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Topics - Zor

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Blockmnn
« on: May 13, 2013, 06:51:42 PM »

Modification Help / Pressing Shift in a Vehicle
« on: October 26, 2008, 03:34:16 PM »
Is there a way to detect a person pressing shift while in a vehicle server-side? Seems like ::onTrigger is only called when space is pressed.

Gallery / Rock Band Drums
« on: March 10, 2008, 09:11:17 PM »

Rock Band Drums

I made this.

Click on the images for larger versions:

Modification Help / AutoPrinter
« on: February 18, 2008, 06:25:43 PM »
This is just a script I whipped up a while ago. It makes it so when you place print bricks, they automatically take on the last print you made on an identical brick. This makes it easy to make tile floors and stuff. It's not really an add-on, but I thought it might be useful.

Gallery / Blockland's Largest Jeep Loop
« on: November 10, 2007, 04:43:52 PM »
Ever since the beginning of time (well, since the retail Blockland closed beta, anyway), blokos everywhere have all dreamt of one feat: successfully driving a Jeep through a 360° loop. While this goal has without a doubt been fullfilled countless times in Blockland history, it has never been done on such an enormous scale as this. Zor and Mr Smash proudly present to you "Blockland's Largest Jeep Loop".

The ramp starts on the roof of the bedroom and continues down until it is almost touching the ground before it forms a loop that measures a full 212 bricks from top to bottom! The circled portion in the above image is, in fact, a Jeep! In the following video, Mr Smash demonstrates the loop in action. He successfully completed it multiple times during filming! Sorry that the jeep is kinda hard to see since it's dark red.

Now, watch the video!

Modification Help / [SCRIPT] Finding Adjacent Bricks
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:22:19 PM »
I don't think there is a built-in way to do this, so i wrote a function that returns all of the bricks that are adjacent (touching) a certain brick. I made it so that my fire mod can spread fire to bricks more accurately. Basically what you do is put something like this in your script:
Code: [Select]
%adjacentBricks=findAdjacentBricks(%obj); where %obj is the id of a brick, and then %adjacentBricks will store a string where each word will be an ID of a brick that is touching the brick %obj. You could cycle through the string like this:
Code: [Select]
//%brick is now a brick adjacent to the original brick.
//do what you want to it here.

The attached file includes the function findAdjacentBricks(). I haven't found any issues with it, but if you find any please post them here! I hope this is helpful!

Gallery / Bedroom
« on: August 25, 2007, 01:25:06 AM »
      The Bedroom

The premise of this build was to take the Bedroom map and remake it in Slate out of bricks. The build was made the exact same size as the bedroom without using any custom bricks. The brick count is 33,669 bricks and it took me approximately 12 hours over the course of 4 days to complete. The secrets in the bed and dresser are completely intact, however there is no exterior :/. I have included the save file so anyone can see it for themselves in person. This is by far the largest build I have ever completed. Rate or don't, see if i care.

Download the Save File[/color][/size]

A few more pics:

Modification Help / Pressing Message Box Buttons
« on: July 30, 2007, 01:04:55 AM »
i was just wondering how to detect serverside if and when a client hits "Ok" "Cancel" "Yes" or "No" in a message box gui? >.>

Gallery / In Soviet Russia, Pool Closes you!
« on: July 24, 2007, 06:18:16 AM »
apparently not, because when i went in to the ussr server, i found the most DISTURBING thing.

the pool was open.

WTFWTFWTF what to do what to do i tried not to panic but omfg ppl could get AIDS for god's sake!

well, being the clever lass that i am, i thought up a safe and simple way to close the pool. now USSR primary is safe for (almost) all races to enjoy! harruh!

also carzo <3 how come you never play any more

also store eat a richard

Modification Help / Coloring a Mounted Object
« on: July 13, 2007, 12:46:19 AM »
i made a flashlight model, and i want to make it the color of the player's current spray can when they equip it. i know how to get the color, but im not sure how to change the color of a mounted object. help plz?

also, the model's texture is blank.png, did i do that part right?

Music / Aphex Twin Track
« on: May 02, 2007, 07:05:08 PM »
ok so i made this aphex twin track for my server and i thought id upload it here. its a (good) loop of the song "Mt. Saint Michel Mix/St. Michaels Mount" from disc one of Drukqs. rdj is god.

General Discussion / After School Special...
« on: March 26, 2007, 09:03:05 PM »
...sounds aMAAAzing on every timescale except 1. just thought you should know.

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