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Topics - Trifax

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Off Topic / Voiceover :3
« on: February 01, 2017, 02:10:36 PM »
Hi guys! Not sure if any of you remember me, but I'm a relatively old BL'er, and I used to do some occasional voice-related things around this community. So I just wanted to share with you guys that I've just launched my professional voiceover website! I've been hammering away at this voice thing for a while now, and I'm thrilled to have all this branding and demo material presentable at last.

Check it out!

And other samples of my stuff on Soundcloud:

Hey BLF fam! It's been a minute.

I'm working in LA this summer, and putting professional effort into getting my voiceover career started! I wanted to let my favorite community know, if you need any voiceovers done for videos, projects, whatever, I'd be happy to help out!

I cite Bones4 and Facechild for references—I'm a delicious and beautiful soul to work with.


EDIT: I uploaded some new stuff last night! Have a listen!

Off Topic / I'm not a teenager anymore :|
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:27:44 PM »
I know I haven't been super active around here lately, but I just wanted to let you all I'm 20 years old today. I've been a blocklander for...7 or 8 years and it feels REALLY weird to say that I'm 20. Have a great 420, everyone!

it am me

Off Topic / In Between - Beartooth drum cover!
« on: March 17, 2015, 12:40:16 PM »
I did a new thing! Cheers! :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / I went on tour with a band last weekend.
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:17:20 PM »
Had the pleasure of joining SoCal ska band The Skariginals on a real short tour up from Los Angeles to the Bay Area this weekend. Spent one night in bum forget nowhere Merced, played a really long set, and partied extensively that night.

Next day, we headed to Berkeley and played at 924 Gilman! Footage from that show linked below, note the bitchin drum solo. Visited Stanford that night, then went by Monterey Bay yesterday for clam chowder and adventures on the beach. Got back last night!

Footage from 924 Gilman

Had some fans from Fresno drive all the way out to see us in Merced, that's me with the hoodie on, I gave my drum sticks to the little girl. She was dancing the whole show.

Great weekend, guys, just wanted to share.

The drummer of Avenged Sevenfold died five years ago today. He was a tremendous inspiration for my playing, and I made the last minute decision to shoot this cover today. I hope I did the track justice, and that Jimmy might forgive some liberties I took in playing this song.

Sidewinder, from City of Evil.

Cheers, guys. Thanks for always taking a look at my videos when I share them, means the world. This one especially.

Off Topic / So Bones4 told me to make this...
« on: December 28, 2014, 02:02:03 AM »
Shoutout to Facechild. Finally got back in the studio today and laid this down. Origin.

Florb Series (Pt. 1 and 2)

Games / Steam Account Trade Scam Warning
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:56:45 AM »
I know these are nothing new, I just wanted to keep you all posted on the latest almost clever attempt to phish steam accounts. Here is the message I received. Note the URL he sent— instead of the legitimate URL.

I did not click the link. I've reported the profile, but just in general, be smart about this stuff. Obviously. Best wishes, everyone!

Off Topic / I produced a musical!
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:56:28 PM »
This is probably the biggest project I've undertaken in my life. This show was over a year in the making, was produced on a $650 budget, and was designed and performed entirely by youth under the age of 23. I was the producer. It ran for two weeks in June, and we filmed the whole thing.

Check it out.

It was put on by the theatre non-profit organization I'm currently running, based in Seattle. If you're, for whatever reason, interested in the organization as a whole, check out our pretty website.

<3 Enjoy!


This is too much fun—it's also alarmingly aligned with real articles being pumped out by the likes of BuzzFeed, Upworthy, etc...

23 Toothbrushes That Look Like Rihanna!

Best part is, it'll generate a fake webpage for the articles with a random stock image. Sometimes the images line up well with the headline, sometimes it's just confusing.

Off Topic / Bubbagum and Trifax take over the world
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:33:04 PM »
feat. chipotle

Real life hangs. With burritos. Cheers!

Off Topic / I uploaded another drum cover! Hooplah!
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:24:24 AM »
I say uploaded because it was recorded a while ago when I still lived in Seattle...and still had a drumset. Anyway, enjoy!

Subverse - This or the Apocalypse

Off Topic / [MEGATHREAD] Scary, Gross, Creepy, Thrilling Stories
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:47:33 AM »
Hi guys! I'll make a fancier OP at some point, but I wanted to start the exchange of some of the best stories around the internet. This was spurred by a recent binge on /r/nosleep. Please share only the best of the best here, whether that be scary, gross, or just downright creepy. To save scrolling (unless the story is relatively succinct), please link to stories and provide a brief general overview of the subject of the story (please no spoilers). I'll start with a couple stories, please use this same format for your shared stories. Stories can be either personal experiences carefully written out, or stories from reputable authors. Please no quick accounts of something "2spooky4me" where you saw a door move on its own. That's bullstuff and you know it.

Title: Guts
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Synopsis: A naive teen boy explores new methods of procrastination, a haunting recounted experience is laid out in this short story.
Read it here!

Title: That wasn't my husband who slept next to me last night...
Author: TorontoScared1
Synopsis: A man and his husband have their logic and sanity tested as Peter Tillman gradually sheds light on unexplained pieces of his past that have come back to haunt him and everyone he loves.
Read it here!

Title: The Devil Z...
Author: Ryan HappyHands
Synopsis: A gamer has a peculiar experience with the Forza racing game. Submitted by Champion.
Read it here!

Title: The Kimberly Story
Author: Karissa Sorenson
Synopsis: A teacher recounts the story of a former student. Submitted by Satan From Wreck-It-Ralph.
Listen to it here!

Title: Anansi's Goatman Story
Author: ...Anansi?
Synopsis: Creepy adventure of a teenager visiting family in the south. Submitted by Shortcut.
Read it here!

Title: Untitled /x/ Story
Author: Anonymous
Synopsis: Party in the desert takes an interesting turn as the party-goers discover an old building. Submitted by Shortcut.
Read it here! [Image]

Title: The Strangers
Author: Anonymous
Synopsis: A man changes his routine in the city. Submitted by Shortcut.
Read it here! [Image]

Discussion of stories is encouraged as well, just please be clear about which story you're commenting on/responding to by quoting the story listing, or just mentioning it by name. I will add quality stories to the OP as long as they fit the format! Let's see what you've got, BLF.

Off Topic / I have had a few to drink, ask me anything.
« on: August 13, 2014, 04:12:52 AM »
Hi guys! For one, I'm moving to LA from Seattle on Friday for school and stuff. Tonight I've managed to have a few drinks, and I will now answer any questions you fine people have for me.

But first a few questions from me:

How have you all been? I've been somewhat inactive recently, I miss you all. Doing well, I hope. Hello!

Off Topic / I was accepted to University of Southern California!
« on: July 16, 2014, 04:32:14 PM »
Hey guys, it's been a while. I wanted to make a quick little post because I was accepted to USC in Los Angeles and I'll be moving to LA in about a month :0

For you socal forumers, see you soon. Cheers!

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