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Topics - CaffeineBoy

Pages: [1]
Clan Discussion / [ST] Reborn (hopefully)
« on: November 13, 2007, 11:31:38 PM »
The story of [ST]...
in the days of RTB, the days of editor wands and blockdudes, there was a clan. a clan run by a man named CaffeineBoy. for a while, the clan went along smoothly, but soon died due to Caffeine's inability to host.
But then a new era approacheth.... Caffeine god the wondrous thing know as "high speed intarnets"... and began to host servers! and [ST] rose form the ashes to thrive once again! (hopefully)
anyway, [ST] (not to be confused with <ST>, which i gather is some type of skiing clan), was started by me, long long ago. and this is my attempt to revive it.
ST stands for StarTrek, but you need not be a die hard fan of the Trek to join. any scifi geeks are accepted. all i ask is that you have some building skills, (modelling or coding skills are a definite BONUS) and are not a noob. i host a DM server pretty much every night, but sometimes I close it so i can churn out more weapons. So if you want to join, offer moral support, or throw degrading insults(if you must), please do so here.

Modification Help / Help getting a laser-style projectile
« on: November 10, 2007, 06:32:48 PM »
I'm working on a laser-type weapon hopefully to be released later today, and everything is in place except for the bullet trail... i want to make it have a red trail behind the bullet which acts much like a laser pointer, staying in the air until the projectile reaches its destination, then disappearing completely. i looked through the code for ladios' laser weapon set, and couldn't find which bit of code actually made the bullet trail show up... right now i have nothing, my bullet trail is completely invisible. any help would be appreciated.

Modification Help / Changing Jet emitters?
« on: October 27, 2007, 08:49:45 PM »
I was wondering whether or not it would be possible to change the emitters for the player's jets, of course it would have to be a serverside thing kind of like the changeable player light mod, the mod i'm thinking of would be similar to that mod. anyone got any ideas?

Music / Bananaphone loop!
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:56:49 PM »
Here's my loop of Bananaphone by Raffi, Enjoy!

General Discussion / Ugh. Bleh's server taken over by handicap admin
« on: February 05, 2007, 10:21:20 PM »

Forum Games / Pixel Longcat!
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:13:47 PM »
this is like the other 2 pixel "tower" topics, but instead of a tower, it's a longcat! here's how it goes. use this basic peice of longcat body, make your own section of longcat, and i'll add it to the base.

longcat peice:


AoT General / Jail glitch! help!
« on: November 30, 2006, 09:16:26 PM »
ok, i just created an account called "caffeineboy criminal" to see how many demerits i can get. i know this sounds stupid, but hear me out. i got like 1000 demerits, and went to jail for 18 minutes or so. so i log out of that account and onto my main account. i'm still in jail. so i think to myself ill just wait out the jail sentence. i wait the 18 minutes, and everything's good. then i try and log onto my "cop" account. i'm back in jail for 18 minutes! then i log back onto the "criminal" account. i'm still in jail for 18 more minutes. i wait it out, and try to log onto my main account. back in jail. by this point i have served about an hour of jailtime. now, whenever i try to log onto ANY of my accounts, i spawn in jail, with 18 minutes of jailtime. this is getting very annoying, and if there's a fix for it, i would be appreciative.

AoT General / A question...
« on: November 26, 2006, 01:56:11 AM »
i haven't played age of time yet, and browsing through the screenshots i realised that they A. contained no male characters, B. half of them contained jokes about bras or love, and C. none of them feature any real gameplay(i.e. fighting, trading, etc.). by looking at the screenshots, AoT comes across as some sort of strange all-female cyberlove game. this might not be so bad but i usually like games to have some sort of substance or plot. so my question is this. what the forget is Age of Time about? :cookieMonster:

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