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Topics - Hydrabisque

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Off Topic / I'm having a forgeted up week
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:29:35 PM »
First off, I never wanted to do Pre-AP, my dad highly pushes me towards it and the working is tearing me to shreds.  It's very demanding work, 500 word essays every week, 31 Questions complete sentences about what we did over the week, and that's just the beginning of my pre-AP English.  All of my classes leave me with stacks of bookwork and reading assignments.  My dad really has his hopes up about me getting a 3.5 GPA or higher.  I'm so stressed from all the the expectations, I never was mentally built for this kind of work.  I never get the motivation to do the work, and when I try I never know what the forget I'm doing.  I'm afraid if my dad finds out my grades are about to all drop, he will take away my lizard and computer.  What do I loving do?

Off Topic / Deathclock
« on: September 11, 2011, 07:15:02 PM »

Ever wanted to know when (approximately) you will die?  I find death to be quite terrifying, and this only makes it worse.

When I die:

When will you die?

Off Topic / Deaf Lizards
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:01:19 PM »
I was looking for something else and stumbled upon a safe love educational website for deaf people.
Pretty interesting.

Suggestions & Requests / Fire Orb Edit
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:35:05 AM »
Something like this:

It should include ambient lights, fiery textures and such.

Off Topic / Iguana Steve, I'll miss you. Say hello to Godzilla!
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:58:05 PM »
So two days ago I adopted a juvenile iguana.  He was in perfect health and very excited to be alive, the other two however were not so happy.  I picked him out and we took him home, I had already set up a 40 gallon tank with leaves and branches.  It was going great, he ate food and was playful in my hands, and got settled into his cage a day after.  The next morning my step mom and step brother walked in and she asked if she could take it out and hold it.  I was perfectly fine with this, took him out of the cage and she instantly took him out to the living room where she dropped him within under 30 seconds of holding him.  He fell and was running around wildly, and my cat almost caught him but I intercepted him.  I picked Steve and look at him, he seemed perfectly fine so I put him back in his cage and let him settle down.  The next hour I took him out and let him walk around me room, and I noticed he was favoring his right arm.  I told my dad, step mom, and sister but not one believed me. (They didn't believe me because I always overreact to my pets, which are all dead except Steve)  Later my dad took him out and noticed it too, and said I was right.  He took me up with the lizard to Petco. and the nice employee looked at him and said she'd have the Petco. veterinarian look at it.  She said it might have a socketed joint and we'd have to wait till Thursday to check up on him.  I feel really bad because my other lizard died because of my carelessness and I don't want to lose Steve.

Here's a picture of him before his injury.

9/9/11 11:11 PM

Godzilla's cage


Off Topic / How many times have you said forget?
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:36:25 PM »
I'll start with Aeschylus, he's said forget enough times to fill four pages, but most of his posts have the word repeated.

Go to Search.
Author > User you choose
Search > forget
match any words

Post your results.

Off Topic / REAL music
« on: September 06, 2011, 02:00:15 AM »
no dubstep
no country music
no dubstep

post your REAL music B)

Drama / Owen
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:08:39 AM »
This man is ignorant and self-absorbed.
He's apparently an "original gangster", maybe he can teach us how to dougie.

His profile;u=27103

His posts if you are too stupid to scroll down;u=27103;sa=showPosts

This man really needs to be banned.

Off Topic / if you could get caught doing one thing what would it be?
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:44:42 PM »
if you had one hour with kitton how would you forget her

Suggestions & Requests / Computer Compatibility Client
« on: August 30, 2011, 08:27:58 PM »
This mod will allow players join servers and see if their computers meet the specifications required for best performance.  There should be a line estimating how much FPS the player would have relative to the brick count, light count, and poly count on the server.  Thanks in advance if you can get this done and released.  There are some high-end servers and I always see players complaining about lag, which might confuse the admins whether or not it's the user or their server.

Off Topic / Scream, I miss the old you.
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:53:07 AM »
I miss the you that wasn't a smoking girl, the one that didn't grab all of the attention from every horny boy on this forum.  I miss the Scream that could make me smile, not make my mouth water.

Off Topic / It was Blind Guardian - Hiiro is a lying cheater <3
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:22:41 AM »
I'll buy them a steam game under 30 dollars.

First of all, I'm tired of logging on facebook and seeing juniors and seniors acting like freshmen are the worst possible thing to roam the halls of high school when they were once fresmen themselves. That's all on that.

An interesting argument with my friend:

That is all.

Modification Help / Tremors - Add-on release soon!
« on: August 25, 2011, 10:56:51 PM »


Thanks for stopping by, I made this topic to inform anyone that is unaware about the progress of the Tremors mod or want to know.  I don't plan on making some huge playertype pack, if that's what you were looking for then turn around now.  This mod will only include the Graboid playertype.

The Graboid playertype includes the following:
  • Ability to ingest unlucky victims
  • Can raze structures

Percentage of Completion:


Model and animations by Hydralisk.
Scripting by Ottosparks.

Feedback appreciated!

Off Topic / At school on BLF
« on: August 23, 2011, 04:27:54 PM »
I'm at school on the Blockland forum!
This is grand.

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