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Topics - ._maxwell23461_.

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Off Topic / I'm needing to lay off some depression.
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:58:33 AM »
I'm needing somewhere to vent right now, and the forums seem to be the only option, so here goes:

Well, as probably little of you know, I have 2 very handicapped and stupid brothers, one who likes to forget with my computer, and one who causes TOO much bother, which is who I'll be talking about today.

My brother: he's been in trouble the with the police SOO much, he causes fights and reacts at the slightest thing, and 3 years ago, I'm pretty sure he came at me with a knife. But today was a little different, and not his fault, it involves my dad too.

Well it began this morning when the chimney cleaners came out to clean my dads house, cause the council owns it, and they have to do it, so anyway, 3 people came to the door, asked to come in and clean the chimney, ok, pretty normal. So one of the was the sweeper and the other two were the co-workers. sticks the brush up the chimney, and he gets soot everywhere, pretty normal, my dad asks some pretty generic questions, like, "will this affect the boiler in anyway?". Until he finally gives the answer when not loving talking on the phone or some stuff.

Here is where it gets ugly, he stands up and says "Look, it won't affect your loving boiler. Stop asking or I'm leaving." in the most horrible loving attitude, which sets my brother off, and defends my dad. My dad tries to calm him down and send him up to his room,  and sends the idiot chimney cleaners away in a nice way.

Not loving enough.
The one who was cleaning the chimney ran back up the steps and launched at my dad, holy forget was I scared, then my brother standing there, pushes him away before he even gets near us, and my brother was about to attack him until my dad pulled him away, and I'm pretty sure we're all going to get the house taken away.

(My mother was in shopping while this happened, by the way.)

So I'm pretty loving scared and stressed after this, no one was hurt terribly but I'm pretty sure illegal stuff is going to go down.

Guys what the forget do I do? You're pretty much my only support right now.

Help / Is it possible to run a blockland server from hamachi?
« on: October 30, 2012, 05:25:59 AM »
Is it really possible to run a blockland server via hamachi? If so, how do I do it?

This is because port forwarding doesn't work on my router, and I don't know why, let's not go into details.

So, is it possible? and if so, how do I set one up?

Off Topic / Maxwell has 10000 posts!
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:13:01 PM »
no u
god I love Britain at night

oh stuff my 10000th post forget
loving wasted :C

but wow I've joined the club <3, also I kind of was timing this for my birthday since I wasn't doing anything special, but nvm.

so ya night fox you're going to be beateded in like, 5 years.

so discuss posts and stuff

I hate making dramas, but blocklandian has gotten me so loving mad over the past few weeks, I feel like he needs this.


Where shall we start, hmm, oh I know, BubbaGun's drama thread, I'm not white knighting for her, but if you look through all of them pages, you can see blocklandiansprofile repeating himself over and over again like a loving moron who treats bubba's attention whoring like the loving end of the world.

Stop feeding off attention.
And this right here is a fine example of of pretending to be nice and calm to get exactly what they want, This is why you don't feed attention craving people what they want.
This is very serious, We can't allow attention craving members like this to get what they want, We have to becareful not to give them more attention to feed off of, We have to prevent them from getting as much attention as possible.
We need to handle this "Bubbagum" with extreme caution, As hes obviously one of those members that pretend to be nice and kind and then once they get enough attention show there true side and use it to disrupt the community, We need to stop bubbagum's attention feeding right away.
Bubbagum likes to feed on attention, And this needs to be stopped, We can't allow her to get anymore, She used this attention to get her knights to defend her wherever she goes, Shes basically admitted that she does this for attention, this is a serious problem and we need to put a stop to this
This is serious, We need to stop bubbagum right now, Shes using this attention for horrible purposes and this needs to be stopped right now.
Enough with the attention craving also, Instead of pretending to be a kind person you could have actually just acted normally from the beginning, You're the one who needs to calm down as you obviously can't handle going without attention.
We have to find a way to put a end to bubbagums attention feeding especially since shes associating with a known attention feeder.

I would find more quotes, a LOT more quotes, but it would takes a while.

He's really starting to any me and probably most everyone else in the thread.

V1, let's continue it, It was pretty fun while it lasted.

So blockland, who do you want to meet/have met in real life from these forums/the game?


Alyx Vance
Night Fox


Off Topic / What's your first name?
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:22:11 AM »
Simple question really, what is your first name? And where did your mother or father get the name from? C:

Mines is Maxwell, it came from an ancient Scottish clan, the Maxwell clan.

now yours?

Off Topic / Maxwell123456 has made a bow!
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:30:52 AM »

bad quality pic GO
It's loving strong and has alot of force on it. plus, I have also made an arrow for it!

Curtain hanger

/discuss this amazing tool/weapon/snake formally known as the bow.

Olympics inspired me to do this btw c:

Off Topic / Idle has been idle for almost year
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:30:29 PM »

hooray and karma I guess

No but seriously I remember when I first saw him on there a year ago, time has flew.

anyway, I've just been wonder but, why was this account created? I know to have the most time online but there must be more to it.

forget my knowledge, just a day late

Off Topic / Has anyone seen Dangershy?
« on: July 25, 2012, 11:57:00 AM »
Has anyone really seen her? I haven't seen her since Christmas 2010, and her/his servers were the best, he/she hosted a paradise map thing back in August 2010.

She/he was also called Lagie.

What I'm asking is, has anyone seen her/him?

Don't even know if this belongs here :/

This was in blockland btw

Off Topic / mouth burns like stuff
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:36:50 PM »
Yup, after eating an ice lolly my mouth is burning, it hurts like a loving bitch.
My lips are on fire and my tongue is melting.

/discuss this nonsense of ice burning your mouth :C

Off Topic / Maxwell23461 is sick...again
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:44:42 AM »
Yep, but this time, it's the summer holidays!

It's only minor sickness, I have been vomiting for the last 20 minutes.
The worst part is, I was supposed to go to archery today, but since I'm sick, we have to go next week.

/discuss being sick in the holidays

Off Topic / Post the flag of your country!
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:11:19 PM »
I'm bored and have NOTHING to do so why the forget not

so post the flag of your country

Off Topic / Area 51 fox news call ;-;
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:18:38 AM »
So I just listened to this fox news call on youtube, and this is very disturbing ;----;
it's old I know, but jesus.

Off Topic / I'm sick.
« on: May 31, 2012, 03:17:31 AM »
Well I'm loving sick as stuff and I kinda want to go to school but I can't cause I'm sick. I've never felt like I want to go to school so much right now, I'm tired and hot and i have threw up like, 5 times during the night, it's raining and noisy, I can barely speak, I am seeing things too.

So yeah forums, what should I do?

And it's only your regular sickness so I don't need to go to a doctor, right now.

Off Topic / Computer questions.
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:41:10 PM »
So I am upgrading from 32 bit vista to 64 bit windows 7 soon, and I have been wonder if it will not only wipe out my program's and settings (which I could give no more forgets about.), but will it also wipe out my drivers?

The reason I am doing this is because vista is getting slow and old.

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