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Topics - Kimmia

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Rollercoasters
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:49:49 AM »
Whats the scariest rollercoaster you`ve been on? For me I think it was the Scream at Six Flags. (But it was fun too.)

And do you ever think that those things are going to derail at one point? Like fly off the track?

Off Topic / Teachers Gone Mad!
« on: May 19, 2010, 10:27:00 PM »
Ok so today in math class (the teacher was in a bad mood) this girl(not saying her real name, but lets call her Rachiel for now) takes out her homework about 10 minutes after were correcting it. The teacher scolds her for this, and then class goes on. As the teacher is saying the answers, however, Rachiel is writing down the answers because apperntly she didnt do it last night (or whenever she does her homework) and the teacher catches her, crumples up the paper, throws it in the recycling bin and takes the pen Rachiel was writing with and throws it at a corner of the room. The whole class was silent for the rest of math class. (Im in 5th grade if you care/ want to know)

Share your moments when your teacher got angry  :cookie:

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