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Topics - AfterShock

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Airsoft Stuff
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:09:50 PM »
Airsoft megathread is pretty much dead, and seeing how it's Christmas and someone surely got something airsoft related other than me, why not make a quick topic to discuss airsoft?

So what did everyone get recently? I just got my new baby, planning on upgrading it with my next paycheck

Off Topic / The Quick Brown Fox...
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:04:11 AM »
Hold both left and right shift and type the following:


Post results!

Off Topic / Poor Life Choices
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:19:57 AM »
I'm staying up all night when I have school tomorrow. Mostly because I've always wanted to do it, also because I have a report due that I forgot about.

I'm going to so regret this tomorrow.

Off Topic / Incredibly Nervous (PMEA Auditions Today)
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:41:42 AM »
I usually don't blog here, but I feel extra nervous this year. It's my senior year and I decided not to do this, but Friday my director and mom both said I'm doing it. So I have to audition on the hardest piece yet in 3 hours, with 2 days of practice. Others have had it since April. Yikes.

It doesn't help that I places 3rd out of 50 kids last year. I have to follow up from that, it's just all too stressful for me.
So I guess post audition jitters, or something you might be anxious about right now.

Off Topic / Game Over, Man (Computer Borked)
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:28:05 AM »
So yeah, I spilled Tea on my computer during a vigorous procrastination session. So it's game over. This is my motivation to finally get a job and build another, better computer after saving up.

Any chance the parts will be salvageable? There is a stuff ton of Tea all over the computer. As soon as I spilt it it made a funny noise and stuff just stopped working but I'm going to assume nothing will be working after an entire glass of tea poured all over that stuff. Maybe some cum, too.

I'm probably going to use the processor as a comb, as laptop processors did a pretty good job. I'm gonna assume a desktop one will do a better job. (It was AMD)

Off Topic / Zombie Petting Zoo (Need Applicants)
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:20:41 AM »
Hello Forums,
I am currently looking to open a zombie petting zoo. Unfortunately, not many people like the idea of being zombified, so I have decided to come here. Currently, I need 8 applicants who wish to be zombies. I will provide a short list of questions with the intention of narrowing down those I find best to be zombies. In the event that I find more than 8 applicants worthy of zombification, I do have a planned tiebreaker.

Zombie keepers and Guards are also needed. I will provide a separate list of questions for these two. A manager is also required. This position requires a sense of professionalism. You could answer questions with favorable answers, but if I feel you lack the qualifications to manage my petting zoo while I am gone due to past experiences, I will not consider you a manager.

Currently, I need...
  • 8 zombies.
  • 2 zombie keepers
  • 1 manager
  • 3 guards

Zombies Requirements
Zombies must be friendly and outgoing. Preferably, no record of bodily harm on another human being. Short tempered zombies will be turned away immediately. I'd prefer you not be scared of needles as that is how we zombify you, but if you can look past this for the sake of your job we would appreciate it.

Any zombie showing signs of hostility will be shot immediately by one of our guards, no questions asked.

The zombie application can be found here.

Keeper Requirements
Keepers must have a love for zombies, and must be willing to care for zombies. Each keeper is assigned 4 zombies to watch after. Caring for a zombie includes -
  • Feeding it
  • Cleaning it's fecal matter
  • Washing it
  • Cleaning up after and properly disposing of any broken limbs

Keepers must not be afraid of zombies as well. Showing signs of fear toward a zombie can potentially provoke zombies.

The Keeper application can be found here.

Manager Requirements
A manager must have experience in management, as this is a very serious work environment. Management experience can range from the professional workplace to community projects. Managers will oversee all operations while I am away, and make sure everyone is doing their job properly and efficiently. For the first month of the job, I or a reviewer will be there evaluating the manager. After this process we will decide whether or not we wish for your continued employment here.

The management position will be heavily reviewed, so remember to think twice about the questions while applying for this position.

The Manager application can be found here.

Guard Requirements
Guards will be heavily armed. Equipped with a Sig Sauer P220 for their sidearm and a choice of the M16 or the Benelli M4 as a primary weapon, this job is not to be taken lightly. The well-being of your co-workers and those visiting the zoo are all in your hands. The typical set up involves a guard watching over each Zombie Keeper at all times, and another guard overseeing zombies currently in the petting pen.

The application process for this job focuses on the mental state and moral value of the applicants, as well as past experience with firearms.

The Guard application can be found here.

Please post all application answers here and the position you are applying for at the top. In the event of not enough people applying, I will personally unleash a zombie outbreak. Once the limit of applicants for a particular job has been met, I will start the reviewing process. Applications for this job may continue to come through. However, once all positions are filled applications will be closed for that job.

Off Topic / In The Market For A New Android Phone
« on: April 06, 2014, 12:42:09 AM »
Yeah, my phone is destroyed.

Any recommendations? The Nexus 5 appeals to me,  so does the Moto X.

I don't really want the S5, but if it's drastically better than the other two, I'd get it.

Off Topic / I Arranged Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks!
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:26:12 PM »

What do you guys think? I spent awhile working this out, so I'd love criticism.

Off Topic / Internet DL Speeds Suddenly Suck
« on: January 06, 2014, 08:03:27 PM »

Like what the hell.

My DL speed has been slower lately, we're paying for 50 DL, and I'm getting 9.

Off Topic / How Do I NOT Suck At Drawing?
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:37:46 PM »
It's always irritated me that I had no drawing ability in my body. Even a stick figure I draw ends up looking like a tree that went through a hurricane.

I looked it up, watched videos, I just can't do it. Could anyone help, or point me to a video series or something that ISN'T useless?

Here's an idea of how bad I am:

(Yes, I actually tried my hardest on this)
I'd just love to have a basic understanding of the skill, I don't want to "really loving good", just alright.

Off Topic / My Cat Just Died
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:25:38 PM »
She had a stroke some time yesterday. For some reason my parents didn't take her to the vet today.

She was progressively getting weaker. First she couldn't jump, then she had couldn't walk far, then her back legs were barely usable.
We all knew it was going to happen, but it seems so unreal now that it happened. She's 15, we've had her since I was 2, and she grew up with me. I grew up with her, it's really hard to let go of her.

We put her in a box with blankets all day long, because she couldn't move to her litter box and we wanted her near us. I was sitting there petting her when she passed away.

This photo was taken after her stroke, when she crawled to my parent's bathroom to lay on a towel.

R.I.P. Tickles
September 11th, 2013, 7:54 PM.

Off Topic / Old Simpson's Bowling Ball, Maybe Worth A Bit?
« on: August 31, 2013, 05:37:52 PM »
It was my brothers, but he left it here when he left for the Marines. It says "TM & C '01 FOX" on it, so I assume it was made in 2001.
I did some searching around and found no other ball like this, so maybe it's worth some cash. What do you guys think?

I'd say it's in good condition. A few parts may look faded, but that's just the angle of the photos.
Do you guys think I could make a quick buck with this?

Games / Looking for Skyrim Steam Coupon
« on: August 25, 2013, 03:01:01 PM »
I'll trade any of my coupons for it. Want one of them? Two? Three? If you want all of them for it, I'll do just that.

My coupons:
-90% off Krater
-50% off The Basement Collection
-75% off Portal 2
-75% off Revenge Of The Titans
-66% off Awesomenauts

All of these are valid until Sat, September 7th.

If anyone has other coupons that they'd like to trade me for, I'm down for it if the game is something I'm interested in.

Off Topic / Steam Coupons
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:26:07 AM »
I'm looking for some Steam coupons, mostly Skyrim.

I'm willing to trade my coupons as well.
My Coupons:
-90% off Krater
-50% off The Basement Collection
-75% off Portal 2
-75% off Revenge Of The Titans
-90% off Serious Sam 3: BFE

I have no interest in any of these games/already played them, so I'll trade any of these.

By the way, here's my steam if someone is interested in trading coupons.

Off Topic / Laptop's Display Doesn't Turn On
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:07:49 PM »

It's an HP, and I've tried plugging it into an external monitor but the screen remains black.
Any help would be appreciated, I'll answer any further questions as best I can.

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