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Topics - BlackMod

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Off Topic / Why are we all still here?
« on: February 13, 2022, 09:43:09 PM »
Why do we still keep checking these forums lol

Off Topic / Post your bedroom v???
« on: December 11, 2016, 10:12:07 PM »
Just post pictures of your bedroom/things in it!

This was taken with a wide angle lens to fit the whole room so it is a bit distorted in scale. Makes the room/items look a lot smaller than it is\

Computer desk (27inch 1440p monitor, 24 inch 1200p monitor, full size Desktop)
TV (40 inches)
Bed (Where the magic happens)

Off Topic / Criticize my videos
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:25:38 AM »
Hey guys, I know I have already done this a few times before, but I just wanted opinions on how to improve my youtube videos. I've made a few videos, and am trying to improve with each one that I post. I would just like people to give me feedback on the things they like, and the things that they dislike. If you have any comments I would rather you post them here on the forums than on the video. Also if you don't like the video, instead of giving it a thumbs down I would much appreciate it if you could instead explain in the forums what you did not like. Thanks so much

Off Topic / Do people actually support Donald Annoying Orange?
« on: October 16, 2016, 05:45:21 PM »
I'm not trying to start a war in anyway shape or form. I'm just extremely confused, do people actually support Donald Annoying Orange? I don't support either candidate, I just disagree with Annoying Orange more. All I am asking for is for people who do support him to tell me why they support him without bringing up or comparing him to Hilary Clinton.

Off Topic / I'd like some feedback on my youtube videos
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:39:10 AM »
Hey everyone, I've posted about my channel here before, but I wanted some feedback on my two most recent videos, thanks. You can point out things you like/dislike and things I need to approve on. Please post just constructive criticism here and not in the comments of the video

Off Topic / So I made another youtube video, thoughts?
« on: September 13, 2016, 06:03:01 PM »
So i made another Youtube video for my channel and would like to share it here. I am still really new at this and am open to criticism, so please let me know if you feel I can improve on anything. Be sure to leave any ideas that you think can help me improve here on the forums, and not in the comment section of the video. Thanks for watching.

Off Topic / So i made another Youtube video.
« on: September 01, 2016, 06:07:39 PM »
Alright so I made another youtube video, I really liked the feedback i got last time I did this, so I thought I would do it again.
If you have any criticism or feedback please post it here rather than the comment section on the video.

Off Topic / So I am starting a youtube channel
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:41:54 PM »
Hey guys I decided to start a youtube channel. Id like some feedback on things, and just to share it with you guys. If you have any constructive criticism please post it here rather than in the comment section.
This is just my first video so dont go in with too high of expectations.
Feel free to give me any kind of feedback, all is appreciated.

Off Topic / My baby was hit by a car
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:28:43 PM »
Yesterday my baby was chillin by the curb when she struck by a car pulling out of its driveway in reverse at top speed.
This is the first accident she has gotten into in her 13 years of life.
Luckily she is still alive, but her surgeries will put her out for a some time.
The image below may be too gory for some, so i warn you to proceed with caution:

On a serious note, my car was hit yesterday and i am very sad about it, luckily i will be able to get it repaired for free without involving the insurance companies.

Off Topic / Would anyone be interested in buying my GPU?
« on: June 27, 2015, 01:38:53 PM »
I recently upgraded to a 780ti, so I am trying to sell my 660ti. I'm asking $120, is anyone interested?

Off Topic / So i got surgery (warning bloody pic)
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:10:05 PM »
I don't really know how to explain the surgery i got, but i had some veins that did not pump blood correctly and caused it to get stuck(which isn't good) so i had surgery and when i was done my doctor simply explained that he "cut that bad veins out." I don't really remember the hospital because of all the medicine that knocked me out. I've been in bed the last 3 days and this is the first day i have been able to walk normally. Here's a pic

Off Topic / Grandmas toke up
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:52:17 PM »
My friend just sent me this link It's a pretty funny video.

Off Topic / The day i was without power :"D
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:04:19 PM »
Before I tell the story I would just like to tell you that i am living there has been really strange weather and lighting storms.
I also had a dream the day before all this happened that there was a black out caused by lightning but the lighting was terrorist and almost everyone died.

Alright, So It was a normal day, yesterday actually, I was on the computer watching a youtube video when suddenly all the lights in my house started dimming until everything shut off. The power quickly turned back on after about 5 minutes and i resumed the youtube video. Then the lights started dimming again then they went on full power and after that everything went dark. I went downstairs to where my brother and mother where setting up candles. I went on my phone to ask if anyone power and everyone in the 2 cities and the city i was in were out of power.

My mother and i lit up the house with candles, we then called people and used facebook to see if anyone had power and how far the blackout stretched. Everyone was just posting about how they had no power (we had wifi because our 2wire router has a back up battery and we also had mobile data). For a bit we thought the blackout was nationwide cause one of our relatives posted about a blackout but it was irrelevant to our situation. So for about 2 hours my mother and i just talked to people on the phone and used facebook.  When our phones were low on battery i decided to go to lowes (1 minute longboard from my house) to get a power inverter so we could charge things in the car.

I went to lowes to find out they were out (be aware it was around 8pm and the whole city and surrounding cities were without power) lowes has a backup generator by the way. I returned home to tell my mom the bad news that we could not get a power inverter. I later looked up on my phone that homedepot had some in stock. So i convinced my mother to drive us there. This was a pretty bad idea since outside was pitch black and not a single traffic light and home depot was the exact opposite side of town.

We drove to home depot with the only thing lighting the way was other car lights, we saw multiple accidents on the way. While i was on facebook i learned the cause of the blackout was that lightning had struck the power plant and it was on fire. the estimated time till power would be restored was 24 hours. At home depot we picked up multiple flashlights and a power inverter, we left home depot and returned home.

When we returned home we got some electronics we wanted to use in the car and stayed in there with the AC, i forgot to mention it was the hotest and most humid day all summer. so the only cool place was inside the car, it was about 10pm when we decided to actually go back inside the house. I decided i might as well go to bed but right as i was about to go to bed the power came back on at about 11:50.

So basically my whole city was without power for around 5 hours :D

Off Topic / Going on a road trip
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:29:41 AM »
So my friend found this amazing deal on a used computer on craigslist. I decided i wanted it...but it is 160~ miles away from me to pick it up. So my friends friend offered to give me a ride(we talk on facebook in a groupchat) though I have never met him irl. So I am going on a 6 hour car ride with a guy I haven't met before. Though I am also excited to get this desktop for a good price. Probably one of the weirdest things I have done in a while :I

Off Topic / Another year on this planet
« on: May 19, 2013, 04:42:01 PM »
Today 16 years ago i was born :)

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