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Topics - .Aeris.

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / All the mondays.
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:03:17 PM »
It seems we have again reached this point in my stay where a drama is made. Therefore, without further ado, let's get started.

Iban: The numerous issues surrounding such a worthy and noble forum goer amount to a steamy and delicious mound of assjuice. He's a serial killer rapist bondage freak in training. When he was on my friends list on steam we had quite a few enlightening conversations. He alternates between egotistical friend and raging emotion teenager with a chip on his shoulder. If anyone would like to know more, I have my final steam chat with him on mediafire where he exhibits all of this.

Stocking: Seriously? Lol.

Lord Tony: Honestly don't see why he isn't banned. His trolling is so obvious my little brother can see though that slop. He has a hard-on for anything loving stupid and a wonderful Napoleon Complex. I understand you're supposed to admit to it but come on! A few years of friendry is enough I daresay.

Ike: Just kidding, I still think you make damn decent points in most arguments.

Taboo: School teacher my left nut. Not sure how you all have just accepted that load of bullstuff but whatever. Just as bad as Tony but doesn't try as hard.

IUV: Who the forget are you kid? People like me more than you. That's loving sad.

ATkitton and Bisjac: The lack of logic is astounding. If you wanna see her boobies they're on motherless. She can't argue worth a forget and whores out to anything with 2 legs(or more). Also a narcCIAt.

Now you may say "Aeris, you're a bigger too." Right you are random forum member, but at least I have the decency to admit it and bring it all to attention. No action should or will be take but I'd just like you all to understand a few things. Of course this is all from my eyes so there are obviously discrepancies in how you feel about them compared to how I feel.

See, that wasn't so painful. Enjoy the topic, I'll be back tomorrow.

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Back from break feeling
« on: January 28, 2012, 10:40:34 PM »

Mods are asleep, stuffpost.

Off Topic / 6 kids died today at my school
« on: November 11, 2010, 03:50:34 PM »
Today, a sophomore took a corner going 45 with 5 freshman in his bronco. He rolled it like 8 times, and they all got killed. Why can idiots drive?


Off Topic / Gif Converter.
« on: October 24, 2010, 10:28:43 PM »
I need someone to either convert this to a gif, or show me a site or program that will do it(for programs, only mac stuff, so there goes 80%)

Off Topic / Bat stuff Crazy Videos
« on: October 24, 2010, 05:57:51 AM »
Post links to the craziest videos you've seen lately, any kind, any site. Videos can be good, bad, random, weird, or any other adjactive you can think of.

Frontier Psychiatrist
Extreame Rice
Thank Jimmg for this one.
This is a must see for Half-Life fans
Battle Zone: Red Zone
Another Red Zone

Creativity / Aeris' Collection.
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:43:18 PM »

    The noise was quiet, but loud enough for him to know that he heard it. This sound was a soft rumble, reverberating around his room as if a train was passing by. This sound was so dreadful and threatening, it sent chill bony hands sliding down his spine. This was not the first time he had heard this sound, in fact it wasn't the second or third, yet no matter how many times he heard it, it still chilled him to his core.
     As he lay in bed, cover high atop his head, he pondered what actions he could take. After a few indecisive moments, he lowered the sheet to stare at his closet, simply hoping the sound would stop, that it would leave his room and his life forever. Many tense minutes passed, and the sound showed no signs of stopping.
    Slowly, carefully, he swung his legs out of bed. He place his feet onto the floor. His floor creaked and groaned under his weight and he cursed the old house and its failing. Silently and cautiously, he reached the door, that dreaded door. His hand moved on its own accord, swinging itself to the door knob. His hand, mere inches away from the knob, covered the last bit of distance between it and its goal.
    The door crashed open, sending him sprawling to the floor with a harsh scream of pain. Looming over him was a beast, but of no kind he had ever seen before. The beast was as tall as the ceiling, and as wide as the door and half it again. The stench was horrendous, rotting flesh and foetid breath making him gag. He scrambled to his feet, those beady eyes belonging to the monster followed his movements with animalistic hate. He was its play thing, its entertainment and feast. A buffet of flesh and a dinner time treat. There was intelligence behind those murderous orbs.
     He gathered his wits, and lept to his feet. He quickly scampered out of reach of it's long arms. The beast reared up and roared. So loud was this roar the floor shook, photos fell from the wall, and the boy clapped his hands to his ears, his senses in overload. With it's roar complete, it began to rumble towards him, a freight train of flesh and horror.
     The monster bearing down upon him, he lept to the hallway door, hoping to escape his room. The beast changed course with agility that seemed to spring from nowhere. It crashed into him and the door

Should I finish this? I would appreciate reviews. The line iswhere the latest update starts.


Off Topic / You wanted proof, you got it.
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:27:09 PM »
This is for anyone who really doubts or just wishes to see me.

There you go sirs and madams, feel free to comment or whatever.

Drama / Drufes 12 - Spamming sure is fun isn't it
« on: October 16, 2010, 02:53:20 AM »
This is gonna be a long one. I'll bold some of the more idiotic parts.

This idiot seems to have a problem understanding the words Declined, no, and Blacklisted. After making this amazing app here:
You still accepting people? if so.


Role:Acting, Voice Acting


Experience:not any really Ive tried in the past been in some, haven't seen them on youtube but I'm good as they come ill do anything the director tells me to

Bios:Quiet, No life, Nerd, Gamer, part-time starfish and part-time smartass

Steam name:Drufes

Ya i think that sums it up

Tell me in a pm if you need something else
He whines about me apparently being biased:
you need to respect me to respect everyone don't just say no cause they have no Exp. or to young.
He then procedes to demand to talk to Keon after insulting all of the admins:
like i said before i want to speak only with keon not you starfish

i don't care if your admin i can contact keon on steam
are you a admin here? No? shut up please if your not a admin talking.
After Keon *explains* the situation to him he whines about his parents and how we should be nice to him:
-_- i'm trying to be nice right now cause my mum and dad are fighting and are split up right now and i feel life i should work on people skills right now
He finally gets blacklisted and degrades into a complete idiot:
meh...alright bai guys c:
oh ya and keon? that didn't even make me think about leaving cause i deal with alot more stuff but good try :D anyway ill stick around this topic a little for now even though i know ill never get in cause of teh BLACKLIST!
1.learn how to spell "you are in he blacklist" really? wow 2.its not portions its seconds that i love to waste cause its my weekend 3.i love this topic cause of all of the people like you trying to make me feel bad its so funny.

Other random handicappedness:
please stop being mean to me-_-
This is the gameing world get used to a all gamer's grammer its not the best in the world im sorry
1.Learn how to spell.
3.Grow up.

All in all, he is some idiot that needs to learn to shut up and leave. Feel free to look through the topic to see Keon and Penguins wonderful responses. They start around page 56-57.

Off Topic / The Poughkeepsie Tapes
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:40:28 PM »
The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a movie I'm about to watch, does anyone know anything about it? It seems super scary and I'm probably gonna freak out the entire time.

No spoilers please, or if you want to be an ass at least make it in point 1 size.

/discuss and rate the movie.

Off Topic / A Thank You
« on: October 02, 2010, 02:45:42 PM »
I would like to thank the Blockland Community members(Yes all of them, even the idiots, trolls, loveists, and tribals) for unleashing me into the gaming world. Where I once was preoccupied with school and friends, I now have something to use to get away from it all. Blockland, literally, was the first actual video game I played. Now I have a Steam account with games like Half Life 2 through Half Life Episode 2, Counter Strike:Source, Team Fortress 2, Portal, and Garry' Mod. Since my 16th birthday was last month, I received a lot of money from my family. I went out and bought an Xbox 360 and a PS3. I have gotten a few of the Call of Duty's, Halo's, and Elder Scrolls.

So, Thank you Blockland community. You quite literally have changed my life.

inb4anyofmyfriends(you know who you are)

EDIT: Oh also thanks Badspot for not making the ban a perma.

Off Topic / Post your favorite song
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:40:14 PM »
Post your favorite song with a link from the creators site, or youtube. Simple as that.

DeVotchKa-How it Ends.

And, just so that everyone knows, this is how you make a hyperlink:
[ url=]DeVotchKa-How it Ends.[/url] Remove the space of course.

Clan Discussion / misunderstanding lol
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:19:29 AM »

Off Topic / Getting a tablet
« on: September 09, 2010, 05:40:34 PM »
For my birthday next week, I'm getting a tablet for my mac. All I want is a nicely built but basic tablet with pen that won't wear out. Any tablet users have advice/ideas?

Off Topic / Post Old Memes
« on: September 07, 2010, 07:28:20 AM »
Just post old memes that you remember. If you can get a pic post that too.

I'll start with an old one I recently found.

no pic sorry.

Simple as that.

Modification Help / Converting Mac files to PC
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:18:30 AM »
I recently made an add-on on my Mac and gave it to a friend on a PC and he said it wouldn't work. It works perfectly fine on my Mac. I'm not sure what's wrong though.

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