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Topics - The Doctor

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Off Topic / 2012: End of the world?
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:11:20 PM »
As the day approaches, I am just curious if any of you think the theory is true. I personally don't, but wondering if any of you do? So... discuss...

Off Topic / Nyan Cat-The Game!
« on: December 19, 2011, 03:12:21 AM »
Title Explains itself. I found this game on google while browsing for...stuff...

Anyways, heres the link for those who wanna check it out.
I've been playing for at least Approx. 3 minutes and 46 seconds.
Just download, open folder, and luanch the game

Post your Highscores!
Mines 69
Just got to 89

Help / RTB4
« on: November 13, 2011, 07:26:56 PM »
Ok, lets make it snappy. I get back from being offline for a while, and I find RTB has updated. Ok, I update it and restart Blockland. As soon as Blockland opens up, says I still need to update. I think its probably a small flaw, but ignore it. I try reinstalling it again, no luck. After a third time, I figured "Ok, someone forgeted up". Seems that everyone else has updated, yet my RTB has gone whacky. Anyone help?

Off Topic / 3 things you'd change about the user above.
« on: July 07, 2011, 02:26:11 AM »
Tite pretty much explains itself. Its simple, just name 3 things you'd change about the person above you. Since there's no one about me, Go.

Off Topic / Back to the Future 4?
« on: June 25, 2011, 03:31:20 AM »
After heading home from buying donuts from the famous so called "Twin Pines Mall", there was camera crew there. My dad and I thought that it was part of a series. While on the road next to it, I saw it. I saw the Back to the Future dealorean, as it was 40 years ago, with lights on and everything. What I wanna know is, What was going on, Were they remaking the famous "Car Chase" scene? and why?

Off Topic / PRE to Youtube
« on: June 17, 2011, 07:24:29 PM »
While working on a small video I made on Photoshop Premeire Elements, I finally finished. Except, I ran into a small delay. Apperently, Youtube will only Accept WAV. files, and not PRE. Can anyone help change the file to WAV.? I may not be explaining this right...

General Discussion / What the heck is aimbot?
« on: May 29, 2011, 10:02:07 PM »
Today, I was in Furling's Halo War with the Sniper Rifle owning the reds. Soon after being humilatingly owned, they accused me of using aimbot. So I have a question: What the forget is aimbot?

Help / Weapons arent working
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:33:42 PM »
Most of my Iron sights weapons (Old School Rifle etc.) Arent workig properly. Yes, I have gun enabled

Help / Is it possible to have more than 50 content bricks??
« on: April 23, 2011, 11:59:29 PM »
Title explains itself

Help / I have no ping!
« on: March 29, 2011, 07:14:22 PM »
Whenever I start up a game, people who always join my server always PM me complaining my server is up, but theres no ping. I used to be able to start up my server without any problems, but since I got my new computer, it dosent work properly.

Suggestions & Requests / Halo Reach: Blood Gulch
« on: March 03, 2011, 04:22:00 PM »
How about the Blood Gulch map from Halo reach?
The map could include the bases, or could be a plain map, so that the players could build the bases themselves.


Help / Moving to new computer.
« on: December 25, 2010, 11:14:22 PM »
Okay, basic rundown: My computer has gone whacky, and was shutdown. Today, I got a new computer, and my old one started to work again ironically. So I'm moving my stuff to the new one, and I'm wondering if I can save my stuff to somewhere where I can drag my files off it and put it in my new computer. Someone told me to backup them, but I cant. What do I do?

Suggestions & Requests / Time Gun
« on: December 05, 2010, 09:55:48 PM »
Yes, a time gun. A gun that can alter a player's timescale. Just simply point at a player, and he or she will turn to timescale 0.2, or back to timescale 1. You can only use the gun every 1:30 seconds. You cannot use it on admins, and can only zap the player for 1 minute, then goes backt to regular timescale. Basic Gun model, just different color, and Sound FX when fired.

Suggestions & Requests / TRON Add-ons
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:23:14 PM »
How about some of those tron items for Blockland? Like the Tron light disc. The player would throw it at another player, and would bounce off walls, and would take 25% of the players health away, depending on where it hits him. Also, the Tron light Bike and The Light Car. They would both be black, but whatever color you paint it the vehicle spawn, is the color the car lines turn. The Light car would be a 2 seater vehicle, and would go reasonably fast. The Light bike would be a single seater, and the player would lay down on it, with both hands on the handle bars. The tron light, while moving, would leave a Light/Vapor trail behind*the vehicle depending on the color or the spawn Brick.

Tron light disc

Tron Light Bike

Tron Light Car

*, like so

Suggestions & Requests / Battle Helicopter
« on: December 01, 2010, 03:22:53 PM »
This is what I was thinking of. A helicopter with 2 Gattling guns on the front, (or missle luanchers), and with the Heavy Miniguns on the side that the side that passengers can control. Could carry up to 5 people, and drop them off at the battlesight, while defending themselves and the troops with the miniguns on the side. And to stop abuse, the Helicopter would be limited to 6 pairs of missles, (the host can change amount in RTP prefrences), and the player who spawned the helicopter would have to set an event to reload the helicopters missles.

Hers what I'm thinking of:

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