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Topics - The Corporation

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Off Topic / So what'd I miss?
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:21:38 PM »
Been out for a while, anything major happen?

Off Topic / Hey, how are things going everyone?
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:09:59 AM »
Herp derp, what did I miss.

Help / "Regenerating File Manifest" Takes forever when I start up a server.
« on: November 03, 2013, 07:14:16 PM »
Singleplayer or multiplayer, doesn't matter.
Takes about 2-5 mins or so.

What if food started eating us?

No, seriously, all my what when I first saw it.

Extra anims-Not exactly as messed up as the first one.

Off Topic / So anything new going on?
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:36:05 PM »
been out for a while, anything new happening?

Off Topic / So what'd I miss?
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:46:53 PM »
Title says all, I've been stuck in San Paro playing APB among some other stuff.

Off Topic / What's the BPM of the black lagoon intro?
« on: April 05, 2013, 10:23:47 PM »
Anyone know this or can find it out?
I'm doing a bit of a challenge right now.

Off Topic / Fake, but still nonetheless funny
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:31:42 PM »
Stumbled upon this while I was messing around.
Even if it's some fake crap, it's still pretty funny.

Games / APB Reloaded-I need a little help with a crashing problem.
« on: March 03, 2013, 01:22:54 PM »
Shamelessly copy and pasted topic.

Whats APB?

APB is a GTA Styled cops and robbers MMO set in the crime-ridden city of San Paro. There are two factions, Criminals and Enforcers. Criminals are pretty self-explanatory, they do bad stuff. Enforcers are basically vigilantes who try to stop the Criminals from doing said bad stuff.

The game also has amazing customization.

Is actually it F2P?

Yes, to a degree. You can play and enjoy the game without paying at all. However premium accounts are available, and so are premium weapons. Neither of these proved a huge advantage luckily, and many of the Premium weapons are the same as normal ones, just with a few mods that you can also get without paying. The premium account alone doesn't provide combat benefits, it just increases your rewards at the end of a mission and allows you to buy things from the Armas Marketplace for 20% off.

How good is the customization?

It's pretty damn good. There's lots of clothes, and a pretty nice selection of cars.You can design your own symbols and put them whereever you want on your car, yourself, your clothes. It's pretty neat. You can also make a custom tune for your enemies to hear once you kill them.

Any Tips?

I'll add some of my own and if anyone here has some good ones I'll add them

Don't rush in unless it is 100% necessary, you will likely be gunned down.

-Use Cover.
-Switch the cameras position to see around corners.
-Don't use the same route multiple times.
-Coordinate attacks with your team.
-Don't try to take on a dump truck by ramming it, you won't win.
-If the enemy has an RPG, don't use a car within a certain distance. That distance depends on the situation and what the current objective is. Also, don't take a long route with lots of walls. The splash damage will cause you nothing but grief. Take the shortest route to get up to them without them getting a chance to attack. If they DO manage to get a rocket out, if they don't kill you, they will ALWAYS switch to their secondary weapon. Use this to your advantage, because the secondary weapon they'll be using most likely won't be enough to bring you down. -Jokey365
-Watch this video for some more tips


a.k.a. Corporation be making clothes for you-With a price though.
It's simple, pick a style and I'll help you roll with it.
Give me some more descriptons on what you want, and I'll design it to the best of my ability.
Note any accessories you need, because I haven't unlocked everything yet, and some stuff costs too much.

Urban Warfare-Decked out in camo, some armor, holsters, etc.
Urban Rouge-Wearing brandname clothing, some of it similar to the urban warfare stuff, still dangerous and BA looking.
Laid Back-Simple clothing, shirt and pants, couple of designs here and there.
Vigilante police-Urban warfare meets laid back, chinos, nice shirt covered by some webbing, etc.
Badass-Gimme of a description of what you think looks badass, I'll do the best of my ability to get it done.
Gangster-Straight up saggy pants and turned around hat, tell me the rest of the specifics for it.
Suit-Black or white or whatever color you want this to be, I'll get it done for you.

But the thing is, depending on the circumstances at the moment, it'll be a while I decide whether you'll have to buy it or I'll give it to you....

Blocklanders that play

Use this format to get on the list

Forum Name:
APB Name(s):
Server: (Joker, Colby, ect)
Other Information:

Forum Name: Pepsidude
APB Name(s): Pepsidude (Crim) SirPepsidude (Enforcer)
Server: Colby
Faction: Criminal and Enforcer
Other Information: Been playing both sides recently.

Forum Name: Skateaton
APB Name(s): Skateaton, Magickal
Server: Joker
Faction: Skateaton is enforcer, Magickal is crim
Other Information: i can count to potato

Forum Name: phydeoux
APB Name: Fantasia, Phydeoux
Server: Colby
Faction: Criminal
Other Information: N/A

Forum Name: Lamebro1
APB Name(s): Lamebro1
Server: Joker
Faction: Criminal
Other Information:

Forum Name: HerpaDerp
APB Name(s): Dropshock (Enforver, play almsot all the time on this.), Phayzon (Level 1 Crim, barely play on this)
Server: Joker
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: we need more blocklanders playing this

Forum Name: The Corporation
APB Name(s):Enforcer-Israel, Criminal-Relfetix(You'll rarely see me play as this)
Server: Joker
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: Got a clan started, nothing much but an organization tool.

Forum Name: Jokey365
APB Name(s): MrNappy (Enforcer) and MissusNappy (Criminal)
Server: Joker for both
Faction: Both, mostly Enforcer.
Other Information: Don't ask me to join you.

Forum Name: Electrk
APB Name(s): Electrk
Server: Colby and Joker
Faction: Criminal
Other Information: I haven't played in a long time

Forum Name: Ben Grapevine
APB Name(s): KarlFlemn
Server: Joker
Faction: Enforcers
Other Information:  I'm a great gold with stuff

Forum Name : John Freeman
APB Name : BLJohnFreeman
Server : Joker
Faction : Criminal
Other Information : Idk

Forum Name: Strovbe
APB Name(s): TotalX
Server: (Joker, Colby, ect): Joker
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: loving ADD STROVBE ON STEAM AND LETS PLAY.

Forum Name: Muffin
APB Name(s): Miiku
Server: Joker
Faction: Criminal
Other Information: Gold

Forum Name: ShadowsfeaR
APB Name(s): Anthiea
Server: Colby
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: Corp had to fill this out for him.

Forum Name: HerpaDerp
APB Name(s): Dropshock
Server: Joker
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: yes i stole your name dropshock because i had no other ideas, soz. btw im a sniper

Forum Name (why is this necessary for me to type?): Nightmare-Duckie
APB Names: Criminal - Neodymium          Enforcer - NightmareDuckie
Server: Colby
Factions: Criminal and Enforcer
Other Information:On my criminal I mostly break into places and make money that way, if I get bored then I deliver items to random people from the van.

Forum Name: Bloody Jumper
APB Name(s): Frayed Horizon
Server: Joker
Faction: Enforcer
Other Information: I'm pretty good with most weapons and can drive a vehicle capably
EDIT: I'll be hanging around Yard Stretch Terminal for awhile anyone who wants to team up meet me there and we can exchange skype usernames

Forum Name: duckman1229
APB Name(s): Doge
Server: Colby
Faction: Criminal
Other Information: None

Games / Project Awakened-Character customization at it's finest.
« on: February 19, 2013, 09:09:33 PM »
Click pic to link to site. It's totally worth it.

Bascially, it's create your own character(and game).
It's a third-person(could change) styled game, in which you are in control of the world around you.
Want telekinesis and be a ninja with a shotgun? Go for it!
Want to be invincible and fly? Go for it!
The level of customization makes APB's character creator, hell, almost any games character creator look like crap.
Running off the UE4 engine, this is something I am looking forwards to.

Post mashups of who you would be and who you want to be in the game, it'll be great.

When this thing comes out (And if it has online multiplayer) lets make a superhero Sentai team
Okay, We've gotta do this.
Max number of people, 17.
I call silver.

Help / 1X1 Horizontal pole has not shown up.
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:03:25 AM »
Title says all.
Siba's horizontal poles pack doesn't show the 1x1 horiz poles.

Off Topic / Did anyone know there's gonna be a Samurai Jack movie?
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:42:50 PM »
Did anyone else know about this?0
I just found this out a couple of minutes ago

I feel like I'm going to re-live part of my childhood again...
except, the guy who played Aku died a while back, which REALLY sucks.
May his soul rest in peace.

Suggestions & Requests / Automatic Random Weapon Placing
« on: January 12, 2013, 03:54:11 PM »
Simply, it's an addon where an RTB pref name is placed on to different bricks, and these bricks spawn weapons that have been set for it.
Like you can add a list in the addon(manual) or a chat command to set what weapons are randomly set for each brick.
Or an event that when each time the minigame resets, it randomly selects a weapon or no weapon to spawn on the brick.
Also, RTB prefs if that gun is removed once picked up.

Seriously, there was a topic on it, I can't remember the name of it.
You guys got anything?
Also, you could customize parts of your bot when fighting.
And yes, I did search, but I think I used the wrong keywordds.

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