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Topics - gzm

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / Whats a troll?
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:58:32 AM »
If i can ask :3

General Discussion / Blockland Adventure.
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:53:35 PM »
I've already found some hidden easter eggs and stuffs.
I wanna ask if anyone else has found something different?

Music / Loop Pack Of Milkyways :D
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:32:48 AM »
So here it is :D
Im finaly done with the loop pack ^-^
Lotsh of techno remixes.
And Some Racing Music :P
So this is what everthing is inside the loop pack.

Styles of Beyond - Nine Thou (superstars remix) -

The Qemists ft. Mike Patton - Lost Weekend (Radio Edit) -

Lemaitre - Blue Shift -

Erectin' a River (actully a Team fortress 2 remix)

Pendulum - Immersion - 11 - The Vulture

Pendulum - Immersion - 09 - The Island - Pt. II (Dusk)

Deadmau5 - Ghosts N Stuff (High Quality)

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem

[Download Link] ( )

 :cookieMonster:  :cookie:

Help / Blockland won't read all the sound files.
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:32:04 AM »
I've tryed to put some sounds into blockland from the game amnesia.
Made an and edited the server.cs and some other stuffs.
And this is how it looks like.

and this is how a bit from server.cs looks like.

If anyone wants the file here:

So anyone knows how i can fix this problem?
Cause its only amb_alert1 that pops up nothing else.

Modification Help / Torch needs energy to light.
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:39:26 PM »
I wanted to ask someone of you guys if someone could edit the Torch addon
So it needs energy to run, if it doesn't have any energy left it won't light anymore.
Heres also the torch plugin

Modification Help / Amnesia Playertype
« on: June 21, 2011, 04:56:21 PM »
I through if anyone could help create an playertype like in the game amnesia.
I already found the step sounds like step_walk_rock1, step_walk_rock2, step_walk_rock3 and so on :P
I wanted it like if the player walks these sounds will start to play and when he is idle nothing is going to play.
So anyone knows?

Help / Amnesia Playertype
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:36:26 PM »
I through if anyone could help create an playertype like in the game amnesia.
I already found the step sounds like step_walk_rock1, step_walk_rock2, step_walk_rock3 and so on :P
I wanted it like if the player walks these sounds will start to play and when he is idle nothing is going to play.
So anyone knows?

Help / Is it possible that you can record a demo?
« on: June 01, 2011, 03:33:01 PM »
I just wanna ask that question cause i'm about to make an montage and wonder why not using demos.
Cause if anyone played tf2 before or any other source games you can record demos and edit them.
And i wonder if you can do the same thing like in blockland.
So anyone knows if you can or how to do that?

Help / How can i make a waypoint for a zombie to go there
« on: May 04, 2011, 06:02:45 AM »
Like the subject says.
How do i do it?
Or is it possible?
[Using Left 4 block zombie mod]

Help / Blockland montage hud on or off?
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:57:17 PM »
Im about to making a montage on blockland.
I've already got all those songs thats are perfect for my video :3
But i just wanna know something from you guys.
Should i have the huds off or on?

Heres some videos without and with hud.

[URL] [ ]
Hint: Sorry for the low quality i was expermenting around with the sizes and then somehow messed it up xD

Yay for new intro :3

Help / How do i make a jvs door that only open on my bl id
« on: March 05, 2011, 06:51:57 AM »
like the subject says how do i make a door that checks my blid and then if its the right one it opens
how do i do that?

Help / Deleted everthing on my server and whant to have it back :c
« on: February 26, 2011, 01:02:44 PM »
So yea i dont know how i did that but i just loving delet a hole map that i worked with my friends
Since i didnt save it i have no idea how do undo it.
The server is still on so anyone can help me?

I loving hade the clear bricks button >:C

Help / Im about to start a clan and need some help :p
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:28:20 AM »
Tahts right...
I'm about to start a clan and it will be much better then my older ones :3
Well actually i just need some help if i have forgot something on my list.

Basic Rules.

The Name of the clan.



and of course the members.

if i forgot something please replay.

Music / Playing with danger [team fortress 2]
« on: February 12, 2011, 03:44:11 AM »
So yea :D
A new Tf2 Song and its a remix of the old one.
Heres The Old One

And heres the new one

So Yeah you hear the different.
Now heres the song that you can download.
Its the new one

[Download Link] [Download Link]

If it doesnt work read this

Help / Need some help with my weapon
« on: February 11, 2011, 02:21:27 AM »
So yeah.

Ive just made a glock 19 but ive got some problems with it.
Ive made the animations with hands a.k.a reloading and those stuffs.
But the problem is you need to something on your gun to shoot and that the blockland player hold the gun.
So how do i do it?

(used blender to make the gun)

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