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Topics - asablief

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Drama / My time here is up.
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:39:21 PM »
It's about time I made this topic. It's about time I said this. And it's about goddamn time I secured my leave once and for all, and this topic is here to do that for me. If you don't already know, I am Rookie. I am Rookie, and I have not changed. I am still the autistic little stuff that nobody likes and this I recognize. I have been permanentally banned 6 times and have had countless temporary bans. I'm an starfish, and you deserve better.

My throat aches along with my heart, I have had so much fun here, and I've been here for over 4 years now, and I love all of you like my brothers. But I'm all out of cake, my expiration date is up and I'm used goods with nothing left to offer except my own insecure pathetic rants that nobody cares about anyway. This is not a cry for sympathy or for attention, this is Rookie's final stand among the only people that would have ever listened to him. You guys have been great to be around, but my parents disprove, and so do my grades, and my mental health, if there is any left. It is time I started being a real man who lives in the real world. I will only keep my best of internet friends on my steam list, and it is time I put this chapter of my life to rest, as it should have been long ago. I'm not a cat. I don't have 9 lives. I'm 5 lives overdue, and that is not acceptable at all. Not for the kindness and laughs you guys have given me.

I'm crying now.
Goodbye, guys.

User was banned for this post


Riverside Mental Academy is a great place for mentally challenged and disabled young men to go and learn unbiased of their deformities and are given great opportunities to express their creative talents. Here they can be free of discrimination of mental capacity and crippledness.

Here is a lovely heart warming example of handicaps getting along and having fun, edited by defiantly the most talented editor the world has to offer

here is another video displaying the incredibly enthusiasm and infinite physical strength these young men exhibit, again made by defiantly the most talented editor the world has to offer:

if you would like to sign your unwanted handicap baby, or yourself, up to this wonderful institution, the website can be found at

note: if sgt. ross or sgt. harvin is informed of this topic, please apply 3 9mm rounds to my chest

Drama / Moby1997 and Blur.
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:19:14 AM »
Stop making drama's about them.

Moby1997 and Blur are very, very bad server hosts. They often ban people for no good reason.

As do many, many, many server hosts. They are no different. When you get unfairly banned by a server host, consider it a blessing. If the host is big enough of an idiot, then you probably don't want to be on their server in the first place. It's the sign of a bad host, and a bad host is a bad server. Don't join bad servers.

So it's completely unnecessary to drama Blur or Moby when they unfairly ban you, because it's been done 14,000 times and it's not helping at all. They'll still be abusive admins and they're still going to be stuffheads. Don't join their servers anymore. As a matter of fact, I strongly recommend all of you to stay away from their servers.

Now I know the term / phrase "Just because you're a party host doesn't mean you can fling stuff at the guests". Well, if I was at a party and the host started throwing stuff at me, I would leave immediately and never go back, and that's the last I would ever think of it. Instead, everyone runs out and starts shouting "WOWE BED PRTY HOS" 1000 times and nothing changes except you annoy people with your repetitive complaining.

Off Topic / apparently moncroft is really gay or im just stupid
« on: December 29, 2011, 02:00:48 PM »

i dunno how this works but is anyone else getting every single comment saying "ur gay"?

Off Topic / Aaaaaa something is wrong with my toe
« on: December 29, 2011, 12:34:42 AM »
I had a splinter in my toe a few months ago, kept putting it off for, like, months, and it became kind of spot of hard, sensitive skin, that goes down into my toe about 4 - 6cm. It's like a core, or somethin'. Oh and the splinter came out a couple weeks ago.

I suspect that the splinter contained spider eggs and they are going to hatch and millions of spider larvae are going to burst out, and crawl into my mouth while I sleep!

But srs, it's pretty annoying and it's been there for a long time.

« on: December 13, 2011, 09:27:34 PM »
many things are happening at the moment and I'm venting here for the safety of my keyboard and walls

First up I've got a huuuge math test tomorrow and I hardly know anything. I'm so confused and my brain is hurting and there's so much stuff to cover and aaaa my brain is melting and I'm really loving mad and frustrated. It doesn't help that my teacher is a useless cunt bitch, I'm tired and there's no time.

Second, I'm getting promoted to Sergeant week after furlough. That seems a good thing but first you have to pass another test, not a written one but a physical one with pushups and running and timelimits and forget forget forget whyyy

Third, Furlough is coming and I have to pack everything up, in two days. This means flipping my room inside out and cleaning the forget out of everything, put it back together and ready for inspection in two days.

aaaa help

Off Topic / Average day at my military academy. [VIDEO]
« on: December 12, 2011, 05:40:05 PM »

Cadet CPT. Maguire dressed up in a bunch of boxes and scares Band Compant TAC, then tries to scare Lieutenant Colonel Jarrard (Commandant) and the assistant commandant.

fun stuff

Off Topic / I only have 5 minutes left :(
« on: December 11, 2011, 10:11:16 PM »
My internet shuts off at 10:30

AAAAAAAAAA so many things to do

help me what should i do

Off Topic / The Corries - A nice break from WUB WUB WUB and rap.
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:08:43 PM »

Even in this decade where rap, dubstep, heavy metal and modern music thrives, I still find this old, old Scottish band to be the best out of all of them. It does help that most of my family lives in Scotland.

Come ye by Athol
Two Recrutin Sergeants
Shoal's of Herrin
Sherramuir Fight
Haughs o' Cromdale
Parcel o' Rouges

The best thing I like about this band is that it's pure talent. No editing, nothing. They even made their own instruments and learned to play them. Some of the songs they wrote were even (unofficial) nation anthems of Scotland.
R.I.P Roy Williamson ;_;

Off Topic / I miss home :c
« on: December 08, 2011, 09:17:01 PM »
even though I've only been away for 4 days.

Even so I'm over here more than I'm at home now. It's pretty suckish. It's stressfull and complicated and painful and I'd so much rather be at home relaxed and calm. When I'm here, especially towards the end of the week, I get really pissed and aggressive. The worst part is that I have a parade tomorrow and I'm missing a bunch of stuff and I don't get to go home on time and blah blah ;_; i wnt 2 gew homee

discuss homesickness

Off Topic / What the forget is Cthulu?
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:14:22 PM »
I hear people talking about it all the time. What is it?

Games / Custom maps for SMOD: Tactical do not work.
« on: December 04, 2011, 01:19:59 PM »
I've made a map for SMOD tactical, using HL2:EP2 base, but when I launch it it crashes immediately. Does anyone know why this may be happening?

Off Topic / I would like to clarify something about military academy.
« on: November 29, 2011, 09:59:29 PM »
Before you go off on me for talking about my school, god forbid, this is a small issue, not entirely sure if it's serious or not, but I'd just like to clarify anyway.

Military Academy =/= Prison.

* Nobody here is gay. Nobody. There's no rape or homo gay buttlove.
* We get liberty. I can go home on weekends.
* The majority of us actually have girlfriends and connections to the outside world.
* We're not super strict hard-asses. You wont get beat up for having a purple bed cover.

thanks for listening

Games / Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six Bagel - 2
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:30:30 PM »


Rainbow Six Bagel 2 is a realistic terrorist shooting range simulator. It includes bulletproof everything, tacticool and infinite pistol ammo, as well has a stuff forget load of fun. Difficult to get used to the controls, but it's still the #1 tacticool shooter since ice cream and bread. Command your armed slaves around, but most of the time, you can hide around corners and allow your instincts to tell you exactly where to shoot. I guarantee by the end of the day you'll be known as "master leet troll haxor" by the terrorists, because you're so unbelievably badass.

Take control of Saxton Hale's son, Bishop, and take down the unknown terrorist force that has over +100k men to spare. Once you understand the controls and aren't throwing grenades by accident, you're bound to be the next super leet hero of them all.

Rainbow Six: Bagel 2 includes a single player campaign/storyline mode as well as a variation of the Terrorist Hunt mode included in previous games, which involves repeated encounters with enemy AI terrorists in a non-linear map.
Terrorist Hunt mode may be played in "Lone Wolf" (alone) or with a pair of computer controlled allies that may be issued environment-based contextual commands. Both the campaign and Terrorist Hunt game modes support cooperative multiplayer which you can have up to three friends playing. Present in all game modes is a multi-dimensional advancement system.
The multiplayer in Bagel 2 has been expanded to include more than 10 new close-quarters maps, two new adversarial modes, a newer and different rewards system, and according to Ubisoft, improved online matchmaking. Another feature for multiplayer is that using an Xbox Live Vision camera or a PlayStation Eye, the player could take a picture of his/her face and make him/herself the playable character. A camera can also be used in the PC version as well to create a playable character.
Ubisoft released downloadable content for Bagel 2, a Fan pack that includes three maps from the Rainbow Six Bagel and new XP ranks.[13]
Previous Rainbow Six games up to Lockdown supported eight human players on the PC in co-op mode, while Bagel reduced co-op to four. Although Terrorist Hunt mode retains the four human player limit (online only), the story mode in Rainbow Six: Bagel 2 has reduced co-op from four players to two players, with the second player assuming the position of Knight, Bishop's teammate.
Advancement system
The experience point (XP) system is different from that in Rainbow Six: Bagel in that every kill achieved awards the player XP. XP gains result in promotions which reward the player with new equipment, such as body armor.
Players also receive bonuses from the ACES combat system, a separate but related advancement system from the XP system. ACES advancement is based on the methods used to kill opponents, and weaponry unlocked differs depending on which tactics are used.[14]
Experience can be gained by the player in any game mode, single player or multiplayer, and advancement is shared amongst all modes. Equipment unlocked in one mode is usable in all other modes
Third person
The game goes into third person mode if the player takes cover behind a wall or piece of the environment. While in third person mode the player can shoot enemies but not look directly into their weapons aiming sights. (with the exception of scoped weapons)

Bishop is the main protagonist that the player controls and guides throughout the events of Rainbow Six: Bagel 2. His/her appearance and gender vary, depending on the intended look by the player. Either way, Bishop is still called "sir" in the game. He or she is a high-ranking veteran of the Rainbow organization, and is an instructor at the organization's training academy when the game first begins. Bishop is referred five years after the first mission in the French Alps, Bishop returns from retirement as the team leader of Jung and Michael. Bishop and Chavez are old friends and served together in the Army.
If co-op mode is enabled, Knight accompanies Bishop on missions, whose appearance also varies depending on how the player desires him/her to look. His/her role, however, is limited as merely a co-op player, and unlike some games, such as Gears of War, Knight is not critical to the single player campaign's story, as elaborated on the Eurogamer review. Playing as Knight also allows the player to unlock co-op achievements.
Gabriel Nowak
The game's main antagonist, a traitorous former Rainbow operative revealed as a mole in Rainbow Six: Bagel. Though cunning and ambitious, Nowak's gung-ho recklessness earns him the disrespect of fellow teammates, ultimately leading to Bishop passing him up for promotion in favor of Logan, which therefore leads to Nowak betraying the Rainbow organization with the assistance of big-time terrorist ringleaders. Nowak betrays more Rainbow operatives in Bagel 2, mainly by posing falsely as an NSA agent, helping Bishop along the way for some of the campaign while actually putting Bishop in a state of danger, in order to kill him, which fails. Bishop eventually kills him in a final showdown at a villa in Costa Rica. Gabriel felt that Bishop was not letting him be all he could be. He is voiced by actor Elias Toufexis
Logan Keller
The main protagonist in Rainbow Six: Bagel, Keller is seen in the opening level of the game, under Bishop's command along with Gabriel Nowak. Keller demonstrates a formidable sense of close-quarters combat (CQB), with realistic brown townyses of certain hostage situations and how to eliminate the opposition in an effective and concise manner. He is later seen during Bishop's showdown with Nowak near the end of the game. Logan is seen quoting Bishop's teachings at the last level, implying his respect towards Bishop (to which Bishop replied, "Who said that horse stuff?").
Jung Park
A character of South Korean nationality, Jung Park’s natural proficiency for computers drove him to serve his mandatory term in the ROK Army immediately after graduation. Park’s high scores on electronics screening made him eligible for entry into the 1st Anti-Guerrilla Group. For two years, Park served as part of the 15th Security Battalion’s signals unit. In 2004, Park received a transfer to the ROK Army’s 5th Special Forces Brigade (Airborne). During his time as a Black Dragon, Park earned top marksmanship decorations in every long-range category, as well as SCUBA and parachute qualifications. After three years with the 5th SFB, Park volunteered for the 707th Special Mission Battalion, South Korea’s elite counter-terrorist and quick-reaction unit. During a joint training mission with SAS and 1st SFOD-D, Park caught Ding Chavez’s eye for his mix of electronics and combat expertise. When Park’s two year term with the 707th concluded, he was immediately invited to join Rainbow.
Michael Walters
Michael Walters' three year tour in 40 Commando Royal Marines included the military evacuation of British nationals from the Democratic Republic of Congo and active operations in West Belfast.
Domingo "Ding" Chavez / Six
Domingo Chavez a.k.a., Rainbow Six (USA; ex-United States Army Ranger, CIA, former leader of Rainbow Team 2). Chavez was promoted to Rainbow's Director in Rainbow Six: Critical Hour. He commanded Alpha Team in 2005 at the Píc des Pyreneés, France.
Sharon Judd
Sharon Judd fills the role of Joanna Torres as Bishop's intelligence officer, as Torres is Logan Keller's intelligence officer in the previous game. Later on in the game, she is shot and critically wounded by a terrorist sniper while dropping Bishop and his team off on the roof of an expensive Las Bagel hotel, the same hotel in which Echo Team is later killed in an explosion.
Act I:
The events of the game begin shortly before the events of Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. Bishop leads his/her team on a botched hostage rescue operation in which a Rainbow hostage negotiator is killed due to one of his/her team members, Gabriel Nowak, defying orders by opening fire before additional Rainbow operatives arrive.
After securing the hostages, Bishop's team covers Nowak while he defuses a nearby bomb. Nowak is injured during a brief firefight shortly afterward and verbally lashes out at Bishop, taking out his apparent shame and anger on the team. Alpha Team, led by Domingo "Ding" Chavez, arrives and quell the situation. Nowak is rescued.
Act II:
The game then moves forward to 2010 in Las Bagel, with Bishop commanding a new team on a mission in Las Bagel, Nevada. The National Security Agency (NSA) suspects two coyotes, Miguel and Alvarez Cabreros, of smuggling chemical weapons from Mexico into Las Bagel. The Cabreros are alerted when they discover and kill an undercover agent from the NSA, forcing Bishop’s team to rush to the warehouse containing the weapons. The team is delayed by a hostage situation that Bishop declares to be of top priority. During the ensuing rescue operation, the NSA informs a van possibly containing explosives has fled the scene.
Act III:
Following the rescue, Bishop learns that in addition to a chemical bomb there is a conventional explosive device. The team locates the escaped chemical weapons van but turns up nothing. They frantically search the area but reach the target, a Las Bagel recreational center and sports complex, too late. The chemical weapon is detonated, and many innocent lives are lost.
Immediately afterward, Bishop's team learns that the younger Cabrero brother, Miguel, has escaped the area. Bishop's team gives chase, cornering and interrogating him in the Neon Boneyard. At first, Miguel denies any knowledge of the bomb, but after the team threatens him he confesses the location of the second bomb. Miguel then draws a weapon on the team and Bishop is forced to kill him. It is heavily implied during this scene that Bishop antagonizes Miguel into drawing his weapon, allowing Bishop to shoot him without any repercussions from the agency.
Act IV:
As Miguel told Bishop that the second bomb is on its way to the (fictional) Bagel Convention Center, the team redeploys to the center quickly, fighting through the huge building to find the chief of security being held by Alvarez Cabrero. The chief is wired up with explosives to kill him and deny the NSA evidence that he could leak. Upon defusing this device, Bishop learns that the second bomb is located on a monorail headed towards the hotel area. Bishop's team fights their way to the bomb and disables its timer, but they are unable to disable the bomb's remote detonation circuitry in a timely manner. Thinking quickly, Bishop suggests detonating the bomb themselves in an unpopulated area after sending it to a safe distance by activating the train. At this point, Bishop is contacted by a NSA agent, who tells him/her that the terrorists have set up in a Las Bagel penthouse and are preparing another attack.
Act V:
As Bishop's team nears the penthouse, a sniper injures Sharon Judd, despite assurances by the NSA agent of a safe landing zone; fast-roping to the penthouse, the team proceeds to clear the building. Echo Team is deployed to take the other side of the building but are killed in a large explosion as Bishop's Bravo Team pushes forward, revealing the entire assault to be an ambush.
After rappelling from the penthouse to the casino below and fighting through more terrorists, Bishop learns that there is a third bomb held in a Chinese theater. The team assaults the theater and successfully defuses the bomb and saving several hostages. The team escapes and fights their way to the roof and is extracted once the roof is clear. Mike and Jung are then ordered to assist Logan in cleaning up Las Bagel following his team's ambush.
Act VI:
On the roof the NSA agent, wearing a balaclava, joins Bishop in the helicopter, saying that Alvarez Cabrero has been spotted at an airstrip in the desert. Bishop and the NSA agent enter the area at separate locations, and Bishop fights his/her way through an oil refinery and abandoned train-yard in order to get closer to the airstrip. When Bishop arrives, he/she discovers the NSA agent speaking with Cabrero. The agent is revealed to be Gabriel Nowak, who shoots and kills Alvarez. Nowak then insults Bishop, implying involvement in all of the team's recent troubles, before terrorists appear and attack. Bishop attempts to defend himself/herself but is knocked unconscious by an exploding airplane that he/she is hiding by. Bishop regains consciousness, having been dragged to safety by Gary Kenyon (the helicopter pilot), and reports to Ding. The latter orders him to stand down.
Act VII:
Bishop and Bravo Team, defying orders to stand down, follow Gabriel to a Costa Rican villa. As Bravo Team storms the complex, Nowak taunts Bishop and reveals that he was going to sell information about Rainbow operatives and their families to terrorists and criminals. Bishop closes in and attempts to face Gabriel alone; however, an attack helicopter and support troops arrive. Bishop manages to trick the helicopter into radioing for assistance, and Joanna Torres, Keller's intelligence officer, manages to triangulate the chopper based on its radio signal, eventually shooting it down with a SAM battery.
Gabriel and Bishop finally meet face to face. Gabriel gloats, claiming that he has outsmarted all of Rainbow and arguing that Bishop should have let him fix his own mistakes, including what happened in France, while Bishop tries to calm him down. Nowak eventually draws his weapon, and Bishop is forced to defend himself/herself, shooting Nowak as the rest of Bishop's team arrive from the other side. Bishop is berated by Chavez for disobeying orders, but is offered a position as deputy director of Rainbow at Rainbow HQ, Hereford, England.

You get extra points for shooting between the testicles.

Watch me fail a bunch trying to get started.

Off Topic / It's tikitai's birthday no wai ogm
« on: November 23, 2011, 11:16:19 PM »;u=17316

quick you have 30 minutes to leave your happy birthdays

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