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Topics - Pulchritude

Pages: [1]
Drama / DrenDran and his new add-on
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:33:49 PM »
This is something that I feel is complete bullstuff, but that I'm sure many people think is awesome. Perhaps you've seen DrenDran's new "General Client Enhancement" add-on in RTB. I hadn't until I joined his server to find this message as the welcome:

It sounded a tad absurd that he was kicking people who didn't download the add-on, but I went in and started DMing, and almost literally once every minute this goddamn message flashed in my face until I was kicked after less than ten minutes on the server simply because I had not downloaded the add-on.

Intrigued, I went back to the server and clicked the link. I almost immediately facepalmed:

I don't have time to scrutinize the spelling there, but really? That's hardly a way to advertise your stuff. But I read on to find out that the add-on does little more than forget with your screen, it seems. It zooms in sometimes, alters the color, and there's some GUI stuff or something in there. Think about this; he's essentially kicking people from his server for not giving him the ability to forget with their screens. Fantastic.

But still, I kept trying to play on the server, and still the server kept trying to force me into downloading the add-on. Every few minutes, messages like these would pop up:

So he's using Eval... I'm probably wrong, but I thought Eval was an incredibly bad thing to use on your server... Anyhow, I tried to ignore the kicking of people who didn't want to participate in DrenDran's crawl into the RTB top picks, and continued playing. Of course, this message popped up every minute or so:

As if to say: "Look at how many people have my stuff and don't get kicked! You should let me forget with your client, because everyone else has this stuff, and you don't want to be the only one without it!" And judging by the testaments of the mod's users, it seems so worthwhile:

In the end, it just seems like a poor ploy to get to the Top Picks on RTB by kicking non-users and loving with the screen zoom/color of the people who actually decided to download this crap. The mod really doesn't sound enhancing at all, but incredibly irritating. What do you think?

Off Topic / New TARDIS Materialization Effect on Doctor Who?
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:57:40 PM »
Am I seeing things?

It does look rather cool, but there's something lovable about the classic...

Suggestions & Requests / First-Person Death Camera
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:01:08 PM »
Something I've been thinking about for a while now. We all know how in a deathmatch with lives, when you're out of lives you have a free camera floating around or you can look at the game from someone's point of view - but only from third person. If it's at all possible, I should very much like to be able to look at the game from someone's first-person.

Drama / Edman2299K
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:52:18 AM »
I really don't think I need to say much here. If you've been in the Off-Topic section recently, you've seen him.

He's another one of those useless users that makes an "I'm back" thread after leaving for a week because they think they're just that important. In fact he made two, about three weeks apart. The first stated, in totally flawless grammar,
As some of you have notice (or not) that I have been of the seen of Blockland for quite some time now. Anywho, I'm returning to the forums and I hope we shall get along.

ALSO: Who here has a diabetic family member?
He locked his second return thread, for some reason titled "Edman, y can't u make up ur mind." for whatever reason.

Immediately upon his return, he made this loving thread about playing XBox on one's laptop, which was a pitiful attempt at a joke. He locked this thread as well, after being humiliated. But of course, in a futile attempt to get the last word, he states,
Quote from: Edman229k
You obviously clicked here to find out how to play xbox games on your laptops. Be thankful that I have provided a solution.

How adorable. He's also sampled in the threads of others, joining in on a "rate the above user" thread with
Someone do me.

And let's not forget his stumbling into the Topic of fighting with a response to MegaScientifical:
This makes you gay.

And after all these poetic statements, he has the audacity to try to condescend someone by the classic "I've been here longer" response:
Quote from: Edman229K
Look at my profile and back to yours.
Look at my date registered and back to yours.
Look at my post count and back to yours.
Now, realized that I have been here longer than you.

But if you think he's restricting his dumbforgetery to his posts, you should check out his profile, with the overused and unfunny
Quote from: Edman2299K's profile info
I swear if this thing cuts me off I willl kill yo

I feel that I can't really say much more, so I'll just leave you with a link to his profile.

Off Topic / Dividing by zero makes all numbers zero...?
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:47:23 PM »
I'm sure someone has done this before, but I couldn't help but think about it.

Yes, I realize that you cannot have a denominator of a fraction with a value of zero, but I'm sure that this is mathematically legal through some sort of technicality. This is all under the assumption that you have basic sixth grade math skills, but I'll just demonstrate a basic problem anyway:

To start off,   1/2 = x
Therefore           1 = 2x
And thus            x = .5

And here's a more "complex" problem:

Start with    5/8 = x
Therefore         5 = 8x
And thus           x = 0.625

Got that? Well then let's move on to zero:

5/0 = x
     5 = 0x
     5 = 0

Does this cause some sort of paradox? I need not demonstrate that this is the result for any number... I'm sure that this isn't mathematically correct, but as I said before,  I can't help but think about it.

Drama / Aplem the Anti-semite
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:22:36 PM »
Need I say more? Aplem was either trolling or just being an starfish, but either way it's still irritating, to say the least.

The images are cut down, as his remarks were spread and scattered across several pages of chat.

Here's his rendition of "The Egotistical tribal"

Now, as if this isn't unusual enough, he was just being... well, a dumbass:

I don't even know what this is:

Every time he was killed, he always had something to say about it:

Nothing short of poetry...

I'm sure this isn't the first time he's been doing... well, whatever you call this. As far as I can tell using the RTB ID lookup, his ID is 25968. RTB also tells me his previous name was "Fit Tuck"... fascinating.

Help / Blockland could not write to the cache database
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:21:07 PM »
Has this happened to anyone else? I tried to join a server, and in the middle of downloading Blockland froze and this message appeared. This has only happened with the new version...

General Discussion / Slow forum?
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:32:13 PM »
Does the forum seem exceptionally slow today for anyone other than me? It takes near twenty seconds to switch between pages. This doesn't seem like a problem with my computer or browser, as no other websites are affected...

Suggestions & Requests / Better Ghosting
« on: September 28, 2010, 07:53:49 PM »
What's sorta bugging me on servers with a crapload of bricks is the ghosting. Not like I'm pissed at waiting for it to ghost, but just the way it ghosts. Let me try to explain this...

When you spawn, you see bricks starting to appear in the distance, and in random places. For a while, you can't see anything immediately around you, which seems to be rather counterproductive if you want to start playing before all the bricks ghost. I hope I'm making sense.

What I'm thinking is that instead of ghosting in a seemingly random order (I'm not sure if there is any pattern, but there most likely is), the bricks start ghosting in a circle around you first. I presume this is possible, but there may or may not be an efficient pattern already.

Suggestions & Requests / More precise point/kill counter
« on: September 13, 2010, 07:31:40 PM »
I've been thinking recently about this. On some deathmatch servers, you lose points when you are killed, which alters the amount of kills you might have had if you checked your points. What if there was a simple /command (I apologize if something like this has been made already), such as "/killcount" or something. This could hopefully tell you how many kills you have made, how many times you have been killed, how many headshots/mid-air kills you have made, who you have killed and how many times you've kill 'em. Perhaps it could also reset each round, but you will have the option to see your scores for just that round or the total since you've joined the server.

Drama / Lileep
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:16:19 PM »

Drama / Team-Killing for Vehicles
« on: September 04, 2010, 03:54:13 PM »
This is something that's been getting on my nerves lately in TDM servers with vehicles. Let me just put it in a little story:

You walk out of the spawn room, ready to fly to the enemy's base/ship/ass. You hop into the one of many, many vehicles there and begin to drive off. Suddenly, you see bullets flying out from behind you, and you use free look to see who's shooting at you. Apparently, it's some impatient toddler on the same team as you, who can't wait to get the plane your on, and refuses to use any of the other vehicles. If you're lucky, the little stuff won't blow you up. Unfortunately, he somehow hits your plane, which will either kill you or just leave you in the middle of nowhere.

Not only are the people who do this pretty much sabotaging their own team, they're acting unnecessarily childish. If you're that loving impatient, then use one of the other vehicles. They'll get you where you want to go just fine.


Drama / Clone trooper "when im 17 ill make a blokcland park!1!!!1"
« on: August 02, 2010, 08:46:59 PM »
If you've looked in the Suggestions/Requests section recently, you know who this child is. He's been spamming the section with such "brilliant" ideas, as a park for Blockland in real life...

His stupidity is overwhelming. I don't think I can truly describe the excess of failure, so I'll simply advise you to browse around in the Suggestions/Requests section and check out any topics he has made.

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