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Topics - Faoeoa

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Off Topic / My snake is Infected!
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:07:21 PM »
My richard is rainbow and growing large warts & bleeding, help me forums!

Off Topic / Using a giftcard to buy another blockland, sigh.
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:05:15 AM »
Would it be possible to use a £20 giftcard to buy blockland again? my old key was deactivated (ID 12130)

Off Topic / My girlfriend's a MLP fan, happyfaec.
« on: August 28, 2011, 07:23:13 AM »

This is the most demanding game ever, not until you turn on UBERSAMPLING
This'll actually make your PC cry for you to turn it off, putting a GTX 580 to 20FPS, The GTX 590 & Radeon HD 6990 are the only graphics cards that can run the game at max apparently, Ubersampling is the game running FOUR TIMES, so MORE RAM, MORE CPU POWER, MORE GPU POWER.

Now then, who has the best video card here?
I start: GT 430

Off Topic / LEVEL UP TO LEVEL 15
« on: August 24, 2011, 12:16:14 PM »

>2 into Social Skill
>2 into Self-Confidence
>1 into HP

When playing TF2 this jacks up prettyf ucking bad

Off Topic / 600W graphics card - what get
« on: August 22, 2011, 11:24:23 AM »
I have a 600 watt power supply and i'm needing a new video card, many topics on this but - i need the best value card - i will prefer NVidia than AMD/ATi as i'm a NVidia/Intel fanboy but i will still use AMD/ATi

i5 2500 (i'm not a overclocker you see and i have no need for baby intel HD)

« on: August 21, 2011, 04:24:18 PM »
My mother walks in with world of warcraft and i have acquired CATACLYSM, THE BURNING CRUSADE AND WRATH OF HE LICHKING, plus a 10 day trial
you know what im going for bro :D

Games / Terraria - The Corruption Server
« on: August 20, 2011, 09:14:09 AM »
I've used TerrariaMapEdit to paint all grass corruption!
So then, you must build a house in the HUGE field of corruption, i will be making a large amount of stone ebonstone & i will be placing shadow orbs if possible.

Faoeoa's Gaming Lab, wait for me to contact you in Hamachi

Port 7777. Server is not up while i make modifications


1. Everything goes, no griefing though
2. There are going to be hidden deposits of diamond throughout the server.
3. The underground jungle you may ask, is a loving GLOWING MUSHROOM FIELD.
4. The jungle is gone, it'll be a few things, thats it

Off Topic / FAOEOA's A DADDY
« on: August 20, 2011, 07:52:01 AM »
I have now adopted DracoSoul, i hope he has accepted my family request


Off Topic / Budget Crossfire PCs - HOW?
« on: August 20, 2011, 07:23:08 AM »
Mentlegen, you can make a crossfire computer for less than £400, the setup is:

an AMD Llano board
AMD Llano 3850 (has an amazing integrated card)
AMD Radeon 6670 (This will enable Dual Graphics)
The rest of your stuff.
I have a setup with £384, but this setup is loving expensive, next build for my brother will be Llano based but its weak on the processing side.

Off Topic / - ROUND TWO
« on: August 20, 2011, 07:21:13 AM »


« on: August 19, 2011, 07:11:08 PM » MOTHERforgetERS!

Games / Haven & Hearth - World 5 is still alive bros
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:21:53 AM »

The new thread, in a slick new style, but however, we have less people, only around 3 remaining Blocklanders i know still play this game, these are: DracoSoul, me ( Hit man herpderp) & Dropshock, it's a really fun game but pretty complex at minute one.

Good natured warning to new players

This game is not for the weak willed or the classic "rager". You will die, likely many times. And then, if you come back to play more, you will die again. This game has permanent death, so you will be restarting your character essentially from scratch with each death. Furthermore, if you make a mistake like leaving keys in your inventory, you may come back to find your home has been completely looted and destroyed. There is no law in game other than "don't use bugs before reporting them to Jorb/Loftar". Everything else, or a lack thereof, is decided by players. This naturally leads to a system of "Might makes right". The safety, or danger, of the area you live in will be entirely determined by the strength and morals of the largest town in the area. Although this might sound like an advocacy to move away from big towns, it's not necessarily. Having a big town with bored rangers hunting random scents is the ONLY thing protecting smaller towns/palisades from petty thieves and from raiders in the area. The only time you'll want to move out into "the wilderness" is when you think your settlement will be able to handle itself in regards to bored looters.

LP (the games version of XP) comes primarily from "discovering" things at the start. To give yourself a bit of a leg up on starting, there is a list below of things you can discover without needing any skills. After these you'll still get LP from various discoveries, but they'll play a fairly minor role in LP gain.

Chipping a stone
Soil (Adventure->Dig on solid ground)
Clay (Adventure->Dig in shallow water or on a mudflat, a big expanse of red ground. Clay isn't guarenteed, try somewhere else if you get none)
Tree seeds (each tree has a unique seed and you get LP for discovering each one)
Birch Bark (white trees)
Elm Bough (Gray trees with a very ball like leaf pattern)
Water (2 Birch bark Craft->Tools->Kuksa. Left click the cup and right click shallow water to get some)

However, this is only just the beginning. Once you've exhausted your discoveries, the rest of your LP is going to have to come from Curiosities. These are items that can be found or made and the most basic is the Cone Cow. This is crafted out of a fir cone and four branches. As a beginner you'll want to make these and run them constantly (20 minutes until they complete). Another basic crafted Curio is the Bark Boat. If you have access to string (foraged usually for beginners) and Birch trees these make very solid beginning player LP gains. They take birch bark, string, a branch and regular bark to make. The absolute best curios at the start of the game come from foraging though, and they'll be discussed in a little bit

Now as a beginning player you're probably going to need to cover all of the basics yourself. This means you'll need both Boatmaking and Yeomanry early on. Skills with numbers you'll want to increase, skills without numbers will be ones you need to purchase on the next screen. Here's what you'll want to buy:

Foraging - 25LP
Lets you forage basic stuff off the ground like spindly taproots and blueberries.

Hunting - 60LP
At this stage in the game it'll let you catch rabbits and raid ant hills, crucial really.

Lumberjacking - 150LP
Lets you chop a tree down, make a stone axe from a branch and a stone and equip it to do this if you haven't already.

Carpentry - 200LP
You'll need a bonesaw which means finding and butchering a rabbit. Once you have that: Chop a tree down, make boards & blocks. Make all the Symbel items that appear from wood. Refunds all the LP used to get it then some.

For beginner storage, start using crates made from boards at this point. They store 15 items and are the best storage type made just from wood before Yeomanry.

Although it's tempting, if you build a log cabin for yourself at this point: DO NOT BUILD IT ON THE WATER. Even with a palisade building on the water is *dangerous* for a player. Without a palisade it's asking for a griefer to ruin your day and/or kill you for giggles. Build at least one ender's screen distance back from the water to avoid most casual griefers. 5-6 screens back from the water will make going boat foraging a real pain, but will keep away all but the occasional dedicated thief/griefer. How far inland you build is really up to you, so long as it's not directly on the water.

Exploration 1->5 - 1400LP

*If you have an extra rabbit bone and a piece of string, consider buying fishing below before the exploration. Otherwise continue as normal*

Lets you see more Blueberries and spindly taproots. A start that will help keep you fed. Do make sure to have your walking speed set to "walk". Running in the forest will eat stamina and drain your hunger faster than you'll be able to replace it at first. At this stage of the game you should be wandering around near river shores hunting for forageables. But mostly you're looking for ant nests.

Fishing - 100LP
Fishing is quite useful for beginning players as fish provide INT FEPs. You'll need to make a fishing pole, forage some taproot for string, make yourself a bone hook and finally have some bait. Left click all the ingredients and right click the fishing pole to assemble it. Digging for earth worms works for bait, but it's better to find a swamp and pluck leeches off into your inventory as they appear on your equipment screen. Don't even bother with lures, they're excruciatingly slow at catching fish and best used only on alts for fishing purposes. Earth worm digging usually causes more hunger than you get out of the fish. Good if you have other forageables to eat, but if you're low on food stick to leeches for fishing. Lures (Rock lobster from stone or woodfish from a block) will work in an absolute pinch. It may be boring, but don't leave your main character AFK ever!!!

Exploration 5->10 - 4000LP
You should start seeing Chanterelles (food that boosts dex) in the forest, and Lady's Mantles in the swamp. LM is a decent curio, but it will be heavy on your INT. If you watch the sun dial and notice that night is almost over, head to a swamp. Any LM foraged at dawn (sun touching the right side of the wheel) will instead be a Dewy Lady's Mantle, which has a much lower INT requirement. The very rare Wild Windsown Weed will show up as well, grab those and pop them on a drying rack for now.

Survival 1->5 - 1400LP
Survival is a soft cap for anything you forage and for making cone cows, stone axes, slings. Better Q cone cows/ants give more LP so this is more important than you'd think. Food always gives the same fullness regardless of Q, but the FEP's given increase. This seems useless now, but you'll appreciate higher survival later on.

Cloth Making - 200LP
A cheap way to increase your survival is to collect nettes and make Nettle pants/shirts. You can wear a total of 2 of each for at least +4 survival. This can be used instead of increasing survival in the short run, but you'll want to spend the LP eventually anyway. Q10+ nettle gear gives +2 per piece, Q23+ +3 and Q40+ +4. If you have multiple players in your group you could have one increase sowing to get better Q nettle gear for everyone. Otherwise don't worry about sewing yet.

Boat Building - 1500LP
Now that you have everything required to build one, it's time to make yourself a boat. The LP cost seems prohibitive, but think of it as an investment. With a boat you can forage for more curios faster and trust me that's a well worthwhile. Finding/Stealing an abandoned boat works just as well, but you'll still want the skill at some point for when that favour is returned or if you lose the boat due to a client crash.

Exploration 10->15 - 6500LP
Last game world I'd have argued go straight for yeomanry. But due to the awesomness that is Peculiar Flotsam, you'll want to breach the barrier of 11 exploration just to get a chance at finding one of these while trolling around in your fancy boat. At full change these puppies pop 10,800LP at Q10 after 4 hours. Bam, Yeomanry is paid for plus 6,000LP to spare for your claim.

Land vs Water foraging
There's been some debate in the comments that follow this guide about water foraging. It gives you access to more terrain, but some of it is going to be picked over forageables wise. A map only reloads forageables if no one is near by it for a little while, so enough people on the river system slows the amount you can get quite a lot. There's also the risk of running into players who may want to kill you for kicks. Land foraging is richer, but you're limited to what terrain is nearby really. And of course the amount of land you cover is less. You're also at slightly more risk of being mauled by boars/bears, but with enders you shouldn't have to worry much about that.

My vote is still boats first, but you've heard both sides of the argument now. The other option is to push for yeomanry first and get boatmaking after. Best option of all is finding an abandonned boat of course, but that's a bit of luck really.

Plant Lore - 200LP
Farming - 400LP
The Will to Power - 200LP
All of these are just to get you yeomanry prerequisites right now.

Yeomanry - 4000LP
Yes, it cost you 4800LP to get this. But by god it's worth it. You get access to building a claim, which can make taking your stuff much more difficult, and completely shuts down any other of your fellow noobs thieving from you. By building a roundpole fence with your hearth fire on the edge, you can walk through it (HF is passable for the owner), but it requires vandalism for any thief to get in. For multiple people, each one just breaks a hole in the fence and makes their hearth fire there.

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