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Topics - TrueSniper13

Pages: [1]
Help / My BLID Is not being reconized in joining servers and RTB
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:14:58 PM »
Starting today, getting on Blockland, RTB uninstalled itself and the key had to be retyped. All addons were there. I tried joining a friends server after installing RTB again, it said your ID is not reconized on both, RTB and joining a server.I was logged in though. I do not know if it was revoked or what. If it was, I don't know what I did. If you can help me, thank you.

Gallery / "Random Blockheads" {VIDEO}
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:15:16 PM »
Ok guys please don't go hard on me its my first youtube video.

Rate X/10

Off Topic / Happy Fourth of July!
« on: July 04, 2011, 11:32:36 AM »
I hope ya have a great 4th of July.

General Discussion / Addons i will try to make
« on: July 02, 2011, 02:30:12 PM »
I might make a few addons, so if you want to help me put it in the coment section. I have my brother to help me with some things. I will use his computer sence it is made for this stuff. I still need some help. Here are 2 addons i am going to make.
      My custom chopper(I will make a script just for it, no magic carpet skript)
      Halo 3 Scarab(I have the design)

   I hope some of you would help and like these addons.

Oh, and by the way these are going to be later on. They are ideas. I am going to start off small. Like guns.

General Discussion / TrueSniper13's Server
« on: July 02, 2011, 12:08:11 PM »
My server has different things alot of a time.
There could be a simple free build to DM.
I have millions of different themes

Here are a few of my favs.
Bot Arena
FreeBuild(Not only building)
Dragracing/Racing/FreeBuild (This 1 is more popular)


Please do not spam alot.
When Ion Cannons are out they are for Super Admin only. (Reason is because they crash your game. Idk why
I use it. It is neat.)
Respect other people or I will kick you. (Worse is 1 hour ban.

Note: I joke around alot. Don't take me seriously. Okay? Also don't mess with me.
I hope you would have a wonderful time in my server!

I am going to have a huge server coming soon.

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