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Topics - KickFlow

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Off Topic / its YA BOI kickflows birthday
« on: April 03, 2018, 04:48:25 PM »
21 YO now

pay respects to liver tonight

Off Topic / ijm drunmk
« on: February 14, 2017, 01:21:37 AM »

« on: November 26, 2016, 12:35:32 PM »

(Disclaimer, not actual footage of Donald Annoying Orange stealing voters)

Off Topic / Battlefield1 "funny moments" video
« on: November 04, 2016, 02:36:26 PM »
Hey guys. I just got a new PC about 2-3 weeks ago and now I can finally do what I've always wanted to do! Edit videos. Aside from Movie maker back in 2009, I haven't really "edited" a video before. Here's a sample of an up-coming video I plan on releasing sometime in the future. Note; the video was recorded & edited in the span of 2-3 days, in between my actual job, social life, and sleep. The video gets progressively better as I think of new things to add, or more importantly, LEARN how to edit.

Here is part of the video. I hope I can get this to around the 5-6 minute mark.

I know it's not great, I just started a couple of days ago, but I hope you guys have some constructive criticism on the video & can share your opinion on how I can improve.

Off Topic / Rate this PC build please
« on: October 08, 2016, 02:57:57 PM »
Hey nerds, I'm looking to build my own PC. I have an actual reason to get one now that I have a lot of my bills taken care of.

I'm looking to edit video on this. Gaming is a high priority as well.

I'm aware it doesn't have an OS on the list, my friend has a copy of windows 7 or 10 he's going to give me.

I'm just looking for feedback on if I should change parts & if so, why. It can get more expensive but I'd like to stay around the $1k-$1.2k range. Thanks!

I used to have the 960 on this list but it's the same exact price of the 970, so why would I not go for the 970?

Off Topic / Kickflow is hungry; suggest food to try
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:46:57 AM »
Just got home from work & I'm starving!!! Didn't stop anywhere to get food on my way home because I had to pee & I wanted to change. Suggest food for me to go try, the budget is $1,000!

Off Topic / Kickflow reaches #6 on r/mildlyinteresting
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:54:30 PM »

i never really post on reddit but i reached number 6 in that sub. i have no idea wht that means but hey its pretty cool

If so, let's hear some stories.

Everything is about race, religion, love, loveual orientation, body weight, age, everything.

They're telling women how they're being oppressed by men.
They're telling african americans how they are hated and disrespected by caucasians.
They're telling everyone how terrible christians and muslims are.

This is all making me so sick because it's just causing everyone to be separate from each other. They want constant disagreement and hatred to each other.

Sure, sometimes a man is yelling at a women. He's yelling at her because she's a dumbforget, not because of her gender.
Sure, a white cop shoots a black man. Statistically that's how it is due to the population. Only 14.3% of America is black. White cops shoot white guys all the time, but when it happens to black people, there is an uproar because of the media coverage only showing what they can deem "tribal."
Sure, christians can be ignorant and discriminate, but it's the minority that does it, but the media is the one who covers it. Not the churches taking in homeless people & helping them get back on their feet, or going to jails to help them with their problems.

The media sucks.

Off Topic / How To Take Off Your Pool Cover!
« on: April 08, 2016, 03:31:18 PM »

Off Topic / I cut my richard shaving today AMA
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:45:08 PM »
Ask me anything.

Off Topic / My april fools joke on my mom
« on: April 03, 2016, 04:09:03 PM »


Off Topic / Kickflow's birthday!
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:07:11 AM »
wow im loving 19 years old now.

shameless steam plug if you want to give me games or csgo stuff  :cookieMonster:

Seriously though, enjoy being young, guys. when you get older, more responsibilities forget you over. Enjoy the lack of responsibilities while you can.

I'll probably be celebrating by hanging out with one of my friends, or ill get together with a few, not sure yet!

April Fools 2016 / I now like ponies
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:28:26 PM »

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