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Topics - LizzyRascal

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Off Topic / DeviantArt group #Blocklanders
« on: March 23, 2012, 01:17:11 PM »
I made this a while ago:

It's group for us blocklanders. Please join if you have a dA account and feel free to submit your blockland related stuff, but please keep it in the right folder. And someone needs to make us a better group badge.

General Discussion / I've been getting very bored with Blockland
« on: March 20, 2012, 04:39:33 PM »
Blockland just seems really boring to me now. And, no, this is not a "goodbye I am leaving blockland" thread. I just would like to know if there's something I can to spice the game up a bit and make it more interesting for me again. I already have tons of add-ons, so I doubt that will do any good.

So how do I make Blockland fun again?

I've been really good at running here, lately, and I'm wondering if I should maybe try out a sport that involves running. Now, I actually dislike sports, but it might be a good chance to get some exercise and stuff, since I finished my PT and it's really close to spring. But I'm very, very, very skilled in running, nonetheless, but I just need to work on my hips and my surgical knee(left knee) and then I could be the master of running.

The only thing I would need to worry about would be getting injured, because of my problems. I can get injured pretty easily, but other than that, I might be able to do this.

I'm not saying I am going to go into a running sport, but I'm not saying I won't either. I've just been considering it, and I need your opinions.

Off Topic / I need help with a drawing timelapse
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:03:49 AM »
I recorded the process of me sketching/coloring a something.

I wanna know how to speed up the video.

Either in Windows Movie Maker or some other video making program, that's free.

Just halp.

Off Topic / Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls - the best anime ever
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:46:12 PM »
This is the best anime ever. Wonderful animation and extremely well-drawn.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Christmas Special

So kawaii! =^.^=

I'd highly recommend watching the all the episodes nya~!

Off Topic / I love my little sister now
« on: March 15, 2012, 02:45:17 AM »
I really do. Earlier she was drawing, and she handed me a doodle of a guy with a mustache and said "I drew this for you!" I asked her who it was, and she said "Freddie Mercury."

And I could barely believe it at first. Then, I gave her hug and thanked her.

Later on, I let her listen to a Queen CD I had, and while we were listening to it, she turned to me and said "I hate Justin Bieber now." This is one of the best things that could ever happen to me.

True story.

General Discussion / Build sharing board
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:08:17 PM »
My apologies if this is in the wrong board, but we should have a board for sharing builds. Rather than showing them off like in Gallery. But a board that would replace Maps, because of Maps being quite useless with the new update coming. The only thing that will be in the Maps board will be slate edits and stuff. But if we replace it with or just add Builds to it, then we can share terrain builds. This will be useful for people who are too lazy to build large brick terrains.

It won't be much different from both maps and gallery.

Just a thought.

I hope I'm making sense here.

Off Topic / THEY DIED! THEY ALL DIED! (goldfish)
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:41:13 AM »

NOTE: The water was at proper temperature. And we let them adjust first. But they started dying BEFORE we put them in our tank. So we put them in the tank and fed them a teeny bit. But it was too late.

So my dad bought some goldfishes(about 5 big ones and 20 small ones) today around 2:00 PM. And they slowly started dying about an hour later. And it is currently 12:30 AM and only 2 big ones remain. And they can barely swim. It's kind of sad to see them slowly, painfully drifting off into the next life.

But why?

Our tank is clean.

Our water is fine. (I think)

We have all the right equipment and stuff.

It is Petco. They shoved all the big ones in the same bag. Same with the little ones.

Plus, the fish already looked like they were in bad shape before we put them in the tank.

The fish looked as if they were sick and not fed properly. My dad is currently working on getting a refund for the fish.

The moral of the story: never buy from petco.

Off Topic / Let's try to sing a song together.
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:39:33 PM »
I know we tons of threads like this before and if you participated in any of them you'd know how they work.

But if you haven't, then I will tell you;

It's very simple, I will post the first sentence of the song, then the next post will be the next sentence of the song, and it goes on until the song is over

You may request a new song, and if more than 3 people agree with you, and ONLY if over three people agree with you, then you are allowed to post the first sentence of the next song. But it must be posted in this format:
Quote from: random person
New song

*insert lyrics here*

But don't state the name of the song, because that ruins the fun.

You may post multiple sentences in order to prevent confusion. But do not make it blatantly obvious and keep the number of sentences under 3.

Don't post random words like "snake" or "testicle."
Don't post post lyrics that are obviously from a different song, whether you know the lyrics to the current song or not.
Don't request a new song every 2 posts. Once in a while is fine, but try to restrain yourself, man.
Don't double post. If the thread is 3 pages behind and you're trying to bump it, then fine. But if you're just doing it to do it, then that is considered 'cheating' and it ruins the fun.

Do not break the rules on purpose just to look funny or cool. If you do then you be ignored and you will be deemed mentally impaired for the rest of your life.

Songs from TV shows, games, and movies are fine.

Off Topic / Hot Namekians
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:29:50 PM »
We need a hot Namekians thread.
I waited around for it but it never happened.

So yeah.

Go. Yes no nudity.

Off Topic / I'm testing out a GIF that I made in GIMP.
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:10:18 PM »
I was bored and decided to experiment in MMD and Gimp 2.6.

So, yeah, not much. All she does is smile and then continues to stare into your soul for a second or two. It's choppy as hell because it should have more frames. If this works out I might make it into an avatar or something. But just a tad bit more smooth, of course.

The original GIF, before I cropped it and stuff.

And another one with a different speed, I think

(lol Luka seizures)

Okay, now, move along. Just go roleplay or something.

Off Topic / I'd like some music recommendations
« on: February 26, 2012, 09:32:08 PM »
Okay, I need some new stuff to listen to. I love almost all Metal and Rock genres. Both old and new is acceptable. It doesn't matter how heavy or light it is, but I prefer heavier stuff, so if it's candy rock, then I probably won't like it.

If you recommend something like dubstep or any other electronic bullstuff, then I will find you and shove your genitals up your star fish.

There's plenty of bands and artists that I listen to but I'm too lazy to list them all right now.

Off Topic / I need help finding a replacement pen for my drawing tablet.
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:11:41 PM »
Okay, so I need a new pen for my drawing tablet. This is the tablet I have:

Please, help me find a website or a place where I can purchase a pen replacement. Just a pen. Not the tablet itself. And no, I will not buy a new/different tablet just to get a damn pen.

I already tried searching on Google, Amazon, and Ebay. But I had no luck.

Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / What should I draw?
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:18:36 PM »
I'm bored and I feel like drawing something. Give me ideas, please.

Ponies and manga/anime stuff is accepted. Just not anything like hentai, though.

Much appreciated.

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