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Topics - Jubel

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Off Topic / I need a solid mechanical keyboard, any suggestions?
« on: July 16, 2016, 01:22:15 AM »
Preferably with no fancy bells and whistles.
I just need a solid quality mechanical keyboard. The less it costs the better, and preferably nothing over $100 USD (before fees/taxes) if even possible.

I have my doubts that if these even exist, but I'd love to be proved wrong.

Off Topic / whats your sonic name
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:50:24 AM »

apprently i'm Ivo the Edgehog.

Off Topic / Jubel got himself an iPhone SE - /blogland/
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:27:53 AM »
After owning a Galaxy Note 2 and 3, I've decided to change my hardware to the apple side of the family.
People will hate me. I actually have legitimate reasons for it. Also some entitled 17 year old reasons.

  • iMessage is great in areas where I have wifi but no cell service (my house). My Note sucks here, and im the only android user in my house.
  • I'm a klutz. Apple support is great and so is applecare. (This is coming from lots of experience from work at home). My service provider has stuff warranties.
  • I only bought my Notes cause they were big for videos at home. I use my TabS tablet for that now.
  • Having a big phone in your pocket sucks stuff. Im always afraid of breaking it.
  • I don't actually utilize Android like most people do. I still use touchwiz because it's fine.
  • My phone is old and runs way too hot/battery drains fast.
  • Touch ID is so loving cool and the one on my phone sucks stuff
  • I think the 4,5, and SE phones look really solid. Can't agree with the 6.

Also I got a mahogany skin for it. That should be cool.

Although I am a bit dissapointed in this but it's better than getting stuck on a loving contract and paying a 0.8% markup on the phone.
(Along with a minimum $90/month plan)

Android lovers, I still totally get why others have it, but it's not for me.
If these next 2 years don't work out I'll see if any companies have anything cool out.

like a shiny T-Mobile Sidekick.


So today I was living my life as normal and suddenly I noticed I have a severe medical problem. I'm coughing up blood, my fingernails are falling off, and my arm is getting scaly.
I also got a cold, and my nose is bleeding, and it wont clot. I feel faint, and I think taking 14 Tylenol and 27 ibuprofens (plus a flintstones vitamin) was a bad idea.

Now, I know there are a lot of people on this forum, one of you should know what is going on. I tried to lynch the sickness away by cutting the arteries in my wrists but now I can't move my hands and to resort to spelling this through Siri, who has a hard time understanding my slurred speech as my teeth fell out. Since my fingers stopped functioning I can't use my phone other than speaking to it, and Siri keeps adding all the numbers together when I call my mom 4 hours away to ask what I should do.

Now you guys must be thinking, "wow this guy has it rough". but that isn't half the story. My legs fell off so I can't walk over to my wheelchair to roll over to my lifealert watch I left on the counter. So I'm in a really big pickle here guys. One of you must know what I should do.

I genuinely think I'm going to die. Help me forums, what the hell do I do???? I need to hurry before the bones fall out of my stumps.

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Frontrox
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:11:29 AM »
Dude is now 22. Go give him some love.

Off Topic / Droids, Blast Them!
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:01:56 AM »

(It's actually a drone but they said it over their little internal radios and it was awesome)

Off Topic / Nbrown townan Garden Scene
« on: May 04, 2016, 03:54:20 AM »

click the image.

this stuff was the best as a kid. god bless canadian childrens programming.

Off Topic / uBlock users: Is it still working on Youtube for you?
« on: May 03, 2016, 03:02:59 PM »
I've been seeing a lot of ads about how my new bathroom/kitchen is only one home depot away and I never used to see those before.
Did youtube change that up or something?

There might be like, 3 people interested in knowing how like, awful retail stores are.
Even though I work at Staples only, I do know a bit more about other ones too that follow a similar system.

I obviously won't give away confidential information but you'd be surprised at the amount of stuffty stuff that goes on behind open slidey doors.
Unless you already work retail. Then you might know.

So apparently when the Titanic went down it sent out a lot of distress signals. I bet, the ship as sinking. Obviously not many people came to help initially either, as a lot of people drowned and died. But only now does the US Coast Guard actually respond to the signal for help..

Like forget, I know the US is well known for being lazy but this is 104 loving years too lazy.

Off Topic / robocop gba title theme
« on: April 16, 2016, 11:31:03 PM »

Off Topic / My Router* is Acting Very forgety and I Don't Know Why
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:35:47 AM »
*I'm assuming it's the router because it's been nothing but trouble since we got it.

We got a new router because the one supplied by our ISP isn't powerful enough to cover our entire house wifi waves. This newer router is however. However, my old router was quite efficient at sending out important packets of data. I could still play video games 90% of the time and have stable, albiet slower, but still stable connections to my game servers even while everyone else in my home is streaming HD video. On the newer router though, it's a bit of a stuffshow. I'll just list the issues.

  • Even with no one else using the web, I still get terrible packet loss in games.
  • With my PC set to top priority in the QoS, and even set to a DMZ (not that I think it would matter), I still suffer from terrible packet loss while alone and sharing the internet with others.
  • I used to be able to watch 1080p30 videos fine. Now I struggle to download a 480p30 video without it stuttering (while everyone else can watch Netflix just fine.)
  • Teamspeak stutters horribly when other people are using the web.
  • I sometimes can't even load the BLF or loving Google until someone elses packets manage to squeeze their way through the lines, even if my QoS is set to maximum priority.

I have the D-Link DIR-822 AC1200. I know it's a dual-band router but unfortunately I'm stuck using a wireless card that can only pick up the 2.5 GHz band. Not that I doubt it matters, because my internet service is loving garbage in terms of bandwidth at 8Mbps Down / 2Mbps Up.

I honestly have no idea why the thing isn't working. It should be fast enough, and even for my stuffty internet my old router could handle all this traffic fine until the wireless on that thing up and died.

Gallery / Mother Base (Work In Progress)
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:35:35 PM »

These are my three reference images. I could use some help if someone could get me HIGH RES images of other shots from around the base. maybe from FOB missions or something.
obviously more to come but i like the look of the base of the base mmmhmmhmhmhmm

Off Topic / is this pc forgeted ye or ne
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:17:23 PM »
this pc has a funny screen is it fubared

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