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Topics - Maya67

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Returning player looking for some info
« on: February 09, 2024, 05:35:13 PM »
I think it has been a little under 5 years since I last played. I'm feeling nostalgic for some blockland big scale Heedicalking (I don't remember how to spell their name) type tdm action. I thought I might start working on something like that to host on the weekends or something now and then.

Anyone have any idea how many people may or may not show up for something like that?
When are people most active these days?
Where is the best place to old get add-ons?
Anything else I should know?

Just as the title says. Blockland has been having trouble opening on my computer the last week. I've moved it to different hard-drives on my computer and even reinstalled a couple of times. My computer isn't a cheap one either so it's not like blockland is a heavy load.

I try to open it and sometimes it works, but it often has a stroke or something then crashes and I have to force quit. However, force quitting doesn't seem to really work because then if I try to open the game again it opens the launcher, but the game doesn't open until sometimes several minutes later. Additionally, if I run the launcher more than once the game tries and fails to open as many times as I try to run, but with the delay. This has been annoying because I'll have multiple blocklands opening at once which alt-tabs you from anything else you're doing.

Any ideas?

Help / CRPG zones
« on: April 29, 2019, 09:16:09 PM »
What do the zone plates in CRPG do exactly?


General Overview
SubRosa is a game focused on your wits. Your goal is to join a company and make as much money as you can through any means necessary. The game features a total of five companies each with their own name and color. The game is played in an open city where players can purchase or steal cars from the AI and other players.

Gameplay Basics
In SubRosa there are two basic categories of missions: PVP and PVE. The first category of missions, PVP, comprises of player organized business deals. These deals involve two to three player-run companies having to negotiate buying and selling information discs between each other. There are five colors of discs. Each disc has its own value, depending on the mission. (Gold discs are always the most valuable, and red is usually the least important) The second mission category, PVE, involves one or more companies hunting down an information disc from an NPC organization. The discs can either be inside an NPC company building, or riding around in an armed limo. More than one company can be sent after an NPC owned disc, which sometimes leads to some crazy firefights.

The weapons in SubRosa are unlike anything I've seen in any other games. The reload system takes some getting used to, as you have to manage both of your player's hands instead of pressing a single button. It really is difficult once you first start playing, but it adds an interesting level of depth to combat. Weapons are purchased inside your corresponding company's base or at weapon shops.

The Companies
Each company is distinguished by the color of the tie and/or suit of the player. MegaCorp, the NPC faction, can be identified by a suit with no tie.
OXS International (Black)
Monsota (Blue)
Nexaco (Red)
Goldman (Yellow/Gold)
Pentacom (White)
MegaCorp (NPC Faction)
Last I checked, MegaCorp is also the name of a SubRosa clan, who typically chooses OXS as their company; if mentioned through the in-game missions, the game is referencing the NPC faction.

iDubbbz playing v24 (a little outdated, but the gameplay is generally the same)
BlueDrake42's most recent livestream (uploaded March 21st)

There's also a discord for the game, but I'm too lazy to track that down. You could likely find the link on reddit.

Buying The Game

SubRosa is currently in Alpha version 25, on sale for $19.99 USD
The game's website

Original SubRosa
SubRosa was created back in roughly 2011 for an indie game development competition, and the originals can still be played for free. (Just know, the old versions are drastically different from the current game.)
You can check old SubRosa here.

Personal Comments
SubRosa is definitely an interesting game, though a lot of the experience is up to the player. It should also be kept in mind that the developer takes his time. He has a reputation of making very fun games, but never completing them.
With SubRosa you can at least have a little more faith, because it's a lot further along than the majority of his games and it's actually on steam with a consistent player base.
I'd also like to say that I skipped over a lot of information while making this first iteration of this topic. If you have any interest in finding out the specifics of the game, the two videos I provided demonstrate the game very well. I will likely make a couple of updates to this topic, depending on the attention it receives.

Suggestions & Requests / Anti item-drop mod (locked)
« on: March 28, 2017, 04:26:49 PM »
Is there a mod that lock player inventories so they cannot drop their items with cntrl w?
If so, could someone link me to said mod?

If not, I'm sure it would be well appreciated if someone made such a mod.

Off Topic / Is there a way to check the activation date of your ID?
« on: August 09, 2016, 10:17:02 PM »
Basically what the title says. I want to find the exact date that I started playing blockland, but I have no idea how or if there is a way to do this.

I also am not sure if this should be in the help topic or not. If this is the wrong place let me know and I'll lock it.

General Discussion / Kreg's City Build {down for server issues}
« on: May 19, 2016, 04:01:49 PM »
Kreg's City Build
established 5/15/2016

Hello and welcome to Kreg's City Build, hosted 24/7 with a full realistic 24 hour day cycle. All players are welcome and there is no build talent required. This server is essentially a freebuild, but City themed. There are also rules that must be followed by all players at all times.

What is the purpose of a city build?
Similar to a freebuild, it allows players a public for players to enjoy the building aspect of blockland in a cityscape theme. There are also some other special features planned, such as electing a mayor.

as of 5/18/2016

Police station and City Hall by Kreg  id : 13433

Coffee House by Peggworth The Pirate  id : 9540

Ergarf's house  id : 44805

5/19/2016 overview

Administration & Moderation

Kreg id : 13433 [ Host ]
Peggworth The Pirate id : 9540 [ Super ]
Ergarf id : 44805 [ Super ]
Xon id : 48316 [ Mod ]
8-bit id: 167588 [ Mod ]

Rules are subject to change/flex/adjust according to the server's and administration's demands

[1] Do not spam and build to the grid.
[2] Respect your fellow players and use the reputation mod appropriately
[3] Do not argue with administration.
[4] No deathtraps.
[5] Banned bricks: Music bricks (only if playing music) - Spawn Bricks (if active minigame)

Join today!
Everyone is welcome to join the server and we hope to see you here.

Help / Dedicated server hosting on mac
« on: May 16, 2016, 01:53:49 PM »
I lost my dedicated files for my mac server and I don't remember how to create a dedicated server on mac, can someone help me?

General Discussion / Kreg's DRPG server -{closed}-
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:29:01 PM »


(more coming soon)

This server runs DRPG v0.10 (client 0.17)

Terrain generated with PTG v3

Kreg ~ Host
Xon ~ Moderator

Help / DRPG: Console Commands / Admins Commands
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:07:48 PM »
Can someone hook me up with the commands/console commands for DRPG? I'm working with version v0.10 client v0.17

I am aware of this topic:

Quote from: Shift Kitty
Nation related:
/donate #plastic
-Donates #plastic to the nation you're in
-Lists all the perks
/buyNationPerk #slot perk
-Buys perk for #slot in the nation you're leading.
-Buys a new slot for the nation you're leading, max of 4.
/upgradeNationPerk #slot
-Upgrades the perk in #slot for the nation you're leading.
/setTaxRate #tax(0-100)
-Sets the tax for selling items for players in the nation you're leading.
/setWar nation 0/1
-Sets war off/on for target nation with the nation you're leading.
/banish #bl_id 0/1
-(Un)Banishes the player with the ID in the nation you're leading.
-Checks the nation you're in, the tax rate, the wealth pool, which nations you're at war with, and the list of perks.
/join nation
-Joins the target nation for 250 plastic.
-Leaves the current nation you're in.

/give # item/plastic [to, player]
/give 5 oak wood
Will give 5 oak wood to the player you're looking at.
/give 10 plastic to phflack
Will give 10 plastic to phflack if he's close enough and not dead.

I'm pretty sure this command is ID bound, so it will not work. Not that it would work anyways, as it searches for terrain.
ID bound, just used for debugging.

-Equips a wrench if you're an admin.
Quote from:  Shift Kitty
$DRPG::Nations::Leader["NATIONNAME"] = bl_id;

General Discussion / Mo's Pirate TDM (v1.0) -offline-
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:37:41 PM »

A TDM for all you people who like to swagger and blast people.



Pirates : (attackers) Starts on a pirate ship and must invade the island for its ale.
Guards : (defenders) Starts on the island and must defend the capture points for 30 minutes.


DB shotgun : A on shot bullets everywhere face blasting monster.
Sword : Slice and dice your enemies to your heart's gory content.
Pill : A small quick heal for your small injuries. (50 HP restored)


Help / Team Slayer Problem.
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:40:27 AM »
Whenever someone dies when I host a team slayer minigame on my server, they can't respawn even though I haven't set a limited amount of lives. Also, when everyone is dead it does a 5 second reset countdown that never finishes and no one can respawn unless they leave the minigame.

I am running Slayer 3.8.2 (the latest update)

Help / Not able to change forum avatar
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:37:12 AM »
Help. Whenever I try to change my avatar it doesn't upload it.

Gallery / SPO application: Island (Finally posting it Pass :u)
« on: January 10, 2014, 06:23:58 PM »
So, I started the build like two or three weeks and finished it in a couple of days, but I figured I'd finally post it since I do want to apply for SPO I'm just so lazy. Anyways, I had fun building it and this wasn't originally and application but, I said meh I'll try it out. (and because Pass likes my trees :Y)

Player Name: Wezaard
BL_ID: 13433
Brickcount: 17,805 bricks (100% default bricks and colorset!)

The build includes a village, small forest house, dock, big arena, a farm, a little camp, and a little gladiator camp.

(you may rate x/10)

General Discussion / Client mod broken, (need client 0.17)
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:25:56 PM »

  Hey guys, I finally got my DRPG mod working so I figured I'd host it. So far, it's about 15% complete but hostable all you need is the client:


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