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Topics - Col.Burton

Pages: [1] 2
Help / Animation
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:25:36 PM »
A bunch of people have avatars that are animated, like, little .gif files, i would like to know how to make MY avatar animated.

Drama / Again, Some assembly Required, and Thinkpad.
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:39:30 PM »
As you know, Some is an official Idiot. Well, there is more. He also has no sense of creativity. neither does Thinkpad. This is my avatar, they Copied it. i told them to remake their own, and this is what he did.

I mean seriously, What idiot steals another persons avatar?
Apparently this noob.

Drama / Why am i a furcigarette?
« on: August 03, 2010, 05:50:40 AM »
Why am i a furcigarette?

Drama / ToT the abuser.
« on: August 02, 2010, 12:07:02 AM »
Okay, i was in gamefandan's server playing his RP as usual, ToT starts calling me a Furcigarette. i say he is a Tater
tot. Then he gets all rage inside and goes nuts, killing everything that moves. Later that day, i was in Randomguy's server. ToT was admin, so i acted quiet, ant ToT said, "Hey look, its Col. the Furcigarette."
What a richard! Remember he is admin. So i was building a fountain, he comes over with the D-Wand and starts Wanding the ground around my build. i take measures and Duplicate it, Then he proceeds to delete my build. I tell Randomguy ToT is abusing his admin; 3 times. Then the server was shut down. Its like everywhere i go, ToT has admin, and is there, Calling me a Furcigarette.

                                                                             Discuss this Idiot.

Suggestions & Requests / Nerf guns.
« on: August 01, 2010, 07:40:42 AM »
Locked, Due to creation already.

Suggestions & Requests / Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Vehicles
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:04:36 PM »
I see we have an extreme lack in all Tiberian sun Vehicles/Turrets. I am here to Request some.

Laser turret. Fires 2 lasers per 1/2 second.

Chaingun turret, Like the mini-gun but x2 And mounted to a Vehicle.

I forgot the name of this, But its a more Boxy-ish Mech. I would use the scripting from the Mech and this model.

This is like the Tank, Fires one Tankshell per 3 seconds, You can shorten it if you want.

This is an Air Transport, It has 2 main Chaingun Defences and holds 7 people.

Thats it, Thanks.

Gallery / Melennium Hotel
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:20:45 AM »
I have made a Boxy hotel in my spare time.

The actual tower.

The lobby

Standard Hotel room.


The Elevator.

The admin meeting room. At the top of course.

For Everyones enjoyment, Please rate x/10

Gallery / Ingame pixel Art Megathread.
« on: July 20, 2010, 12:16:48 AM »
Do you have Pixel art and want to show it off?

 Post all of your Pixel art pictures and saves if you want too Here!

Here are a few of my Pixel arts.

Also, I use I2B Image to Make these so if it looks like I cheated, I did.

This is my avatar as a pixel, it says Truenos at the bottom because thats the colorset its for.

Here is a Marine from the game Starcraft.

Here is the Insignia for the Coca~cola Company. Its big because you can't see it.

Again, if you want to post your pixel art here, be my guest.

Drama / This guy dosen't know when to quit.
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:22:23 PM »
Conversation explains it all.

Drama / Thinkpad. Playing as SAR?
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:41:14 AM »
Okay, Some Assembly Required has had so man Drama Topics its not funny.
But this one isn't about him, its about Thinkpad . This is my Little brother. he is Real life Friends with Some Assembly Required, so he goes and hangs out with him. What he did today, was he was playing on the account of SAR at SAR's house.
so i get there, and the first thing he says is "noob". I say "Dude, some its me."
So then he goes on and on about how stupid i am. then he bans me for the reason, Server abuse.
What i did to "Abuse" the server was plant print bricks that say "THINKPAD SUCKS".
Sorry for no Pics my BL crashed.


Drama / Blerrgh! and his pet.
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:39:40 AM »
I was playing in Blerrgh!'s Trench war today and it was fine until i killed his Pet in the Choice room.
and also, i told them that 'Chicken_2' Was spawn-killing. So he started a Votekick on me for doing the right thing. Here are some images.

Off Topic / Spam Hell and Silly Pictures.
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:03:37 PM »
This is where you go to die.

Post your images of Spam hell here.

Off Topic / Chao's server.
« on: July 17, 2010, 06:25:01 PM »
We were throwing a party in Chaos server today. this is a pic.

I took a vote if i should post this, this was entirely based off of the vote.

Drama / MackTheHunter
« on: July 17, 2010, 01:22:48 AM »
Why does it say im his "Other account"
I have no idea who this guy is or what he wants.
Here is his profile.;u=5768
Read his signature and click My Other Profile.
Who the forget are you?
And to prove this, change my avatar picture within 2 hours.

Creativity / Hot Manga girls.
« on: July 16, 2010, 07:10:55 PM »
I see we have a huge lack of hot manga girls.

 Please though, no nudity.

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