1:

Server 2:

Server 3:

Server 4:

Server 5:

More to come. 

Please do not quote this post as a reply. 

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