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Topics - Bopizku

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You can just go to 30 seconds to skip the other dude talking about it.

I came across this vid cause I've been pretty fascinated by Mars and space in general lately and after seeing this video I'm starting to get truly skeptical about what NASA tells us. I know the video is old but I can't really think of any explanation for this other than NASA just saying they used that area to test the rovers. And come to find out, that actually is what NASA's excuse was for this, as stated on this page:

Like it says in that article, I find it a bit strange that they would tell everyone that only soon after they're confronted about it.

But idk what do you guys think

whenever i go to look at my old posts even if they're not that bad i still can't stand looking at it. i can only look for like 15 seconds before i have to click away lol anyone else relate?

Off Topic / Huge Brawl at Raiders vs Chiefs Game
« on: December 09, 2016, 08:03:49 PM »

My favorite part is probably when the lady in the black coat gets chucked down 3 rows of stairs lol

I am currently warming up some sausage pizza rolls that I've never tried before. I LOVE the pepperoni ones however, so I figured I'd see the opinion of the forum to see if I will enjoy the sausage ones too.

My mom got diagnosed with CKD and its in Stage 3. So I was wondering if anyone had family members or something that has had to fully deal with this and how they did with it, because it's kind of worrying me.

The main debate about this is, is it offensive? Here are the two sides to the argument:

Remove it:

-Offensive to Native Americans
-Think It's a Slur
- 'Offensive Label'
-National Campaigns
-Many People Agree With Them, Including the President

Keep it:

- 'A Badge of Honor' or a 'Symbol of Who We Are'
-Also Has Many People that Agree (90% on Polls)

...and that's really all I could find.

So BLF, what do you think?

Off Topic / How many/what pieces of tech do you have?
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:46:39 PM »
let's see who has the most

Here is my list:

4 pairs of earbuds
2 headphones
3 ipods
2 phones
1-2 computers (one of them is a family computer)
2 tablets

so overall 15 things.

what about y'all

i removed the top 3 because it'll be a pain in the booty to keep track of

Off Topic / Big, $800 TVs?
« on: December 22, 2013, 03:24:48 PM »
My family's TV has a big ass crack through the middle, so we're looking for a new one.

-It can't be bigger than about 55".

-$800 or less, however my family is willing to stretch that price a little.

Any suggestions?

Off Topic / Your Old Posts (v?)
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:18:11 PM »
We have some more members, so I made another one of these threads.

Talk about how disappointed you are in your old posts (if you are, that is)


I've never experienced such pain until I looked back at my old self.

Off Topic / 'How ta bust a nut'
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:12:08 PM »
I went on gizoogle and put in a website that was about how to have love, and then this happened:

How tha forget ta Have love

How tha forget ta bust a nut

Many gangstas have thangs bout how tha forget ta bust a nut yo, but it aint always easy as forget ta git phat lyrics. This page aims ta answer a stuffload of da most thugged-out common thangs dat gangstas ask bout how tha forget you bust a nut.

It dependz what tha forget you mean by bustin a nut yo. Havin love can sometimes mean a number of different loveuizzle activitizzles yo, but probably it means loveuizzle intercourse. Da most common definizzle of loveuizzle intercourse be a act dat involves a playa puttin his wild lil' forgetin erect pizzle inside a biatchz vajazzle. loveuizzle intercourse might also be used ta refer ta love actz between two entrepreneur s and between two dem hoes.

loveuizzle intercourse between a playa n' a biatch probably startz wit them both gettin loveuizzlely buckwild. Y'all KNOW dat stuff, muthaforgeta! This is sometimes referred ta as foreplay, n' might involve bustin n' cuddling, touchin each other n' other loveuizzle activities. Foreplay is blingin as it means a biatchz vajazzle begins ta git moist n' a playa getz a erection. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If the biatchz vajazzle do not git moist enough, then bustin a nutual intercourse could be hard as forget and forgeted up fo' her muthaforgetin ass.

  Jizzy Hatz can prevent pregnancy n' tha transmission of STDs
If a playa n' biatch is bustin a nut, then rockin a contraceptive properly, every last muthaforgetin time, will prevent tha biatch becomin pregnant. If two gangstas bust a nut n' one of em has a loveuizzlely transmitted disease (STD) then they could pass it on ta tha other person. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Usin a cold-ass lil condom is the dopest way ta prevent any infection from bein passed from one thug to tha other.

If a cold-ass lil couple is goin ta bust a condom fo' protection against pregnancy and infections, they should put it on tha manz pizzle as soon as he gets a erection. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Some entrepreneur s say they worry bout rockin jimmy hatz up in case they lose they erection and have hang-upputtin tha condom on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass could git some jimmy hatz n' practice beforehand. Y'all KNOW dat stuff, muthaforgeta! Jizzy Hatz come with instructions up in lyrics n' pictures which sheezy exactly how tha forget ta bust them.

Afta tha condom is on, tha playa and biatch can guide his thugged-out lil' pizzle tha forget into her vajazzle. Da couple then move they bodies so dat his thugged-out lil' pizzle moves up n' down inside her vajazzle. This probably rubs tha pizzle n' makes the playa loveuizzlely buckwild so dat he has a orgazzle. Da movement might also rub tha biatchz clit-o-rizzay (or sensitizzle areas inside her vajazzle) so she can have a orgazzle. But dis often takes practice n' a funky-ass bit of experimentation ta git it muthaforgetin right!

Does bustin a nut hurt?

Havin love do not probably hurt, though first time love may be a funky-ass bit uncomfortable fo' a biatch cuz her hymen (a thin layer of skin that partially covers tha entrizzle ta tha vajazzle) may be stretched and torn. Some hoes is born without a hymen n' some tear theirs when inserting tampons and durin shiznit fo' realz. A torn hymen may cause a lil bleedin yo, but it do not probably last long. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. love aint probably forgeted up fo' a man.

Da dopest way ta ensure pain free love is fo' both partners ta chillax n' take they time.

Afta tha straight-up original gangsta time, love should become mo' comfortable. Da vajazzle is straight-up stretchy n' will probably accommodate a pizzle (even a big-ass one) wit ease. But forget dat shizzle yo, tha word on tha street is dat a biatch may experience pain when bustin a nutual intercourse if her vajazzle do not produce enough natural lubrication. Extra vajazzlel fluidz is probably produced when a biatch becomes loveuizzlely buckwild ta allow tha pizzle ta enta tha vajazzle doggystyle. If a biatch is tense and rushin when her ass has love, her vajazzle may not become moist enough ta allow tha pizzle ta move up in n' up smoothly. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Stress can also cause tha musclez up in tha vajazzle ta involuntarily tense up, bustin entry hard as forget n' painful. Da dopest way ta ensure pain free love is fo' both partners ta chillax n' take they time.

Extra lubrication might also help, n' can be bought from nuff chemists n' some supamarkets. When rockin a cold-ass lil condom, it aint nuthin but straight-up blingin dat a water-based lubricant (like KY jelly) is used, as oil-based lubricants like Vaseline can cause tha condom ta disintegrate.

What 'counts' as losin yo' virginity?

Different gangstas have different opinions on this, n' some say there is different typez of virginity. But most gangstas generally smoke that if a playa and biatch has had penetratizzle love, dat is loveuizzle intercourse, then they is no longer a virgin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Find up mo' bout bustin a nut fo' tha first time.

Which posizzle is dopest fo' bustin a nut?

There is like a stuffload of different positions fo' loveuizzle intercourse. One of da most thugged-out common is tha missionary position, where a biatch lies on her back n' a playa lies on top of her muthaforgetin ass fo' realz. A playa n' biatch might also lie on they sides, tha biatch may sit on top of tha man, and her ass may kneel on all fours while tha playa putz his thugged-out lil' pizzle tha forget into her vajazzle from behind. Y'all KNOW dat stuff, muthaforgeta! If a cold-ass lil couple is up in a posizzle where tha biatchz clit-o-rizzay is not bein stimulated, they can do dis wit they fingers.

Can a biatch become pregnant even if she aint gotz loveuizzle intercourse?

Yes yes y'all. Pre-interject (pre-come), tha lubricatin fluid dat leaks up of a manz pizzle when he be straight loveuizzlely buckwild, can sometimes contain jizz. If pre-come and semen (come) git inside and around tha entrizzle ta the vajazzle, dis can lead ta pregnancy. loveuizzlely transmitted infections can also be passed on all up in pre-come n' semen.

Semen n' pre-come can be transferred ta tha vajazzle on fingers and love toys, so itz blingin ta make shizzle they're clean n' washed before they go anyway near a biatchz vajazzle.

What do love feel like?

Similar thangs happen ta most gangstasz bodies when they bust a nut - they git sensitizzle n' warm n' buckwild n' may have a orgazzle. Enjoying loveuizzle activitizzles wit another thug is possible whether you have an orgazzle and not. Not bein able ta have a orgazzle wit another person don't mean dat you don't fancy em and ludd them. Yo Crazy-Ass emotions might be different each time you gotz a loveuizzle experience, dependin on tha circumstizzlez yo. Havin love can be one of da most thugged-out intense and pleasurable physical n' cheezy-ass experiences a thug can have. But it won't always be wonderful.

How tha forget do you have a orgazzle?

When loveuizzle excitement buildz up n' reaches a peak a thug might experience a orgazzle, also called a cold-ass lil climax, and 'coming'. Da loveuizzle excitement might start from some muthaforgeta masturbatin on they own, or all up in kissing, masturbatin and bustin a nut wit another person.

loveuizzle excitement probably grows gradually n' a thug feels mo' and mo' pleasure n' a kind of excitin tension. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. All tha feelings of tension then disappear when tha orgazzle happens, n' tha person experiences feelingz of intense pleasure. Da feelin can be so strong dat a thug might not be able ta see, and hear and be thinkin bout anythang fo' a moment. They might even groan n' call up wit tha pleasure. Orgazzles probably last only a gangbangin' few secondz but tha feelings might last a lot longer.

When a playa has a orgazzle he interjects. This means dat jizz mixed wit semen comes up of tha end of his thugged-out lil' pizzle up in a sticky white fluid. Afta a playa has interjected he loses his wild lil' forgetin erection n' probably needz to quit fo' a while. When a biatch has a orgazzle, her vajazzle often becomes straight-up wet yo, but her ass can continue bein loveuizzlely aroused as long as she likes. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Some dem hoes can experience mo' than one orgazzle without stopping.

If a thug aint gotz a orgazzle, it don't mean anythang is wrong. In fact, worryin bout reachin a orgazzle and bein straight-up trippin is like likely ta make it hard fo' a thug ta chillax enough ta have one.

What tha forget iz dirty-ass doggin'?

Booty humpin (also known as brown town intercourse) is when a playa putz his thugged-out lil' pizzle tha forget into tha ass n' rectum of another playa and biatch.

Some gangstas might have strong objections, especially religious and moral objections ta dirty-ass doggin'. Others may feel uncomfortable bout tha idea of dirty-ass doggin' simply cuz itz not somethang they be thinkin they will find enjoyable and wanna try. For others however, brown town intercourse be a straight-up enjoyable way ta bust a nut.

If a cold-ass lil couple do decizzle ta have dirty-ass doggin', they should be thinkin about rockin a water-based lubricant, like KY Jelly, n' a phat quality condom.

Booty humpin is often portrayed as somethang dat only gay entrepreneur s do. This is not true. Many straight couplez engage up in dirty-ass doggin', while nuff gay men have never tried dat stuff.

Every Muthaforgeta wantin ta try dirty-ass doggin' should make shizzle dat they partner straight-up wantz ta do dat stuff. If one thug wantz ta try it but tha other don't, it aint nuthin but mo' betta ta stick ta other formz of love dat both partners enjoy.

If a cold-ass lil couple do decizzle ta have dirty-ass doggin', they should be thinkin bout rockin a water-based lubricant, like KY Jelly, n' a phat qualitizzle condom. They should also take it slowly. Da linin of tha rectum is delicate and easily damaged durin vigorous thrusting, particularly if tha receiving partna aint chillaxed.

There be a ghettofab misconception dat brown town intercourse between a biatch n' playa be a phat way ta avoid pregnancy. Booty humpin do carry a lower risk of pregnancy than vajazzlel love yo, but pregnancy can still occur if any semen leaks up of tha ass n' tha forget into tha vajazzle. Usin jimmy hatz be a mo' reliable way of preventin pregnancy, n' they will also protect against loveuizzlely transmitted infections.

How tha forget long do love last?

It dependz what tha forget you mean by love, muthaforgeta! Da time gangstas devote ta bustin loveuizzle thangs can last from a gangbangin' few minutes, ta nuff muthaforgetin hours, and even a whole day, muthaforgeta! Da actual act of loveuizzle intercourse will often last until a man has a orgazzle (interjects and comes), although therez not a god damn thang wrong wit stoppin before dis point.

A playa might find he comes straight-up quickly tha straight-up original gangsta time he has loveuizzle intercourse. Usually loveuizzle intercourse lastz longer as gangstas git more experienced n' know what tha forget ta expect. But wit a freshly smoked up partna it can take time fo' gangstas ta git used ta each other. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. love will probably be different every last muthaforgetin time - it dependz on how tha forget a cold-ass lil couple feel n' what tha forget they want.

Is love noisy?

Only if you want it ta be, muthaforgeta! Some gangstas do make noises when they have love. They might moan and groan wit pleasure and even cry like a hoe out. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Some gangstas rap ta each other. Others don't drop a rhyme and make any noises. But yo' body might make noises dat you can't help - squelchin and squishing. These might be embarrassin and funny yo, but they is perfectly normal.

How tha forget often do gangstas bust a nut?

loveuizzle appetite is entirely a matta of underground taste. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Some gangstas bust a nut once and twice a thugged-out dizzle n' others once a month. It probably varies fo' most gangstas dependin on whether they is up in a relationshizzle, how tha forget busy they is n' how tha forget they feel. Most gangstas be thinkin bout love far mo' often than they do dat stuff.

How tha forget do you have oral love?

Oral love is when one thug licks and sucks another personz pizzle and vajazzle. When oral love is done ta a playa it is sometimes called a funky-ass blow thang. When it aint nuthin but done ta a biatch it aint nuthin but sometimes called lickin out. If two gangstas have oral love wit each other at the same stupid-ass time it aint nuthin but sometimes called a 69 cuz of tha shape they bodies make fo' realz. A biatch cannot git pregnant from givin oral love ta a man, even if her ass swallows his jizz.

Oral love can be a straight-up intense n' intimate experience. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Some gangstas smoke up givin oral love and havin dat stuff. Other gangstas feel uncomfortable bout tha idea n' don't wanna do dat stuff. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Sometimes gangstas feel pressure ta have oral love when they don't want to. It be straight-up blingin ta think bout what tha forget tha other thug straight-up wantz if you wanna have oral love. Some loveuizzlely transmitted infections can be passed on all up in oral love. There is flavoured jimmy hatz available dat you can bust when havin oral love. These is ta quit any infections which might be passed on.

How tha forget do you mastabizzle?

A biatch probably mastabizzlez by rubbing, strokin and squeezin her clit-o-rizzay. Da clit-o-rizzay is da most thugged-out sensitizzle loveuizzle part of a biatch. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthaforgetin ass. Biatch might also touch her breastz and other sensitizzle areaz of her body fo' realz. A playa probably mastabizzlez by stroking, rubbin and 'pumping' his thugged-out lil' pizzle, n' may concentrate particularly on tha tip, which is da most thugged-out sensitizzle part. Mastabizzlin is sometimes referred ta as playin wit yo ass, or, especially with men, jerkin off, a hand thang, and wanking.

There is no physical reason why you should and shouldn't mastabizzle. It be not true dat yo dirty ass is gonna go blind if you mastabizzle, and dat you will become weak and lose yo' game.

Muthaforgetas don't necessarily begin masturbatin when they reach puberty. Some gangstas hardly ever mastabizzle, n' others mastabizzle a lot. It varies accordin ta how tha forget a thug feels. Many gangstas mastabizzle even when they is up in a relationshizzle wit some muthaforgeta. Mastabizzlin can last as long as you want yo, but generally gangstas mastabizzle fo' between a gangbangin' few minutes n' half a hour.

There is no physical reason why you should and shouldn't mastabizzle. It aint true dat yo dirty ass is gonna go blind if you mastabizzle, and dat you will become weak and lose yo' game. It be not possible ta mastabizzle too much, though you should quit if you start ta make yo ass feel sore. Some gangstas be thinkin dat if a playa don't mastabizzle his cold-ass testes will fill up wit jizz. This aint true; tha jizz is just absorbed tha forget into his body. It be also not true dat dem hoes whoz ass be thinkin bout love and mastabizzle is 'easy as forget '.

Off Topic / Does anyone remember this forum mystery game?
« on: November 02, 2013, 01:50:42 PM »
I can't distinctly remember what it was about, but there was this forum game where the OP posts a picture of everyone online, and people had to guess who the criminal or murderer was or something.

Does anyone have a link to that thread/know what I'm talking about?

Off Topic / Let's discuss American Football, shall we?
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:11:24 PM »

k so why the hell are the chiefs 8-0

Anyways discuss anything currently NFL related here.

Off Topic / Post your phone screens guys
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:11:49 PM »
I honestly don't know how I should set up my phone as I always can't stop changing it.

Anyways here's mine:


Off Topic / Most badass domino I've ever seen.
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:36:46 PM »

Holy crap that was awesome (imo)

EDIT: Actually it's fake, but still, cool to watch.

It's basically this (sort of) mainstream EDM song. The only part I distinctly remember is the build-up.

The build up is like this guitar/ukulele (or some string instrument sounding thing) that plays a melody.

The melody is really tropical sounding sort of, and it's a very happy tone.


Sorry but those are like the only things I can describe :/ idk if you guys can help me out but thanks anyways

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