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Topics - SilentNinja45

Pages: [1] 2
Help / Decal Blending
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:23:35 PM »
Lately ive been having some problems with decals sticking out.

I.E. The lines seem to be sharper and bolder ingame.



Suggestions & Requests / Shielded Player?
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:08:46 PM »
Does anyone have a working link?
The links Ive found through searching have proved to all not work.

Modification Help / Mechwarrior Pack: STILL ALIVE
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:28:39 PM »

Haha here we go.

Mechwarrior is basically a long standing game that is quite unheard of, and is also know as the video game series based off Battletech.

So a little while ago me and Unwritten Calendar had the great Idea after seeing this topic to go and make a more Battletech sided pack. I have been modeling nonstop and have been posting nonstop to the 3D Modeling Topic.

Current positions

Scripter: NEEDED

Modeling: Unwritten Calendar & SilentNinja45


  • 2-4 Variants, reusing datablocks to reduce lag and add variety to gameplay.
  • Jumpjets on Jumpjet capable Chassis (RTB Pref?)
  • HUD when inside mechs
  • Torso Twist


Model: 95%
Script: 0%

Model: 95%
Script: 0%

Model: 99%
Script: 0%

Model: 0%
Script: 0%

Model: 100%
Script: 0%

Model: 99%
Script: 0%

Model: 100%
Script: 0%

Mad Cat
Model: 0%
Script: 0%

Nova Cat
Model: 0%
Script: 0%

Model: 100%
Script: 0%

Model: 0%
Script: 0%

Model: 5%
Script: 0%

Model: 100%
Script: 0%

Model: 5%
Script: 0%

Model: 0%
Script: 0%

Model: 85%
Script: 0%

Progress will be updated along with new stuff.

Suggestions Welcome!

I am currently working on a few mechs, and I  would like to have solid lasers ingame.
Typical BL weapons such as Ladio's Laser Weapon set have a beam that is made up of 5-8 Dots

- - - - -

I want this:

The Stable paint can has the effect that I want, but I dont want people to lag like stuff if the lasers are fired.


Since Unwritten Calander and I are working on a Mechwarrior Pack, we thought we could get some general ideas on what mechs to make based on what you guys want.

Comment with a favorite and it will be noted and added to the list.

  • Madcat
  • Daishi
  • Atlas
  • Cougar
  • Uziel

Clan Discussion / KH Kell Hounds are Back!
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:11:41 PM »

For thousands of years, an elite mercenary group dubbed "Kell Hounds" has roamed the stars, hiring out for contract upon contract, defiling even the most trained of enemy's.

KH is a group of esteemed gamers, builders, fighters, and pilots dedicated to the simple creed:
"Its all for the love of the game. And the cold hard cash."

-To be Added-

The following list will be updated as Applications are approved.

  • SilentNinja45
  • Alpha16
  • Slayer X(KH)
  • GWT
  • Moldey Bunny

  • SilentNinja45
  • Alpha16
  • Slayer X(KH)
  • Moldey Bunny

  • SilentNinja45
  • Alpha16
  • Moldey Bunny
  • Trigger Finger
  • GWT

  • Fanta

Apping for KH can be a breeze, but the requirements must still be met.

Builder, Eventer, Filmer, or DM'r?:
Why/How you became interested in this Clan:
What you plan to do when your job is done(I.E. We finished a build, but the Eventers are finishing up and you have a few minutes):
Your Knowledge on Mechwarrior:
(note the Mechwarrior part is for Silent's personal interest.)

Follow rules for each thing below you are apping for.


Consists of at least 1000+ Bricks and/or has enough unique interior design to completely fill a 64x64f baseplate.
Gallery Post is acceptable, but you can also attach a save and screenshot of the build on your reply with the above form.


Consists of at least 25-100 Lines of Events, and cannot be a switch to turn lots of things on.
Gallery or attachment again.


PM or Reply with a link to any of your previous Actor roles, Movies, or Clips

Come to a Clan Server and prove your worth on the Battefield.

Clantags must only be KH at the prefix, the other is up to you.

Recruitment Center

Forward View.

Top Down of Center.

Small Refreshment bar by Entrance.

Members Area Top Down.

Unfinished Members Area Interior.

Sun-roofed Corridor Leading to the Vehicle Bay.  

Final Length Entering the Vehicle Bay.

The Whole Bay.

Click on the Images for links.

Moar to be added soon.

  • 12/4/11- Previous Clanpage Died
  • 3/15/12- Recruitment Center work began
  • 4/5/12- New Clanpage Created
  • 4/6/12- Members Added:
    Glass, TheToxicGummyWorm

Suggestions & Requests / Making a link in Events.
« on: March 20, 2012, 08:29:31 PM »
I appear to be having trouble making working links via the Client->Centerprint, Chatmessage, or Bottomprint.

Do I have to put something behind it such as <link> or what?

Either that or an event that makes a working link from ingame would be nice.

Suggestions & Requests / Object Sticking to Player Collision mesh
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:50:02 PM »
Is is possible to have an object attach(stick) to the players collision mesh and not alter the playertype?

As in a Sticky Grenade.

If so, I would find it extremely helpful if you posted the code below.

Suggestions & Requests / New Spawnroom Concept
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:09:36 PM »

I have been trying lately to complete a working spawnroom that allows for utmost customization without the use of a stuffton of bricks.

Ive been on many servers with the typical "classes" (mine included), because they are simple to make. Others have taken it a step further and made a "Custom" class that takes you to a larger room with rows of weapons to choose from.
This takes bricks to allow for the custom class, which many people like to have.

VCE is proving to be challenging, and I have brought this up to a few of my friends with the eventing skills, and still nothing is working.

The Idea:

Players would spawn in a typical spawnroom, except for one key fact:


Clicking each of the arrows would cause the printcount to rise by 1.
For each # there would be a weapon assigned to it.
Idk if VCE could do this, but I imagined the events as follows:
(Events for the Weapon # brick)

VCE if printcount = #
onvar true-> Weapon Brick -> SetItem(Assigned Item for that #)
Repeat for all weapons and #s

Then there would be a "Spawn" Button.
Clicking it would add the weapon on the weapon brick and a secondary(not in examples, customizable.) and a Grenade(Also not shown, but customizable.)

This would allow for a massive reduction in brickcount concerning spawnrooms.

So help me out on the VCE or tell me if this idea is impossible.


Suggestions & Requests / Video in post Code
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:49:43 PM »
I know there is some way to do this, and embedding doesnt seem to work.
I've looked at said site:

and found this example code:


I've tried to do so in a post, but to no avail. Is there a way to do so and not just have a link?

Help / Server will not load past Objects
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:23:30 PM »
My Server will not load past Objects.
Everything else is working fine, it loads Datablocks ok, and gets to objects.
It completely Loads objects, then it stops(the program) and Windows says that the program has stopped working...
Help me out, Log below.

Suggestions & Requests / Weapon Purchasing Mod
« on: September 20, 2011, 09:26:49 PM »
I believe there was at one time a mod that allowed a player to bind a key and pull up a Weapon purchasing GUI.
Can someone give a link if there is one?
(Search is being a douche)

If there's not one then I'm suggesting one.
Admin Ability to edit the Weapons Purchasable
Neat interface
Server Sided

This would probably be a relief to some Eventers, because now they would not have to event all these Purchasing stations and such(Assuming there isn't one already made)

Gallery / Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus Builds
« on: September 14, 2011, 09:48:08 PM »
So, I've been working on a few MC2 oriented builds lately, and I thought it might be interesting to post the current work(1 Completed Map) and the In-progress(1 Map)

First Up:

MC2 Facility


Army Main Weapons/Spawn

Terror Secondary Weapons(Sorry, I did not have all the Weapons for this Enabled at the time)

Specials(Same for all)

Map Room

Battle Area

Main Hallway

Industrial Room with Boxes

Hallway to Large Room

Hallway opposite of Large Room, Exit to Medium Room on Right

Small Storage Room left of Medium Room

Medical Storage Room through the Small Storage Room

Long Hallway connecting Large Workspace to Medical Storage

MC2 Jungle
Note: Spawnrooms are edit of Facility Spawnrooms
Most of what I have Done

Sniper Spot(1 of 2)

Incomplete Backside

Hallway to Back

Facility Save:

Jungle Save:
Copy all the files from the Save .zip and Paste them into your Slate Saves/Plate 2-3 Saves

Faces, Decals, Prints / SilentNinja45's Decal Dump *CQB, JFO 6/13/12*
« on: September 12, 2011, 12:01:21 AM »

Like the new look?

Click on each image to go to the download.

Elite Faces and Decals Coming Soon

^All new!^

Click on each image to go to the download.

Click on each image to go to the download.

Army Face Pack

Terrorist Face Pack

Click on each image to go to the download.


Updates will be coming sooner now that I have time to work on stuff.

Have a Nice Day.

Faces, Decals, Prints / BL Halo Reach Prints
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:31:57 PM »

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